This package wraps the c-kzg C code in C++ NAPI bindings which allow it to be imported into a NodeJS program. Spec: # Usage Install this library with ```sh yarn add c-kzg ``` Import from it like any other library ```js import { KZGCommitment, blobToKzgCommitment, verifyAggregateKzgProof, loadTrustedSetup, transformTrustedSetupJSON, } from "c-kzg"; ``` # Requirements The C and C++ code is compiled by node-gyp on installation. Your environment will need - A compiler like g++ or clang - `make` - `python3` # Contributing This directory contains the code necessary to generate NodeJS bindings for C-KZG. The bindings file has the following interface: ```js loadTrustedSetup: (filePath: string) => SetupHandle; freeTrustedSetup: (setupHandle: SetupHandle) => void; blobToKzgCommitment: (blob: Blob, setupHandle: SetupHandle) => KZGCommitment; computeAggregateKzgProof: ( blobs: Blob[], setupHandle: SetupHandle ) => KZGProof; verifyAggregateKzgProof: ( blobs: Blob[], expectedKzgCommitments: KZGCommitment[], kzgAggregatedProof: KZGProof, setupHandle: SetupHandle ) => boolean; ``` But this library wraps it in module with manages the setupHandle internally. First, `npm install -g yarn` if you don't have it. Install the blst submodule ```sh git submodule update --init ``` Build blst and c_kzg_4844.c ``` cd src && make blst lib ``` Generate NodeJS bindings and run the TypeScript tests against them ```sh cd ../bindings/node.js && yarn install && make test ``` After doing this once, you can re-build (if necessary) and re-run the tests with ```sh make build test ``` After making changes, regenerate the distributable JS and type defs ```sh make bundle ```