chore(certora): add invariant that proofs cant be missing when in period

This invariant verifies that any given proof cannot be marked as missing
if the slot period has not passed yet.
This commit is contained in:
r4bbit 2024-08-09 13:05:56 +02:00
parent e04f8ae909
commit 1d36256230
2 changed files with 32 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -14,5 +14,9 @@ contract MarketplaceHarness is Marketplace {
function requestContext(RequestId requestId) public returns (Marketplace.RequestContext memory) {
return _requestContexts[requestId];
function publicPeriodEnd(Period period) public view returns (uint256) {
return _periodEnd(period);

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using ERC20A as Token;
methods {
function Token.balanceOf(address) external returns (uint256) envfree;
function Token.totalSupply() external returns (uint256) envfree;
function publicPeriodEnd(Periods.Period) external returns (uint256) envfree;
@ -41,6 +42,27 @@ hook Sstore currentContract._marketplaceTotals.sent uint256 defaultValue (uint25
totalSent = totalSent + defaultValue - defaultValue_old;
ghost uint256 lastBlockTimestampGhost;
hook TIMESTAMP uint v {
require lastBlockTimestampGhost <= v;
lastBlockTimestampGhost = v;
ghost mapping(MarketplaceHarness.SlotId => mapping(Periods.Period => bool)) _missingMirror {
init_state axiom forall MarketplaceHarness.SlotId a.
forall Periods.Period b.
_missingMirror[a][b] == false;
hook Sload bool defaultValue _missing[KEY MarketplaceHarness.SlotId slotId][KEY Periods.Period period] {
require _missingMirror[slotId][period] == defaultValue;
hook Sstore _missing[KEY MarketplaceHarness.SlotId slotId][KEY Periods.Period period] bool defaultValue {
_missingMirror[slotId][period] = defaultValue;
| Helper functions |
@ -72,6 +94,12 @@ invariant totalSupplyIsSumOfBalances()
invariant requestStartedWhenSlotsFilled(env e, Marketplace.RequestId requestId, Marketplace.SlotId slotId)
to_mathint(currentContract.requestContext(e, requestId).slotsFilled) == to_mathint(currentContract.getRequest(e, requestId).ask.slots) => currentContract.requestState(e, requestId) == Marketplace.RequestState.Started;
// STATUS - verified
// can set missing if period was passed
invariant cantBeMissedIfInPeriod(MarketplaceHarness.SlotId slotId, Periods.Period period)
lastBlockTimestampGhost <= publicPeriodEnd(period) => !_missingMirror[slotId][period];
| Properties |