%module ckzg %{ #include "c_kzg_4844.h" %} %include "stdint.i" %include "carrays.i" %include "cpointer.i" %typemap(in, numinputs=0) OBJECT *OUTPUT($1_basetype tmp) { $1 = &tmp; } %typemap(argout) OBJECT *OUTPUT { #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) PyObject *obj = SWIG_NewPointerObj(memcpy(malloc(sizeof($1_basetype)),$1,sizeof($1_basetype)), $descriptor, SWIG_POINTER_NEW); $result = ($result == NULL) ? obj : SWIG_Python_AppendOutput($result, obj); #endif } %apply OBJECT *OUTPUT { KZGSettings *out, BLSFieldElement *out, PolynomialEvalForm *out, KZGCommitment *out, KZGProof *out } %typemap(in, numinputs=0) bool *OUTPUT(bool tmp) { $1 = &tmp; } %typemap(argout) bool *OUTPUT { #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) PyObject *obj = *$1 ? Py_True : Py_False; $result = ($result == NULL) ? obj : SWIG_Python_AppendOutput($result, obj); #endif } %apply bool *OUTPUT { bool *out } %typemap(in, numinputs=0) uint64_t out[4] (uint64_t tmp[4]) { $1 = tmp; } %typemap(argout) uint64_t out[4] { #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) PyObject *obj = PyTuple_Pack(4, PyLong_FromUnsignedLong($1[0]), PyLong_FromUnsignedLong($1[1]), PyLong_FromUnsignedLong($1[2]), PyLong_FromUnsignedLong($1[3])); $result = ($result == NULL) ? obj : SWIG_Python_AppendOutput($result, obj); #endif } %typemap(in) const uint64_t[4] (uint64_t tmp[4]) { #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) if (PyTuple_Check($input)) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple($input, "kkkk", tmp, tmp+1, tmp+2, tmp+3)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "tuple must have 4 elements"); SWIG_fail; } $1 = &tmp[0]; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected a tuple."); SWIG_fail; } #endif } #if defined(SWIGPYTHON) %typemap(in) FILE* { if (PyUnicode_Check($input)) { $1 = fopen(PyUnicode_AsUTF8($input), "r"); if ($1 == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "failed to load file"); SWIG_fail; } } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected bytes (utf-8 encoded file path)"); SWIG_fail; } } #endif %array_class(scalar_t, scalars) %array_class(BLSFieldElement, BLSFieldElements) %pointer_class(PolynomialEvalForm, PolynomialEvalFormPtr) %include "../min-src/c_kzg_4844.h" %include "../inc/blst.h"