/** * The public interface of this module exposes the functions as specified by * https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/eip4844/polynomial-commitments.md#kzg */ const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const bindings = require("bindings")("kzg"); /** * Converts JSON formatted trusted setup into the native format that * the native library requires. Returns the absolute file path to the * the formatted file. The path will be the same as the origin * file but with a ".txt" extension. * * @param {string} filePath - The absolute path of JSON formatted trusted setup * * @return {string} - The absolute path of the re-formatted trusted setup * * @throws {Error} - For invalid file operations */ function transformTrustedSetupJson(filePath) { const trustedSetup = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8")); const setupText = bindings.FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB + "\n65\n" + trustedSetup.setup_G1.map((p) => p.substring(2)).join("\n") + "\n" + trustedSetup.setup_G2.map((p) => p.substring(2)).join("\n"); const outputPath = filePath.replace(".json", ".txt"); fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, setupText); return outputPath; } const originalLoadTrustedSetup = bindings.loadTrustedSetup; // docstring in ./kzg.d.ts with exported definition bindings.loadTrustedSetup = function loadTrustedSetup(filePath) { if (!(filePath && typeof filePath === "string")) { throw new TypeError("must initialize kzg with the filePath to a txt/json trusted setup"); } if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) { throw new Error(`no trusted setup found: ${filePath}`); } if (path.parse(filePath).ext === ".json") { filePath = transformTrustedSetupJson(filePath); } originalLoadTrustedSetup(filePath); }; module.exports = exports = bindings;