#!/bin/bash set -e function wait_for_broker {( set +e for try in {1..60} ; do python -c "from kombu import Connection; x=Connection('$CELERY_BROKER_URL', timeout=1); x.connect()" &> /dev/null && break echo "Waiting for celery broker to respond..." sleep 1 done )} function wait_for_database {( set +e for try in {1..60} ; do python -c "from django.db import connection; connection.connect()" &> /dev/null && break echo "Waiting for database to respond..." sleep 1 done )} function wait_for_migrations {( set +e for try in {1..60} ; do # Kind of ugly but not sure if there's another way to determine if migrations haven't run # migrate --list returns a checkbox list of migrations, empty checkboxes mean they haven't been run python manage.py migrate --list | grep "\[ \]" &> /dev/null || break echo "Waiting for database migrations to be run..." sleep 1 done )} wait_for_broker wait_for_database if [ -z "$SKIP_INIT" ]; then /code/bin/build-app fi if [ -n "$WAIT_FOR_MIGRATIONS" ]; then wait_for_migrations fi exec "$@"