import {randomBytes} from "crypto"; import {readFileSync} from "fs"; import {resolve} from "path"; import {globSync} from "glob"; const yaml = require("js-yaml"); interface TestMeta, O extends boolean | string | string[] | Record> { input: I; output: O; } import { loadTrustedSetup, blobToKzgCommitment, computeKzgProof, computeBlobKzgProof, verifyKzgProof, verifyBlobKzgProof, verifyBlobKzgProofBatch, BYTES_PER_BLOB, BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT, BYTES_PER_PROOF, BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT, ProofResult, } from "../lib/kzg"; const SETUP_FILE_PATH = resolve(__dirname, "__fixtures__", "trusted_setup.json"); const MAX_TOP_BYTE = 114; const BLOB_TO_KZG_COMMITMENT_TESTS = "../../tests/blob_to_kzg_commitment/*/*/data.yaml"; const COMPUTE_KZG_PROOF_TESTS = "../../tests/compute_kzg_proof/*/*/data.yaml"; const COMPUTE_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_TESTS = "../../tests/compute_blob_kzg_proof/*/*/data.yaml"; const VERIFY_KZG_PROOF_TESTS = "../../tests/verify_kzg_proof/*/*/data.yaml"; const VERIFY_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_TESTS = "../../tests/verify_blob_kzg_proof/*/*/data.yaml"; const VERIFY_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_BATCH_TESTS = "../../tests/verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch/*/*/data.yaml"; type BlobToKzgCommitmentTest = TestMeta<{blob: string}, string>; type ComputeKzgProofTest = TestMeta<{blob: string; z: string}, string[]>; type ComputeBlobKzgProofTest = TestMeta<{blob: string; commitment: string}, string>; type VerifyKzgProofTest = TestMeta<{commitment: string; y: string; z: string; proof: string}, boolean>; type VerifyBlobKzgProofTest = TestMeta<{blob: string; commitment: string; proof: string}, boolean>; type VerifyBatchKzgProofTest = TestMeta<{blobs: string[]; commitments: string[]; proofs: string[]}, boolean>; const blobValidLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_BLOB); const blobBadLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_BLOB - 1); const commitmentValidLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT); const commitmentBadLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT - 1); const proofValidLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_PROOF); const proofBadLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_PROOF - 1); const fieldElementValidLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT); const fieldElementBadLength = randomBytes(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT - 1); /** * Generates a random blob of the correct length for the KZG library * * @return {Uint8Array} */ function generateRandomBlob(): Uint8Array { return new Uint8Array( randomBytes(BYTES_PER_BLOB).map((x, i) => { // Set the top byte to be low enough that the field element doesn't overflow the BLS modulus if (x > MAX_TOP_BYTE && i % BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT == 0) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_TOP_BYTE); } return x; }) ); } /** * Converts hex string to binary Uint8Array * * @param {string} hexString Hex string to convert * * @return {Uint8Array} */ function bytesFromHex(hexString: string): Uint8Array { if (hexString.startsWith("0x")) { hexString = hexString.slice(2); } return Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(hexString, "hex")); } /** * Verifies that two Uint8Arrays are bitwise equivalent * * @param {Uint8Array} a * @param {Uint8Array} b * * @return {void} * * @throws {Error} If arrays are not equal length or byte values are unequal */ function assertBytesEqual(a: Uint8Array | Buffer, b: Uint8Array | Buffer): void { if (a.length !== b.length) { throw new Error("unequal Uint8Array lengths"); } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) throw new Error(`unequal Uint8Array byte at index ${i}`); } } /** * Finds a valid test under a glob path to test files. Filters out tests with * "invalid", "incorrect", or "different" in the file name. * * @param {string} testDir Glob path to test files * * @return {any} Test object with valid input and output. Must strongly type * results at calling location * * @throws {Error} If no valid test is found */ function getValidTest(testDir: string): any { const tests = globSync(testDir); const validTest = tests.find( (testFile: string) => !testFile.includes("invalid") && !testFile.includes("incorrect") && !testFile.includes("different") ); if (!validTest) throw new Error("Could not find valid test"); return yaml.load(readFileSync(validTest, "ascii")); } /** * Runs a suite of tests for the passed function and arguments. Will test base * case to ensure a valid set of arguments was passed with the function being * tested. Will then test the same function with an extra, invalid, argument * at the end of the argument list to verify extra args are ignored. Checks * validity of the extra argument case against the base case. Finally, will * check that if an argument is removed that an error is thrown. * * @param {(...args: any[]) => any} fn Function to be tested * @param {any[]} validArgs Valid arguments to be passed as base case to fn * * @return {void} * * @throws {Error} If no valid test is found */ function testArgCount(fn: (...args: any[]) => any, validArgs: any[]): void { const lessArgs = validArgs.slice(0, -1); const moreArgs = validArgs.concat("UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT"); it("should test for different argument lengths", () => { expect(lessArgs.length).toBeLessThan(validArgs.length); expect(moreArgs.length).toBeGreaterThan(validArgs.length); }); it("should run for expected argument count", () => { expect(() => fn(...validArgs)).not.toThrowError(); }); it("should ignore extra arguments", () => { expect(() => fn(...moreArgs)).not.toThrowError(); }); it("should give same result with extra args", () => { expect(fn(...validArgs)).toEqual(fn(...moreArgs)); }); it("should throw for less than expected argument count", () => { expect(() => fn(...lessArgs)).toThrowError(); }); } describe("C-KZG", () => { beforeAll(async () => { loadTrustedSetup(SETUP_FILE_PATH); }); describe("reference tests should pass", () => { it("reference tests for blobToKzgCommitment should pass", () => { const tests = globSync(BLOB_TO_KZG_COMMITMENT_TESTS); expect(tests.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); tests.forEach((testFile: string) => { const test: BlobToKzgCommitmentTest = yaml.load(readFileSync(testFile, "ascii")); let commitment: Uint8Array; const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); try { commitment = blobToKzgCommitment(blob); } catch (err) { expect(test.output).toBeNull(); return; } expect(test.output).not.toBeNull(); const expectedCommitment = bytesFromHex(test.output); expect(assertBytesEqual(commitment, expectedCommitment)); }); }); it("reference tests for computeKzgProof should pass", () => { const tests = globSync(COMPUTE_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); expect(tests.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); tests.forEach((testFile: string) => { const test: ComputeKzgProofTest = yaml.load(readFileSync(testFile, "ascii")); let proof: ProofResult; const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); const z = bytesFromHex(test.input.z); try { proof = computeKzgProof(blob, z); } catch (err) { expect(test.output).toBeNull(); return; } expect(test.output).not.toBeNull(); const [proofBytes, yBytes] = proof; const [expectedProofBytes, expectedYBytes] = => bytesFromHex(out)); expect(assertBytesEqual(proofBytes, expectedProofBytes)); expect(assertBytesEqual(yBytes, expectedYBytes)); }); }); it("reference tests for computeBlobKzgProof should pass", () => { const tests = globSync(COMPUTE_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); expect(tests.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); tests.forEach((testFile: string) => { const test: ComputeBlobKzgProofTest = yaml.load(readFileSync(testFile, "ascii")); let proof: Uint8Array; const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); const commitment = bytesFromHex(test.input.commitment); try { proof = computeBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment); } catch (err) { expect(test.output).toBeNull(); return; } expect(test.output).not.toBeNull(); const expectedProof = bytesFromHex(test.output); expect(assertBytesEqual(proof, expectedProof)); }); }); it("reference tests for verifyKzgProof should pass", () => { const tests = globSync(VERIFY_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); expect(tests.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); tests.forEach((testFile: string) => { const test: VerifyKzgProofTest = yaml.load(readFileSync(testFile, "ascii")); let valid; const commitment = bytesFromHex(test.input.commitment); const z = bytesFromHex(test.input.z); const y = bytesFromHex(test.input.y); const proof = bytesFromHex(test.input.proof); try { valid = verifyKzgProof(commitment, z, y, proof); } catch (err) { expect(test.output).toBeNull(); return; } expect(valid).toEqual(test.output); }); }); it("reference tests for verifyBlobKzgProof should pass", () => { const tests = globSync(VERIFY_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); expect(tests.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); tests.forEach((testFile: string) => { const test: VerifyBlobKzgProofTest = yaml.load(readFileSync(testFile, "ascii")); let valid; const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); const commitment = bytesFromHex(test.input.commitment); const proof = bytesFromHex(test.input.proof); try { valid = verifyBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment, proof); } catch (err) { expect(test.output).toBeNull(); return; } expect(valid).toEqual(test.output); }); }); it("reference tests for verifyBlobKzgProofBatch should pass", () => { const tests = globSync(VERIFY_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_BATCH_TESTS); expect(tests.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); tests.forEach((testFile: string) => { const test: VerifyBatchKzgProofTest = yaml.load(readFileSync(testFile, "ascii")); let valid; const blobs =; const commitments =; const proofs =; try { valid = verifyBlobKzgProofBatch(blobs, commitments, proofs); } catch (err) { expect(test.output).toBeNull(); return; } expect(valid).toEqual(test.output); }); }); }); describe("edge cases for blobToKzgCommitment", () => { describe("check argument count", () => { const test: BlobToKzgCommitmentTest = getValidTest(BLOB_TO_KZG_COMMITMENT_TESTS); const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); testArgCount(blobToKzgCommitment, [blob]); }); it("throws as expected when given an argument of invalid type", () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-expect-error expect(() => blobToKzgCommitment("wrong type")).toThrowError("Expected blob to be a Uint8Array"); }); it("throws as expected when given an argument of invalid length", () => { expect(() => blobToKzgCommitment(blobBadLength)).toThrowError("Expected blob to be 131072 bytes"); }); }); // TODO: add more tests for this function. describe("edge cases for computeKzgProof", () => { describe("check argument count", () => { const test: ComputeKzgProofTest = getValidTest(COMPUTE_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); const z = bytesFromHex(test.input.z); testArgCount(computeKzgProof, [blob, z]); }); it("computes a proof from blob/field element", () => { const blob = generateRandomBlob(); const zBytes = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT).fill(0); computeKzgProof(blob, zBytes); }); it("throws as expected when given an argument of invalid length", () => { expect(() => computeKzgProof(blobBadLength, fieldElementValidLength)).toThrowError( "Expected blob to be 131072 bytes" ); expect(() => computeKzgProof(blobValidLength, fieldElementBadLength)).toThrowError( "Expected zBytes to be 32 bytes" ); }); }); // TODO: add more tests for this function. describe("edge cases for computeBlobKzgProof", () => { describe("check argument count", () => { const test: ComputeBlobKzgProofTest = getValidTest(COMPUTE_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); const commitment = bytesFromHex(test.input.commitment); testArgCount(computeBlobKzgProof, [blob, commitment]); }); it("computes a proof from blob", () => { const blob = generateRandomBlob(); const commitment = blobToKzgCommitment(blob); computeBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment); }); it("throws as expected when given an argument of invalid length", () => { expect(() => computeBlobKzgProof(blobBadLength, blobToKzgCommitment(generateRandomBlob()))).toThrowError( "Expected blob to be 131072 bytes" ); }); }); describe("edge cases for verifyKzgProof", () => { describe("check argument count", () => { const test: VerifyKzgProofTest = getValidTest(VERIFY_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); const commitment = bytesFromHex(test.input.commitment); const z = bytesFromHex(test.input.z); const y = bytesFromHex(test.input.y); const proof = bytesFromHex(test.input.proof); testArgCount(verifyKzgProof, [commitment, z, y, proof]); }); it("valid proof should result in true", () => { const commitment = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT).fill(0); commitment[0] = 0xc0; const z = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT).fill(0); const y = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT).fill(0); const proof = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_PROOF).fill(0); proof[0] = 0xc0; expect(verifyKzgProof(commitment, z, y, proof)).toBe(true); }); it("invalid proof should result in false", () => { const commitment = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_COMMITMENT).fill(0); commitment[0] = 0xc0; const z = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT).fill(1); const y = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT).fill(1); const proof = new Uint8Array(BYTES_PER_PROOF).fill(0); proof[0] = 0xc0; expect(verifyKzgProof(commitment, z, y, proof)).toBe(false); }); it("throws as expected when given an argument of invalid length", () => { expect(() => verifyKzgProof(commitmentBadLength, fieldElementValidLength, fieldElementValidLength, proofValidLength) ).toThrowError("Expected commitmentBytes to be 48 bytes"); expect(() => verifyKzgProof(commitmentValidLength, fieldElementBadLength, fieldElementValidLength, proofValidLength) ).toThrowError("Expected zBytes to be 32 bytes"); expect(() => verifyKzgProof(commitmentValidLength, fieldElementValidLength, fieldElementBadLength, proofValidLength) ).toThrowError("Expected yBytes to be 32 bytes"); expect(() => verifyKzgProof(commitmentValidLength, fieldElementValidLength, fieldElementValidLength, proofBadLength) ).toThrowError("Expected proofBytes to be 48 bytes"); }); }); describe("edge cases for verifyBlobKzgProof", () => { describe("check argument count", () => { const test: VerifyBlobKzgProofTest = getValidTest(VERIFY_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_TESTS); const blob = bytesFromHex(test.input.blob); const commitment = bytesFromHex(test.input.commitment); const proof = bytesFromHex(test.input.proof); testArgCount(verifyBlobKzgProof, [blob, commitment, proof]); }); it("correct blob/commitment/proof should verify as true", () => { const blob = generateRandomBlob(); const commitment = blobToKzgCommitment(blob); const proof = computeBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment); expect(verifyBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment, proof)).toBe(true); }); it("incorrect commitment should verify as false", () => { const blob = generateRandomBlob(); const commitment = blobToKzgCommitment(generateRandomBlob()); const proof = computeBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment); expect(verifyBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment, proof)).toBe(false); }); it("incorrect proof should verify as false", () => { const blob = generateRandomBlob(); const commitment = blobToKzgCommitment(blob); const randomBlob = generateRandomBlob(); const randomCommitment = blobToKzgCommitment(randomBlob); const proof = computeBlobKzgProof(randomBlob, randomCommitment); expect(verifyBlobKzgProof(blob, commitment, proof)).toBe(false); }); it("throws as expected when given an argument of invalid length", () => { expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProof(blobBadLength, commitmentValidLength, proofValidLength)).toThrowError( "Expected blob to be 131072 bytes" ); expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProof(blobValidLength, commitmentBadLength, proofValidLength)).toThrowError( "Expected commitmentBytes to be 48 bytes" ); expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProof(blobValidLength, commitmentValidLength, proofBadLength)).toThrowError( "Expected proofBytes to be 48 bytes" ); }); }); describe("edge cases for verifyBlobKzgProofBatch", () => { describe("check argument count", () => { const test: VerifyBatchKzgProofTest = getValidTest(VERIFY_BLOB_KZG_PROOF_BATCH_TESTS); const blobs =; const commitments =; const proofs =; testArgCount(verifyBlobKzgProofBatch, [blobs, commitments, proofs]); }); it("should reject non-array args", () => { expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch( 2 as unknown as Uint8Array[], [commitmentValidLength, commitmentValidLength], [proofValidLength, proofValidLength] ) ).toThrowError("Blobs, commitments, and proofs must all be arrays"); }); it("should reject non-bytearray blob", () => { expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch( ["foo", "bar"] as unknown as Uint8Array[], [commitmentValidLength, commitmentValidLength], [proofValidLength, proofValidLength] ) ).toThrowError("Expected blob to be a Uint8Array"); }); it("throws as expected when given an argument of invalid length", () => { expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch( [blobBadLength, blobValidLength], [commitmentValidLength, commitmentValidLength], [proofValidLength, proofValidLength] ) ).toThrowError("Expected blob to be 131072 bytes"); expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch( [blobValidLength, blobValidLength], [commitmentBadLength, commitmentValidLength], [proofValidLength, proofValidLength] ) ).toThrowError("Expected commitmentBytes to be 48 bytes"); expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch( [blobValidLength, blobValidLength], [commitmentValidLength, commitmentValidLength], [proofValidLength, proofBadLength] ) ).toThrowError("Expected proofBytes to be 48 bytes"); }); it("zero blobs/commitments/proofs should verify as true", () => { expect(verifyBlobKzgProofBatch([], [], [])).toBe(true); }); it("mismatching blobs/commitments/proofs should throw error", () => { const count = 3; const blobs = new Array(count); const commitments = new Array(count); const proofs = new Array(count); for (const [i] of blobs.entries()) { blobs[i] = generateRandomBlob(); commitments[i] = blobToKzgCommitment(blobs[i]); proofs[i] = computeBlobKzgProof(blobs[i], commitments[i]); } expect(verifyBlobKzgProofBatch(blobs, commitments, proofs)).toBe(true); expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch(blobs.slice(0, 1), commitments, proofs)).toThrowError( "Requires equal number of blobs/commitments/proofs" ); expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch(blobs, commitments.slice(0, 1), proofs)).toThrowError( "Requires equal number of blobs/commitments/proofs" ); expect(() => verifyBlobKzgProofBatch(blobs, commitments, proofs.slice(0, 1))).toThrowError( "Requires equal number of blobs/commitments/proofs" ); }); }); });