{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %}{{ block.super }} - {{ service.name }}{% endblock title %} {% block content %}

{{ service.name }}

{{ service.overall_status|lower|capfirst }} {% if service.alerts_enabled %}Alerts enabled{%else %}Alerts disabled{% endif %}


Service URL
{{ service.url|urlize|default:"None configured" }}
Users watching
{% if not service.users_to_notify.all %} No users subscribed {% else %} {{ service.users_to_notify.all|join:", " }} {% endif %}
Alert types
{% if service.email_alert %} Email{% endif %} {% if service.hipchat_alert %} Hipchat{% endif %} {% if service.sms_alert %} SMS{% endif %} {% if service.telephone_alert %} Telephone{% endif %}

Status (4 hours)

{% include 'cabotapp/_statuscheck_list.html' with checks=service.graphite_status_checks.all service=service checks_type="Graphite" %}
{% include 'cabotapp/_statuscheck_list.html' with checks=service.http_status_checks.all service=service checks_type="Http" %}
{% include 'cabotapp/_statuscheck_list.html' with checks=service.jenkins_status_checks.all service=service checks_type="Jenkins" %}

Recovery instructions

{% if service.hackpad_id %} {% else %}
No hackpad configured
{% endif %}
{% endblock content %} {% block js %} {% load compress %} {% load jsonify %} {{ block.super }} {% compress js %} {% endcompress %} {% endblock js %}