Frank Hamand 1f47702c22 Update django rest framework and other requirements
There are a few requirement patch version bumps that we should keep up
with. Also a major djangorestframework that will allow us to add their
new interactive API docs feature.
2017-03-29 12:23:51 +01:00

28 lines
479 B

url = ""
verify_ssl = true
amqp = ">=2.1.4"
celery = ">=4,<5"
djangorestframework = "*"
django-jsonify = "*"
django-filter = "*"
django-auth-ldap = "*"
anyjson = "*"
dj-database-url = "*"
freezegun = "*"
gevent = "*"
gunicorn = "*"
icalendar = "*"
psycopg2 = "*"
python-dateutil = "*"
pytz = "*"
redis = "*"
requests = "*"
twilio = "*"
whitenoise = "*"
Django = ">=1.10,<1.11"
django_polymorphic = "*"
django_compressor = "*"