from os import environ as env from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.template import Context, Template from import TwilioRestClient from twilio import twiml import requests import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) email_template = """Service {{ }} https://{{ host }}{% url service %} {% if service.overall_status != service.PASSING_STATUS %}alerting with status: {{ service.overall_status }}{% else %}is back to normal{% endif %}. {% if service.overall_status != service.PASSING_STATUS %} CHECKS FAILING:{% for check in service.all_failing_checks %} FAILING - {{ }} - Type: {{ check.check_category }} - Importance: {{ check.get_importance_display }}{% endfor %} {% if service.all_passing_checks %} Passing checks:{% for check in service.all_passing_checks %} PASSING - {{ }} - Type: {{ check.check_category }} - Importance: {{ check.get_importance_display }}{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} """ hipchat_template = "Service {{ }} {% if service.overall_status == service.PASSING_STATUS %}is back to normal{% else %}reporting {{ service.overall_status }} status{% endif %}: https://{{ host }}{% url service %}. {% if service.overall_status != service.PASSING_STATUS %}Checks failing:{% for check in service.all_failing_checks %} {{ }}{% if check.last_result.error %} ({{ check.last_result.error|safe }}){% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if alert %}{% for alias in users %} @{{ alias }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}" sms_template = "Service {{ }} {% if service.overall_status == service.PASSING_STATUS %}is back to normal{% else %}reporting {{ service.overall_status }} status{% endif %}: https://{{ host }}{% url service %}" telephone_template = "This is an urgent message from Arachnys monitoring. Service \"{{ }}\" is erroring. Please check Cabot urgently." def send_alert(service, duty_officers=None): users = service.users_to_notify.all() if service.email_alert: send_email_alert(service, users, duty_officers) if service.hipchat_alert: send_hipchat_alert(service, users, duty_officers) if service.sms_alert: send_sms_alert(service, users, duty_officers) if service.telephone_alert: send_telephone_alert(service, users, duty_officers) def send_email_alert(service, users, duty_officers): emails = [ for u in users if] if not emails: return c = Context({ 'service': service, 'host': settings.WWW_HTTP_HOST, }) if service.overall_status != service.PASSING_STATUS: if service.overall_status == service.CRITICAL_STATUS: emails += [ for u in duty_officers] subject = '%s status for service: %s' % ( service.overall_status, else: subject = 'Service back to normal: %s' % (,) t = Template(email_template) send_mail( subject=subject, message=t.render(c), from_email='Cabot <%s>' % settings.CABOT_FROM_EMAIL, recipient_list=emails, ) def send_hipchat_alert(service, users, duty_officers): alert = True hipchat_aliases = [u.profile.hipchat_alias for u in users if hasattr( u, 'profile') and u.profile.hipchat_alias] if service.overall_status == service.WARNING_STATUS: alert = False # Don't alert at all for WARNING if service.overall_status == service.ERROR_STATUS: if service.old_overall_status in (service.ERROR_STATUS, service.ERROR_STATUS): alert = False # Don't alert repeatedly for ERROR if service.overall_status == service.PASSING_STATUS: color = 'green' if service.old_overall_status == service.WARNING_STATUS: alert = False # Don't alert for recovery from WARNING status else: color = 'red' if service.overall_status == service.CRITICAL_STATUS: hipchat_aliases += [u.profile.hipchat_alias for u in duty_officers if hasattr( u, 'profile') and u.profile.hipchat_alias] c = Context({ 'service': service, 'users': hipchat_aliases, 'host': settings.WWW_HTTP_HOST, 'alert': alert, }) message = Template(hipchat_template).render(c) _send_hipchat_alert(message, color=color, sender='Cabot/%s' % def _send_hipchat_alert(message, color='green', sender='Cabot'): room = settings.HIPCHAT_ALERT_ROOM api_key = settings.HIPCHAT_API_KEY url = settings.HIPCHAT_URL resp = + '?auth_token=' + api_key, data={ 'room_id': room, 'from': sender[:15], 'message': message, 'notify': 1, 'color': color, 'message_format': 'text', }) def send_sms_alert(service, users, duty_officers): client = TwilioRestClient( settings.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, settings.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN) mobiles = [u.profile.prefixed_mobile_number for u in users if hasattr( u, 'profile') and u.profile.mobile_number] if service.is_critical: mobiles += [u.profile.prefixed_mobile_number for u in duty_officers if hasattr( u, 'profile') and u.profile.mobile_number] c = Context({ 'service': service, 'host': settings.WWW_HTTP_HOST, }) message = Template(sms_template).render(c) for mobile in mobiles: try: message = client.sms.messages.create( to=mobile, from_=settings.TWILIO_OUTGOING_NUMBER, body=message, ) except Exception, e: logger.exception('Error sending twilio sms: %s' % e) def send_telephone_alert(service, users, duty_officers): # No need to call to say things are resolved if service.overall_status != service.CRITICAL_STATUS: return client = TwilioRestClient( settings.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, settings.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN) mobiles = [u.profile.prefixed_mobile_number for u in duty_officers if hasattr( u, 'profile') and u.profile.mobile_number] url = 'http://%s%s' % (settings.WWW_HTTP_HOST, reverse('twiml-callback', kwargs={'service_id':})) for mobile in mobiles: try: client.calls.create( to=mobile, from_=settings.TWILIO_OUTGOING_NUMBER, url=url, method='GET', ) except Exception, e: logger.exception('Error making twilio phone call: %s' % e) def telephone_alert_twiml_callback(service): c = Context({'service': service}) t = Template(telephone_template).render(c) r = twiml.Response() r.say(t, voice='woman') r.hangup() return r