from django.db import models from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from polymorphic import PolymorphicModel from django.db.models import F from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.contrib.admin.models import User from jenkins import get_job_status from .alert_service import send_alert as service_send_alert from .alert_instance import send_alert as instance_send_alert from .calendar import get_events from .graphite import parse_metric from .tasks import update_service, update_instance from datetime import datetime, timedelta from django.utils import timezone import json import re import time import os import subprocess import requests from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger RAW_DATA_LIMIT = 5000 logger = get_task_logger(__name__) CHECK_TYPES = ( ('>', 'Greater than'), ('>=', 'Greater than or equal'), ('<', 'Less than'), ('<=', 'Less than or equal'), ('==', 'Equal to'), ) def serialize_recent_results(recent_results): if not recent_results: return '' def result_to_value(result): if result.succeeded: return '1' else: return '-1' vals = [result_to_value(r) for r in recent_results] vals.reverse() return ','.join(vals) def calculate_debounced_passing(recent_results, debounce=0): """ `debounce` is the number of previous failures we need (not including this) to mark a search as passing or failing Returns: True if passing given debounce factor False if failing """ if not recent_results: return True debounce_window = recent_results[:debounce + 1] for r in debounce_window: if r.succeeded: return True return False class CheckGroupMixin(models.Model): class Meta: abstract = True PASSING_STATUS = 'PASSING' WARNING_STATUS = 'WARNING' ERROR_STATUS = 'ERROR' CRITICAL_STATUS = 'CRITICAL' CALCULATED_PASSING_STATUS = 'passing' CALCULATED_INTERMITTENT_STATUS = 'intermittent' CALCULATED_FAILING_STATUS = 'failing' STATUSES = ( (CALCULATED_PASSING_STATUS, CALCULATED_PASSING_STATUS), (CALCULATED_INTERMITTENT_STATUS, CALCULATED_INTERMITTENT_STATUS), (CALCULATED_FAILING_STATUS, CALCULATED_FAILING_STATUS), ) IMPORTANCES = ( (WARNING_STATUS, 'Warning'), (ERROR_STATUS, 'Error'), (CRITICAL_STATUS, 'Critical'), ) name = models.TextField() users_to_notify = models.ManyToManyField( User, blank=True, help_text='Users who should receive alerts.', ) status_checks = models.ManyToManyField( 'StatusCheck', blank=True, help_text='Checks used to calculate service status.', ) last_alert_sent = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, ) email_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) hipchat_alert = models.BooleanField(default=True) sms_alert = models.BooleanField(default=False) telephone_alert = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Must be enabled, and check importance set to Critical, to receive telephone alerts.', ) alerts_enabled = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Alert when this service is not healthy.', ) overall_status = models.TextField(default=PASSING_STATUS) old_overall_status = models.TextField(default=PASSING_STATUS) hackpad_id = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name='Recovery instructions', help_text='Gist, Hackpad or Refheap js embed with recovery instructions e.g.' ) def __unicode__(self): return def most_severe(self, check_list): failures = [c.importance for c in check_list] if self.CRITICAL_STATUS in failures: return self.CRITICAL_STATUS if self.ERROR_STATUS in failures: return self.ERROR_STATUS if self.WARNING_STATUS in failures: return self.WARNING_STATUS return self.PASSING_STATUS @property def is_critical(self): """ Break out separately because it's a bit of a pain to get wrong. """ if self.old_overall_status != self.CRITICAL_STATUS and self.overall_status == self.CRITICAL_STATUS: return True return False def alert(self): if not self.alerts_enabled: return if self.overall_status != self.PASSING_STATUS: # Don't alert every time if self.overall_status == self.WARNING_STATUS: if self.last_alert_sent and ( - timedelta(minutes=settings.NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL)) < self.last_alert_sent: return elif self.overall_status in (self.CRITICAL_STATUS, self.ERROR_STATUS): if self.last_alert_sent and ( - timedelta(minutes=settings.ALERT_INTERVAL)) < self.last_alert_sent: return self.last_alert_sent = else: # We don't count "back to normal" as an alert self.last_alert_sent = None self.snapshot.did_send_alert = True # send_alert needs to be called separately from the instance and the service @property def recent_snapshots(self): snapshots = self.snapshots.filter( time__gt=( - timedelta(minutes=60 * 24))) snapshots = list(snapshots.values()) for s in snapshots: s['time'] = time.mktime(s['time'].timetuple()) return snapshots def graphite_status_checks(self): return self.status_checks.filter(polymorphic_ctype__model='graphitestatuscheck') def http_status_checks(self): return self.status_checks.filter(polymorphic_ctype__model='httpstatuscheck') def jenkins_status_checks(self): return self.status_checks.filter(polymorphic_ctype__model='jenkinsstatuscheck') def active_graphite_status_checks(self): return self.graphite_status_checks().filter(active=True) def active_http_status_checks(self): return self.http_status_checks().filter(active=True) def active_jenkins_status_checks(self): return self.jenkins_status_checks().filter(active=True) def active_status_checks(self): return self.status_checks.filter(active=True) def inactive_status_checks(self): return self.status_checks.filter(active=False) def all_passing_checks(self): return self.active_status_checks().filter(calculated_status=self.CALCULATED_PASSING_STATUS) def all_failing_checks(self): return self.active_status_checks().exclude(calculated_status=self.CALCULATED_PASSING_STATUS) class Service(CheckGroupMixin): def update_status(self): self.old_overall_status = self.overall_status # Only active checks feed into our calculation status_checks_failed_count = self.all_failing_checks().count() self.overall_status = self.most_severe(self.all_failing_checks()) self.snapshot = ServiceStatusSnapshot( service=self, num_checks_active=self.active_status_checks().count(), num_checks_passing=self.active_status_checks( ).count() - status_checks_failed_count, num_checks_failing=status_checks_failed_count, overall_status=self.overall_status,, ) if not (self.overall_status == Service.PASSING_STATUS and self.old_overall_status == Service.PASSING_STATUS): self.alert() instances = models.ManyToManyField( 'Instance', blank=True, help_text='Instances this service is running on.', ) def alert(self): ret = super(Service, self).alert(*args, **kwargs) service_send_alert(self, duty_officers=get_duty_officers()) return ret url = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="URL of service." ) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] class Instance(CheckGroupMixin): def update_status(self): self.old_overall_status = self.overall_status # Only active checks feed into our calculation status_checks_failed_count = self.all_failing_checks().count() self.overall_status = self.most_severe(self.all_failing_checks()) self.snapshot = InstanceStatusSnapshot( instance=self, num_checks_active=self.active_status_checks().count(), num_checks_passing=self.active_status_checks( ).count() - status_checks_failed_count, num_checks_failing=status_checks_failed_count, overall_status=self.overall_status,, ) if not (self.overall_status == Service.PASSING_STATUS and self.old_overall_status == Service.PASSING_STATUS): self.alert() class Meta: ordering = ['name'] address = models.TextField( blank=True, help_text="Address (IP/Hostname) of service." ) def alert(self): ret = super(Instance, self).alert(*args, **kwargs) instance_send_alert(self, duty_officers=get_duty_officers()) return ret def icmp_status_checks(self): return self.status_checks.filter(polymorphic_ctype__model='icmpstatuscheck') def active_icmp_status_checks(self): return self.icmp_status_checks().filter(active=True) class ServiceStatusSnapshot(models.Model): service = models.ForeignKey(Service, related_name='snapshots') time = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True) num_checks_active = models.IntegerField(default=0) num_checks_passing = models.IntegerField(default=0) num_checks_failing = models.IntegerField(default=0) overall_status = models.TextField(default=Service.PASSING_STATUS) did_send_alert = models.IntegerField(default=False) def __unicode__(self): return u"%s: %s" % (, self.overall_status) class InstanceStatusSnapshot(models.Model): instance = models.ForeignKey(Instance, related_name='snapshots') time = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True) num_checks_active = models.IntegerField(default=0) num_checks_passing = models.IntegerField(default=0) num_checks_failing = models.IntegerField(default=0) overall_status = models.TextField(default=Service.PASSING_STATUS) did_send_alert = models.IntegerField(default=False) def __unicode__(self): return u"%s: %s" % (, self.overall_status) class StatusCheck(PolymorphicModel): """ Base class for polymorphic models. We're going to use proxy models for inheriting because it makes life much simpler, but this allows us to stick different methods etc on subclasses. You can work out what (sub)class a model is an instance of by accessing `instance.polymorphic_ctype.model` We are using django-polymorphic for polymorphism """ # Common attributes to all name = models.TextField() active = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='If not active, check will not be used to calculate service status and will not trigger alerts.', ) importance = models.CharField( max_length=30, choices=Service.IMPORTANCES, default=Service.ERROR_STATUS, help_text='Severity level of a failure. Critical alerts are for failures you want to wake you up at 2am, Errors are things you can sleep through but need to fix in the morning, and warnings for less important things.' ) frequency = models.IntegerField( default=5, help_text='Minutes between each check.', ) debounce = models.IntegerField( default=0, null=True, help_text='Number of successive failures permitted before check will be marked as failed. Default is 0, i.e. fail on first failure.' ) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True) calculated_status = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=Service.STATUSES, default=Service.CALCULATED_PASSING_STATUS, blank=True) last_run = models.DateTimeField(null=True) cached_health = models.TextField(editable=False, null=True) # Graphite checks metric = models.TextField( null=True, help_text=' of the Graphite metric you want to watch. This can be any valid Graphite expression, including wildcards, multiple hosts, etc.', ) check_type = models.CharField( choices=CHECK_TYPES, max_length=100, null=True, ) value = models.TextField( null=True, help_text='If this expression evaluates to true, the check will fail (possibly triggering an alert).', ) expected_num_hosts = models.IntegerField( default=0, null=True, help_text='The minimum number of data series (hosts) you expect to see.', ) # HTTP checks endpoint = models.TextField( null=True, help_text='HTTP(S) endpoint to poll.', ) username = models.TextField( blank=True, null=True, help_text='Basic auth username.', ) password = models.TextField( blank=True, null=True, help_text='Basic auth password.', ) text_match = models.TextField( blank=True, null=True, help_text='Regex to match against source of page.', ) status_code = models.TextField( default=200, null=True, help_text='Status code expected from endpoint.' ) timeout = models.IntegerField( default=30, null=True, help_text='Time out after this many seconds.', ) verify_ssl_certificate = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Set to false to allow not try to verify ssl certificates (default True)', ) # Jenkins checks max_queued_build_time = models.IntegerField( null=True, blank=True, help_text='Alert if build queued for more than this many minutes.', ) class Meta(PolymorphicModel.Meta): ordering = ['name'] def __unicode__(self): return def recent_results(self): return self.statuscheckresult_set.all().order_by('-time_complete').defer('raw_data')[:10] def last_result(self): try: return self.recent_results()[0] except: return None def run(self): start = try: result = self._run() except Exception as e: result = StatusCheckResult(check=self) result.error = u'Error in performing check: %s' % (e,) if result.error.startswith("Error in performing check: get() returned more than one Instance"): first_instance = self.instance_set.all().order_by('id')[0] self.instance_set = [first_instance] first_instance_link = '' % reverse('instance', kwargs={'pk':}) + + "" result.error = "Error: This type of check can only be attached to one instance. All instances, apart from the oldest one (%s), have been detached from this check. The check will run normally next time." % first_instance_link result.succeeded = False finish = result.time = start result.time_complete = finish self.last_run = finish def _run(self): """ Implement on subclasses. Should return a `CheckResult` instance. """ raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses should implement') def save(self, *args, **kwargs): recent_results = self.recent_results() if calculate_debounced_passing(recent_results, self.debounce): self.calculated_status = Service.CALCULATED_PASSING_STATUS else: self.calculated_status = Service.CALCULATED_FAILING_STATUS self.cached_health = serialize_recent_results(recent_results) ret = super(StatusCheck, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # Update linked services self.update_related_services() self.update_related_instances() return ret def update_related_services(self): services = self.service_set.all() for service in services: update_service.delay( def update_related_instances(self): instances = self.instance_set.all() for instance in instances: update_service.delay( class ICMPStatusCheck(StatusCheck): class Meta(StatusCheck.Meta): proxy = True @property def check_category(self): return "ICMP/Ping Check" def _run(self): result = StatusCheckResult(check=self) instances = self.instance_set.all() target = self.instance_set.get().address #We need to read both STDOUT and STDERR because ping can write to both, depending on the kind of error. Thanks a lot, ping. ping_process = subprocess.Popen("ping -c 1 " + target, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) response = ping_process.wait() if response == 0: result.succeeded = True else: output = result.succeeded = False result.error = output return result class GraphiteStatusCheck(StatusCheck): class Meta(StatusCheck.Meta): proxy = True @property def check_category(self): return "Metric check" def format_error_message(self, failure_value, actual_hosts): """ A summary of why the check is failing for inclusion in hipchat, sms etc Returns something like: "5.0 > 4 | 1/2 hosts" """ hosts_string = u'' if self.expected_num_hosts > 0: hosts_string = u' | %s/%s hosts' % (actual_hosts, self.expected_num_hosts) if self.expected_num_hosts > actual_hosts: return u'Hosts missing%s' % hosts_string if failure_value is None: return "Failed to get metric from Graphite" return u"%0.1f %s %0.1f%s" % ( failure_value, self.check_type, float(self.value), hosts_string ) def _run(self): series = parse_metric(self.metric, mins_to_check=self.frequency) failure_value = None if series['error']: failed = True else: failed = None result = StatusCheckResult( check=self, ) if series['num_series_with_data'] > 0: result.average_value = series['average_value'] if self.check_type == '<': failed = float(series['min']) < float(self.value) if failed: failure_value = series['min'] elif self.check_type == '<=': failed = float(series['min']) <= float(self.value) if failed: failure_value = series['min'] elif self.check_type == '>': failed = float(series['max']) > float(self.value) if failed: failure_value = series['max'] elif self.check_type == '>=': failed = float(series['max']) >= float(self.value) if failed: failure_value = series['max'] elif self.check_type == '==': failed = float(self.value) in series['all_values'] if failed: failure_value = float(self.value) else: raise Exception(u'Check type %s not supported' % self.check_type) if series['num_series_with_data'] < self.expected_num_hosts: failed = True try: result.raw_data = json.dumps(series['raw']) except: result.raw_data = series['raw'] result.succeeded = not failed if not result.succeeded: result.error = self.format_error_message( failure_value, series['num_series_with_data'], ) result.actual_hosts = series['num_series_with_data'] result.failure_value = failure_value return result class HttpStatusCheck(StatusCheck): class Meta(StatusCheck.Meta): proxy = True @property def check_category(self): return "HTTP check" def _run(self): result = StatusCheckResult(check=self) auth = (self.username, self.password) try: if self.username or self.password: resp = requests.get( self.endpoint, timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.verify_ssl_certificate, auth=auth ) else: resp = requests.get( self.endpoint, timeout=self.timeout, verify=self.verify_ssl_certificate, ) except requests.RequestException as e: result.error = u'Request error occurred: %s' % (e,) result.succeeded = False else: if self.status_code and resp.status_code != int(self.status_code): result.error = u'Wrong code: got %s (expected %s)' % ( resp.status_code, int(self.status_code)) result.succeeded = False result.raw_data = resp.content elif self.text_match: if not, resp.content): result.error = u'Failed to find match regex /%s/ in response body' % self.text_match result.raw_data = resp.content result.succeeded = False else: result.succeeded = True else: result.succeeded = True return result class JenkinsStatusCheck(StatusCheck): class Meta(StatusCheck.Meta): proxy = True @property def check_category(self): return "Jenkins check" @property def failing_short_status(self): return 'Job failing on Jenkins' def _run(self): result = StatusCheckResult(check=self) try: status = get_job_status( active = status['active'] if status['status_code'] == 404: result.error = u'Job %s not found on Jenkins' % result.succeeded = False return result elif status['status_code'] > 400: # Will fall through to next block raise Exception(u'returned %s' % status['status_code']) except Exception as e: # If something else goes wrong, we will *not* fail - otherwise # a lot of services seem to fail all at once. # Ugly to do it here but... result.error = u'Error fetching from Jenkins - %s' % e result.succeeded = True return result if not active: # We will fail if the job has been disabled result.error = u'Job "%s" disabled on Jenkins' % result.succeeded = False else: if self.max_queued_build_time and status['blocked_build_time']: if status['blocked_build_time'] > self.max_queued_build_time * 60: result.succeeded = False result.error = u'Job "%s" has blocked build waiting for %ss (> %sm)' % (, int(status['blocked_build_time']), self.max_queued_build_time, ) else: result.succeeded = status['succeeded'] else: result.succeeded = status['succeeded'] if not status['succeeded']: if result.error: result.error += u'; Job "%s" failing on Jenkins' % else: result.error = u'Job "%s" failing on Jenkins' % result.raw_data = status return result class StatusCheckResult(models.Model): """ We use the same StatusCheckResult model for all check types, because really they are not so very different. Checks don't have to use all the fields, so most should be nullable """ check = models.ForeignKey(StatusCheck) time = models.DateTimeField(null=False, db_index=True) time_complete = models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True) raw_data = models.TextField(null=True) succeeded = models.BooleanField(default=False) error = models.TextField(null=True) def __unicode__(self): return '%s: %s @%s' % (self.status,, self.time) @property def status(self): if self.succeeded: return 'succeeded' else: return 'failed' @property def took(self): try: return (self.time_complete - self.time).microseconds / 1000 except: return None @property def short_error(self): snippet_len = 30 if len(self.error) > snippet_len: return u"%s..." % self.error[:snippet_len - 3] else: return self.error def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(self.raw_data, basestring): self.raw_data = self.raw_data[:RAW_DATA_LIMIT] return super(StatusCheckResult, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, related_name='profile') mobile_number = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True, default='') hipchat_alias = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, default='') fallback_alert_user = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __unicode__(self): return 'User profile: %s' % self.user.username def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.mobile_number.startswith('+'): self.mobile_number = self.mobile_number[1:] # Enforce uniqueness if self.fallback_alert_user: profiles = UserProfile.objects.exclude( profiles.update(fallback_alert_user=False) return super(UserProfile, self).save(*args, **kwargs) @property def prefixed_mobile_number(self): return '+%s' % self.mobile_number class Shift(models.Model): start = models.DateTimeField() end = models.DateTimeField() user = models.ForeignKey(User) uid = models.TextField() deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False) def __unicode__(self): deleted = '' if self.deleted: deleted = ' (deleted)' return "%s: %s to %s%s" % (self.user.username, self.start, self.end, deleted) def get_duty_officers(at_time=None): """Returns a list of duty officers for a given time or now if none given""" duty_officers = [] if not at_time: at_time = current_shifts = Shift.objects.filter( deleted=False, start__lt=at_time, end__gt=at_time, ) if current_shifts: duty_officers = [shift.user for shift in current_shifts] return duty_officers else: try: u = UserProfile.objects.get(fallback_alert_user=True) return [u.user] except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: return [] def update_shifts(): events = get_events() users = User.objects.filter(is_active=True) user_lookup = {} for u in users: user_lookup[u.username.lower()] = u future_shifts = Shift.objects.filter( future_shifts.update(deleted=True) for event in events: e = event['summary'].lower().strip() if e in user_lookup: user = user_lookup[e] try: s = Shift.objects.get(uid=event['uid']) except Shift.DoesNotExist: s = Shift(uid=event['uid']) s.start = event['start'] s.end = event['end'] s.user = user s.deleted = False