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from py_ecc import optimized_bls12_381 as b
from fft import fft
from multicombs import lincomb
# Generator for the field
MODULUS = b.curve_order
assert pow(PRIMITIVE_ROOT, (MODULUS - 1) // 2, MODULUS) != 1
# Helpers
def is_power_of_two(x):
return x > 0 and x & (x-1) == 0
def generate_setup(s, size):
# Generate trusted setup, in coefficient form.
# For data availability we always need to compute the polynomials anyway, so it makes little sense to do things in Lagrange space
return (
[b.multiply(b.G1, pow(s, i, MODULUS)) for i in range(size + 1)],
[b.multiply(b.G2, pow(s, i, MODULUS)) for i in range(size + 1)],
# Field operations
def get_root_of_unity(order):
Returns a root of unity of order "order"
assert (MODULUS - 1) % order == 0
return pow(PRIMITIVE_ROOT, (MODULUS - 1) // order, MODULUS)
def inv(a):
Modular inverse using eGCD algorithm
if a == 0:
return 0
lm, hm = 1, 0
low, high = a % MODULUS, MODULUS
while low > 1:
r = high // low
nm, new = hm - lm * r, high - low * r
lm, low, hm, high = nm, new, lm, low
return lm % MODULUS
def div(x, y):
return x * inv(y) % MODULUS
# Polynomial operations
def eval_poly_at(p, x):
Evaluate polynomial p (coefficient form) at point x
y = 0
power_of_x = 1
for i, p_coeff in enumerate(p):
y += power_of_x * p_coeff
power_of_x = (power_of_x * x) % MODULUS
return y % MODULUS
def div_polys(a, b):
Long polynomial division for two polynomials in coefficient form
a = [x for x in a]
o = []
apos = len(a) - 1
bpos = len(b) - 1
diff = apos - bpos
while diff >= 0:
quot = div(a[apos], b[bpos])
o.insert(0, quot)
for i in range(bpos, -1, -1):
a[diff + i] -= b[i] * quot
apos -= 1
diff -= 1
return [x % MODULUS for x in o]
# Utils for reverse bit order
def reverse_bit_order(n, order):
Reverse the bit order of an integer n
assert is_power_of_two(order)
# Convert n to binary with the same number of bits as "order" - 1, then reverse its bit order
return int(('{:0' + str(order.bit_length() - 1) + 'b}').format(n)[::-1], 2)
def list_to_reverse_bit_order(l):
Convert a list between normal and reverse bit order. This operation is idempotent.
return [l[reverse_bit_order(i, len(l))] for i in range(len(l))]
# Converting between polynomials (in coefficient form) and data (in reverse bit order)
# and extending data
def get_polynomial(data):
Interpolate a polynomial (coefficients) from data in reverse bit order
assert is_power_of_two(len(data))
root_of_unity = get_root_of_unity(len(data))
return fft(list_to_reverse_bit_order(data), MODULUS, root_of_unity, True)
def get_data(polynomial):
Get data (in reverse bit order) from polynomial in coefficient form
assert is_power_of_two(len(polynomial))
root_of_unity = get_root_of_unity(len(polynomial))
return list_to_reverse_bit_order(fft(polynomial, MODULUS, root_of_unity, False))
def get_extended_data(polynomial):
Get extended data (expanded by 2x, reverse bit order) from polynomial in coefficient form
assert is_power_of_two(len(polynomial))
extended_polynomial = polynomial + [0] * len(polynomial)
root_of_unity = get_root_of_unity(len(extended_polynomial))
return list_to_reverse_bit_order(fft(extended_polynomial, MODULUS, root_of_unity, False))
# Kate single proofs
def commit_to_poly(polynomial, setup):
Kate commitment to polynomial in coefficient form
return lincomb(setup[0][:len(polynomial)], polynomial, b.add, b.Z1)
def compute_proof_single(polynomial, x, setup):
Compute Kate proof for polynomial in coefficient form at position x
quotient_polynomial = div_polys(polynomial, [-x, 1])
return lincomb(setup[0][:len(quotient_polynomial)], quotient_polynomial, b.add, b.Z1)
def check_proof_single(commitment, proof, x, y, setup):
Check a proof for a Kate commitment for an evaluation f(x) = y
# Verify the pairing equation
# e([commitment - y], [1]) = e([proof], [s - x])
# equivalent to
# e([commitment - y]^(-1), [1]) * e([proof], [s - x]) = 1_T
s_minus_x = b.add(setup[1][1], b.multiply(b.neg(b.G2), x))
commitment_minus_y = b.add(commitment, b.multiply(b.neg(b.G1), y))
pairing_check = b.pairing(b.G2, b.neg(commitment_minus_y), False)
pairing_check *= b.pairing(s_minus_x, proof, False)
pairing = b.final_exponentiate(pairing_check)
return pairing == b.FQ12.one()
# Kate multiproofs on a coset
def compute_proof_multi(polynomial, x, n, setup):
Compute Kate proof for polynomial in coefficient form at positions x * w^y where w is
an n-th root of unity (this is the proof for one data availability sample, which consists
of several polynomial evaluations)
quotient_polynomial = div_polys(polynomial, [-pow(x, n, MODULUS)] + [0] * (n - 1) + [1])
return lincomb(setup[0][:len(quotient_polynomial)], quotient_polynomial, b.add, b.Z1)
def check_proof_multi(commitment, proof, x, ys, setup):
Check a proof for a Kate commitment for an evaluation f(x w^i) = y_i
n = len(ys)
root_of_unity = get_root_of_unity(n)
# Interpolate at a coset. Note because it is a coset, not the subgroup, we have to multiply the
# polynomial coefficients by x^i
interpolation_polynomial = fft(ys, MODULUS, root_of_unity, True)
interpolation_polynomial = [div(c, pow(x, i, MODULUS)) for i, c in enumerate(interpolation_polynomial)]
# Verify the pairing equation
# e([commitment - interpolation_polynomial(s)], [1]) = e([proof], [s^n - x^n])
# equivalent to
# e([commitment - interpolation_polynomial]^(-1), [1]) * e([proof], [s^n - x^n]) = 1_T
xn_minus_yn = b.add(setup[1][n], b.multiply(b.neg(b.G2), pow(x, n, MODULUS)))
commitment_minus_interpolation = b.add(commitment, b.neg(lincomb(
setup[0][:len(interpolation_polynomial)], interpolation_polynomial, b.add, b.Z1)))
pairing_check = b.pairing(b.G2, b.neg(commitment_minus_interpolation), False)
pairing_check *= b.pairing(xn_minus_yn, proof, False)
pairing = b.final_exponentiate(pairing_check)
return pairing == b.FQ12.one()
if __name__ == "__main__":
polynomial = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13]
n = len(polynomial)
setup = generate_setup(1927409816240961209460912649124, n)
commitment = commit_to_poly(polynomial, setup)
proof = compute_proof_single(polynomial, 17, setup)
value = eval_poly_at(polynomial, 17)
assert check_proof_single(commitment, proof, 17, value, setup)
print("Single point check passed")
root_of_unity = get_root_of_unity(8)
x = 5431
coset = [x * pow(root_of_unity, i, MODULUS) for i in range(8)]
ys = [eval_poly_at(polynomial, z) for z in coset]
proof = compute_proof_multi(polynomial, x, 8, setup)
assert check_proof_multi(commitment, proof, x, ys, setup)
print("Coset check passed") |