const { expect } = require("chai") const { ethers } = require("hardhat") const { hashRequest, hashBid, sign } = require("./marketplace") const { examples } = require("./examples") describe("Contracts", function () { const { duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, price, nonce, bidExpiry } = examples() let client, host let contracts let requestHash, bidHash let id beforeEach(async function () { [client, host] = await ethers.getSigners() let Contracts = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestContracts") contracts = await Contracts.deploy() requestHash = hashRequest( duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce ) bidHash = hashBid(requestHash, bidExpiry, price) id = bidHash }) it("creates a new storage contract", async function () { await contracts.newContract( duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce, price, await host.getAddress(), bidExpiry, await sign(client, requestHash), await sign(host, bidHash) ) expect(await contracts.duration(id)).to.equal(duration) expect(await contracts.size(id)).to.equal(size) expect(await contracts.contentHash(id)).to.equal(contentHash) expect(await contracts.price(id)).to.equal(price) expect(await host.getAddress()) }) it("does not allow reuse of contract ids", async function () { await contracts.newContract( duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce, price, await host.getAddress(), bidExpiry, await sign(client, requestHash), await sign(host, bidHash) ) await expect(contracts.newContract( duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce, price, await host.getAddress(), bidExpiry, await sign(client, requestHash), await sign(host, bidHash) ))"A contract with this id already exists") }) it("cannot be created when client signature is invalid", async function () { let invalidHash = hashRequest( duration + 1, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce ) let invalidSignature = await sign(client, invalidHash) await expect(contracts.newContract( duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce, price, await host.getAddress(), bidExpiry, invalidSignature, await sign(host, bidHash) ))"Invalid signature") }) it("cannot be created when host signature is invalid", async function () { let invalidBid = hashBid(requestHash, bidExpiry, price - 1) let invalidSignature = await sign(host, invalidBid) await expect(contracts.newContract( duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce, price, await host.getAddress(), bidExpiry, await sign(client, requestHash), invalidSignature ))"Invalid signature") }) it("cannot be created when bid has expired", async function () { let expired = Math.round( / 1000) - 60 // 1 minute ago let bidHash = hashBid(requestHash, expired, price) await expect(contracts.newContract( duration, size, contentHash, proofPeriod, proofTimeout, nonce, price, await host.getAddress(), expired, await sign(client, requestHash), await sign(host, bidHash), ))"Bid expired") }) })