2017-05-01 22:15:02 +08:00
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< title > Status | The Mobile Ethereum Client< / title >
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2017-05-01 22:15:02 +08:00
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2017-05-01 22:15:02 +08:00
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2017-11-10 15:53:16 -06:00
2017-05-01 22:15:02 +08:00
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< h2 class = "page__title" > Request for modified LGPL 3.0 License.< / h2 >
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< p > One of Apple's criteria for accepting a program is whether or not it makes calls to unsupported Apple API's. By requiring static linking, they can prove that the software does not make such calls.< / p >
< p > Unfortunately this introduces an incompatibility with the < a style = "text-decoration: none;" href = "https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum#license" > go-ethereum LGPLv3 license< / a > . We request a modified LGPLv3 license that will < strong > allow static linking< / strong > . Which will enable us to submit our application, Status - a mobile dapp browser, to the App Store and in return we will open source our entire client.< / p >
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2017-11-10 15:53:16 -06:00
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2017-08-21 16:55:38 -05:00
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2017-11-10 15:53:16 -06:00
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2017-05-01 22:15:02 +08:00
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2017-08-21 16:55:38 -05:00
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2017-08-21 16:55:38 -05:00
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2017-11-10 15:53:16 -06:00
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