from fabric.api import * from fabric.contrib.files import * from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project from subprocess import check_output env.use_ssh_config = True env.user = 'ubuntu' ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) HOME_DIR = '/home/ubuntu' DEPLOY_PATH = '%s/cabot' % HOME_DIR LOG_DIR = '/var/log/cabot/' VENV_DIR = '%s/venv' % HOME_DIR BACKUP_DIR = '/tmp/' PG_DATABASE = 'index' PG_USERNAME = 'cabot' PG_PASSWORD = 'cabot' # You should probably change this def _ensure_dirs(): dirs = [LOG_DIR] for d in dirs: sudo('mkdir -p {d}'.format(d=d)) sudo('chmod -R 777 {d}'.format(d=d)) def _setup_venv(): with settings(warn_only=True): if sudo('test -d %s' % VENV_DIR).failed: sudo('virtualenv %s' % VENV_DIR) def install_requirements(deploy_path=DEPLOY_PATH): with cd(deploy_path): with prefix("source {venv}/bin/activate".format(venv=VENV_DIR)): sudo( "{venv}/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt --exists-action=w".format(venv=VENV_DIR)) def run_migrations(deploy_path=DEPLOY_PATH): with cd(deploy_path): with prefix("source {venv}/bin/activate".format(venv=VENV_DIR)): sudo( "foreman run python syncdb -e conf/{env}.env".format(env=env.deploy_version)) sudo( "foreman run python migrate cabotapp --noinput -e conf/{env}.env".format(env=env.deploy_version)) # Wrap in failure for legacy reasons with settings(warn_only=True): sudo( "foreman run python migrate djcelery --noinput -e conf/{env}.env".format(env=env.deploy_version)) def collect_static(deploy_path=DEPLOY_PATH): with cd(deploy_path): with prefix("source {venv}/bin/activate".format(venv=VENV_DIR)): sudo( "foreman run python collectstatic --noinput -e conf/{env}.env".format(env=env.deploy_version)) sudo( "foreman run python compress -e conf/{env}.env".format(env=env.deploy_version)) def setup_upstart(deploy_path=DEPLOY_PATH): with cd(deploy_path): # Point at master (i.e. symlinked) path procfile = os.path.join(DEPLOY_PATH, 'Procfile') env_file = os.path.join(DEPLOY_PATH, 'conf', '%s.env' % env.deploy_version) template_file = os.path.join(DEPLOY_PATH, 'upstart') sudo('foreman export upstart /etc/init -f {conf} -e {env} -u ubuntu -a cabot -t {tmplt}'.format( conf=procfile, env=env_file, tmplt=template_file)) def production(): """ Select production instance(s) """ env.hosts = [''] def restart(): with settings(warn_only=True): if sudo('restart cabot').failed: sudo('start cabot') def stop(): with settings(warn_only=True): sudo('stop cabot') def provision(): """ Provision a clean Ubuntu 12.04 instance with dependencies """ with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/')) as f: local_ssh_key ='\n') put('bin/', '/tmp/') sudo('LOCAL_SSH_KEY="%s" bash /tmp/' % local_ssh_key) # Clean up run('rm /tmp/') def deploy(deploy_version=None): """ Deploy a new version of code to production or test server. Push code to remote server, install requirements, apply migrations, collect and compress static assets, export foreman to upstart, restart service """ # TODO: replace this with # - zip up working directory # - upload and unzip into DEPLOY_PATH env.deploy_version = deploy_version or 'production' dirname = check_output( ["echo \"$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')-$(git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1)\""], shell=True).strip('\n ') deploy_path = os.path.join(HOME_DIR, dirname) run('mkdir -p {}'.format(deploy_path)) print 'Uploading project to %s' % deploy_path rsync_project( remote_dir=deploy_path, local_dir='./', exclude=['.git', 'backups', 'venv', 'static/CACHE', '.vagrant', '*.pyc', 'dev.db'], ) with cd(deploy_path): _ensure_dirs() _setup_venv() create_database() install_requirements(deploy_path) run_migrations(deploy_path) collect_static(deploy_path) # This may cause a bit of downtime run('ln -sfn {new} {current}'.format( new=deploy_path, current=DEPLOY_PATH )) setup_upstart(deploy_path) restart() print "Done!" def backup(): """ Back up database locally TODO: send backups to s3 """ backup_file = 'outfile.sql.gz' with cd(BACKUP_DIR): run('PGPASSWORD=cabot pg_dump -U cabot index | gzip > {}'.format(backup_file)) get(backup_file, 'backups/%(basename)s') def create_database(): """Creates role and database""" with settings(warn_only=True): sudo( 'psql -c "CREATE USER %s WITH NOCREATEDB NOCREATEUSER ENCRYPTED PASSWORD E\'%s\'"' % (PG_USERNAME, PG_PASSWORD), user='postgres') sudo('psql -c "CREATE DATABASE %s WITH OWNER %s"' % (PG_DATABASE, PG_USERNAME), user='postgres') @parallel def logs(): """ Tail logfiles """ sudo('tail -f {logdir}* /var/log/nginx/*.log'.format(logdir=LOG_DIR))