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synced 2025-02-01 12:54:52 +00:00
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161 lines
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use std::{env, path::PathBuf};
fn main() {
let root_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
// Obtain the header files of blst
let blst_base_dir = root_dir.join("blst");
let blst_headers_dir = blst_base_dir.join("bindings");
let c_src_dir = root_dir.join("src");
let mut cc = cc::Build::new();
#[cfg(all(windows, target_env = "msvc"))]
// In blst, if __STDC_VERSION__ isn't defined as c99 or greater, it will typedef a bool to
// an int. There is a bug in bindgen associated with this. It assumes that a bool in C is
// the same size as a bool in Rust. This is the root cause of the issues on Windows. If/when
// this is fixed in bindgen, it should be safe to remove this compiler flag.
cc.try_compile("ckzg").expect("Failed to compile ckzg");
#[cfg(feature = "generate-bindings")]
let header_path = c_src_dir.join("c_kzg_4844.h");
let bindings_out_path = concat!(
header_path.to_str().expect("valid header path"),
blst_headers_dir.to_str().expect("valid blst header path"),
// Finally, tell cargo this provides ckzg/ckzg_min
#[cfg(feature = "generate-bindings")]
fn make_bindings(header_path: &str, blst_headers_dir: &str, bindings_out_path: &std::path::Path) {
use bindgen::Builder;
struct Callbacks;
impl bindgen::callbacks::ParseCallbacks for Callbacks {
fn int_macro(&self, name: &str, _value: i64) -> Option<bindgen::callbacks::IntKind> {
match name {
| "BYTES_PER_BLOB" => Some(bindgen::callbacks::IntKind::Custom {
name: "usize",
is_signed: false,
_ => None,
let bindings = Builder::default()
* Header definitions.
// Get bindings only for the header file.
* Cleanup instructions.
// Remove stdio definitions related to FILE.
// Remove the definition of FILE to use the libc one, which is more convenient.
// Inject rust code using libc's FILE
.raw_line("use libc::FILE;")
// Do no generate layout tests.
// Extern functions do not need individual extern blocks.
// We implement Drop for this type. Copy is not allowed for types with destructors.
* API improvements.
// Do not create individual constants for enum variants.
// Make constants used as sizes `usize`.
// Add PartialEq and Eq impls to types.
// All types are hashable.
// Blobs are big, we don't want rust to liberally copy them around.
// Do not make fields public. If we want to modify them we can create setters/mutable
// getters when necessary.
// Blocklist this type alias to use a custom implementation. If this stops being a type
// alias this line needs to be removed.
// Blocklist this type alias to use a custom implementation. If this stops being a type
// alias this line needs to be removed.
* Re-build instructions
let mut bindings = bindings.to_string();
bindings = replace_ckzg_ret_repr(bindings);
std::fs::write(bindings_out_path, bindings).expect("Failed to write bindings");
// Here we hardcode the C_KZG_RET enum to use C representation. Bindgen
// will use repr(u32) on Unix and repr(i32) on Windows. We would like to
// use the same generated bindings for all platforms. This can be removed
// if/when bindgen fixes this or allows us to choose our own representation
// for types. Using repr(C) is equivalent to repr(u*) for fieldless enums,
// so this should be safe to do. The alternative was to modify C_KZG_RET in
// C, and we decided this was the lesser of two evils. There should be only
// one instance where repr(C) isn't used: C_KZG_RET.
// See: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen/issues/1907
#[cfg(feature = "generate-bindings")]
fn replace_ckzg_ret_repr(mut bindings: String) -> String {
let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap_or_default();
let repr_to_replace = if target.contains("windows") {
} else {
// Find `repr_to_replace` as an attribute of `enum C_KZG_RET`.
let ckzg_ret = bindings
.find("enum C_KZG_RET")
.expect("Could not find C_KZG_RET in bindings");
let repr_start = bindings[..ckzg_ret]
.expect("Could not find repr to replace in bindings");
// Sanity check that it's an attribute of `C_KZG_RET` and not another type.
assert!(repr_start > bindings[..ckzg_ret].rfind('}').unwrap());
bindings.replace_range(repr_start..repr_start + repr_to_replace.len(), "#[repr(C)]");