(function() { /** * Require the given path. * * @param {String} path * @return {Object} exports * @api public */ var require = function(path, parent, orig) { var resolved = require.resolve(path); // lookup failed if (null === resolved) { orig = orig || path; parent = parent || 'root'; var err = new Error('Failed to require "' + orig + '" from "' + parent + '"'); err.path = orig; err.parent = parent; err.require = true; throw err; } var module = require.modules[resolved]; // perform real require() // by invoking the module's // registered function if (!module._resolving && !module.exports) { var mod = {}; mod.exports = {}; mod.client = mod.component = true; module._resolving = true; module.call(this, mod.exports, require.relative(resolved), mod); delete module._resolving; module.exports = mod.exports; } return module.exports; }; /** * Registered modules. */ require.modules = {}; /** * Registered aliases. */ require.aliases = {}; /** * Resolve `path`. * * Lookup: * * - PATH/index.js * - PATH.js * - PATH * * @param {String} path * @return {String} path or null * @api private */ require.resolve = function(path) { if (path.charAt(0) === '/') path = path.slice(1); var paths = [ path, path + '.js', path + '.json', path + '/index.js', path + '/index.json' ]; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { path = paths[i]; if (require.modules.hasOwnProperty(path)) return path; if (require.aliases.hasOwnProperty(path)) return require.aliases[path]; } }; /** * Normalize `path` relative to the current path. * * @param {String} curr * @param {String} path * @return {String} * @api private */ require.normalize = function(curr, path) { var segs = []; if ('.' != path.charAt(0)) return path; curr = curr.split('/'); path = path.split('/'); for (var i = 0; i < path.length; ++i) { if ('..' == path[i]) { curr.pop(); } else if ('.' !== path[i] && '' !== path[i]) { segs.push(path[i]); } } return curr.concat(segs).join('/'); }; /** * Register module at `path` with callback `definition`. * * @param {String} path * @param {Function} definition * @api private */ require.register = function(path, definition) { require.modules[path] = definition; }; /** * Alias a module definition. * * @param {String} from * @param {String} to * @api private */ require.alias = function(from, to) { if (!require.modules.hasOwnProperty(from)) { throw new Error('Failed to alias "' + from + '", it does not exist'); } require.aliases[to] = from; }; /** * Return a require function relative to the `parent` path. * * @param {String} parent * @return {Function} * @api private */ require.relative = function(parent) { var p = require.normalize(parent, '..'); /** * lastIndexOf helper. */ function lastIndexOf(arr, obj) { var i = arr.length; while (i--) { if (arr[i] === obj) return i; } return -1; } /** * The relative require() itself. */ var localRequire = function(path) { var resolved = localRequire.resolve(path); return require(resolved, parent, path); }; /** * Resolve relative to the parent. */ localRequire.resolve = function(path) { var c = path.charAt(0); if ('/' == c) return path.slice(1); if ('.' == c) return require.normalize(p, path); // resolve deps by returning // the dep in the nearest "deps" // directory var segs = parent.split('/'); var i = lastIndexOf(segs, 'deps') + 1; if (!i) i = 0; path = segs.slice(0, i + 1).join('/') + '/deps/' + path; return path; }; /** * Check if module is defined at `path`. */ localRequire.exists = function(path) { return require.modules.hasOwnProperty(localRequire.resolve(path)); }; return localRequire; }; // Global on server, window in browser. var root = this; // Do we already have require loader? root.require = (typeof root.require !== 'undefined') ? root.require : require; // All our modules will use global require. (function() { // app.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/app.js', function(exports, require, module) { var config, regex, render, repo, route; config = require('./modules/config'); regex = require('./modules/regex'); render = require('./modules/render'); repo = require('./modules/repo'); route = function() { var m, match, opts, path, r, u, _ref; if (match = window.location.hash.match(regex.location)) { path = match[1].slice(1); render('body', 'loading', { path: path }); _ref = path.split('/'), u = _ref[0], r = _ref[1], m = _ref[2]; opts = m ? { 'path': "" + u + "/" + r, 'milestone': m } : { path: path }; return async.waterfall([ config, function(conf, cb) { return repo(_.extend(opts, conf), cb); } ], function(err) { if (err) { return render('body', 'error', { 'text': err.toString() }); } }); } return render('body', 'info'); }; module.exports = function() { if ('onhashchange' in window && 'hash' in window.location) { window.addEventListener('hashchange', route, false); return route(); } return render('body', 'error', { 'text': 'URL fragment identifier not supported' }); }; }); // config.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/config.js', function(exports, require, module) { var config, defaults, queue, regex, request, validators, wait, _, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; _ = require('./require')._; request = require('./request'); regex = require('./regex'); config = null; wait = false; queue = []; defaults = { 'host': 'api.github.com', 'protocol': 'https' }; validators = { 'host': function(value) { return _.isString(value); }, 'protocol': function(value) { return _.isString(value) && value.match(/^http(s?)$/); }, 'token': function(value) { return _.isString(value); }, 'off_days': function(value) { var day, _i, _len; if (!_.isArray(value)) { return false; } for (_i = 0, _len = value.length; _i < _len; _i++) { day = value[_i]; if (__indexOf.call([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], day) < 0) { return false; } } return true; } }; module.exports = function(cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') { config = null; } if (config) { return cb(null, config); } queue.push(cb); if (!wait) { wait = true; return request.config(function(err, result) { var field, validator, _results; wait = false; config = _.defaults(result || {}, defaults); if (config.size_label) { config.size_label = new RegExp(config.size_label); } else { config.size_label = regex.size_label; } for (field in validators) { validator = validators[field]; if (config[field]) { if (!validator(config[field])) { return cb("Config field `" + field + "` misconfigured"); } } } _results = []; while (queue.length) { _results.push(queue.pop()(null, config)); } return _results; }); } }; }); // graph.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/graph.js', function(exports, require, module) { var d3, reg, _, _ref, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; _ref = require('./require'), _ = _ref._, d3 = _ref.d3; reg = require('./regex'); module.exports = { 'actual': function(collection, created_at, total, cb) { var head, max, min, range, rest; head = [ { date: new Date(created_at), points: total } ]; min = +Infinity; max = -Infinity; rest = _.map(collection, function(issue) { var closed_at, size; size = issue.size, closed_at = issue.closed_at; if (size < min) { min = size; } if (size > max) { max = size; } return _.extend({}, issue, { date: new Date(closed_at), points: total -= size }); }); range = d3.scale.linear().domain([min, max]).range([5, 8]); rest = _.map(rest, function(issue) { issue.radius = range(issue.size); return issue; }); return cb(null, [].concat(head, rest)); }, 'ideal': function(a, b, off_days, total, cb) { var cutoff, d, days, length, m, now, once, velocity, y, _ref1, _ref2; if (b < a) { _ref1 = [a, b], b = _ref1[0], a = _ref1[1]; } _ref2 = _.map(a.match(reg.datetime)[1].split('-'), function(v) { return parseInt(v); }), y = _ref2[0], m = _ref2[1], d = _ref2[2]; cutoff = new Date(b); days = []; length = 0; (once = function(inc) { var day, day_of; day = new Date(y, m - 1, d + inc); if (!(day_of = day.getDay())) { day_of = 7; } if (__indexOf.call(off_days, day_of) >= 0) { days.push({ date: day, off_day: true }); } else { length += 1; days.push({ date: day }); } if (!(day > cutoff)) { return once(inc + 1); } })(0); velocity = total / (length - 1); days = _.map(days, function(day, i) { day.points = total; if (days[i] && !days[i].off_day) { total -= velocity; } return day; }); if ((now = new Date()) > cutoff) { days.push({ date: now, points: 0 }); } return cb(null, days); }, 'trendline': function(actual, created_at, due_on) { var a, b, b1, c1, e, fn, intercept, l, last, slope, start, values; start = +actual[0].date; values = _.map(actual, function(_arg) { var date, points; date = _arg.date, points = _arg.points; return [+date - start, points]; }); last = actual[actual.length - 1]; values.push([+new Date() - start, last.points]); b1 = 0; e = 0; c1 = 0; a = (l = values.length) * _.reduce(values, function(sum, _arg) { var a, b; a = _arg[0], b = _arg[1]; b1 += a; e += b; c1 += Math.pow(a, 2); return sum + (a * b); }, 0); slope = (a - (b1 * e)) / ((l * c1) - (Math.pow(b1, 2))); intercept = (e - (slope * b1)) / l; fn = function(x) { return slope * x + intercept; }; created_at = new Date(created_at); due_on = due_on ? new Date(due_on) : new Date(); a = created_at - start; b = due_on - start; return [ { date: created_at, points: fn(a) }, { date: due_on, points: fn(b) } ]; }, 'render': function(_arg, cb) { var actual, height, ideal, line, m, mAxis, margin, svg, tooltip, trendline, width, x, xAxis, y, yAxis, _ref1; actual = _arg[0], ideal = _arg[1], trendline = _arg[2]; document.querySelector('#svg').innerHTML = ''; _ref1 = document.querySelector('#graph').getBoundingClientRect(), height = _ref1.height, width = _ref1.width; margin = { top: 30, right: 30, bottom: 40, left: 50 }; width -= margin.left + margin.right; height -= margin.top + margin.bottom; x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]); y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]); xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient("bottom").tickSize(-height).tickFormat(function(d) { return d.getDate(); }).tickPadding(10); yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y).orient("left").tickSize(-width).ticks(5).tickPadding(10); line = d3.svg.line().interpolate("linear").x(function(d) { return x(d.date); }).y(function(d) { return y(d.points); }); x.domain([ideal[0].date, ideal[ideal.length - 1].date]); y.domain([0, ideal[0].points]).nice(); svg = d3.select("#svg").append("svg").attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right).attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom).append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); svg.append("g").attr("class", "x axis day").attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")").call(xAxis); m = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; mAxis = xAxis.orient("top").tickSize(height).tickFormat(function(d) { return m[d.getMonth()]; }).ticks(2); svg.append("g").attr("class", "x axis month").attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")").call(mAxis); svg.append("g").attr("class", "y axis").call(yAxis); svg.append("svg:line").attr("class", "today").attr("x1", x(new Date())).attr("y1", 0).attr("x2", x(new Date())).attr("y2", height); svg.append("path").attr("class", "ideal line").attr("d", line.interpolate("basis")(ideal)); svg.append("path").attr("class", "trendline line").attr("d", line.interpolate("linear")(trendline)); svg.append("path").attr("class", "actual line").attr("d", line.interpolate("linear").y(function(d) { return y(d.points); })(actual)); tooltip = d3.tip().attr('class', 'd3-tip').html(function(_arg1) { var number, title; number = _arg1.number, title = _arg1.title; return "#" + number + ": " + title; }); svg.call(tooltip); svg.selectAll("a.issue").data(actual.slice(1)).enter().append('svg:a').attr("xlink:href", function(_arg1) { var html_url; html_url = _arg1.html_url; return html_url; }).attr("xlink:show", 'new').append('svg:circle').attr("cx", function(_arg1) { var date; date = _arg1.date; return x(date); }).attr("cy", function(_arg1) { var points; points = _arg1.points; return y(points); }).attr("r", function(_arg1) { var radius; radius = _arg1.radius; return 5; }).on('mouseover', tooltip.show).on('mouseout', tooltip.hide); return cb(null); } }; }); // issues.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/issues.js', function(exports, require, module) { var async, reg, req, _, _ref; _ref = require('./require'), _ = _ref._, async = _ref.async; req = require('./request'); reg = require('./regex'); module.exports = { 'get_all': function(repo, cb) { var one_status; one_status = function(state, cb) { var fetch_page, results; results = []; return (fetch_page = function(page) { return req.all_issues(repo, { milestone: repo.milestone.number, state: state, page: page }, function(err, data) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!data.length) { return cb(null, results); } results = results.concat(_.sortBy(data, 'closed_at')); if (data.length < 100) { return cb(null, results); } return fetch_page(page + 1); }); })(1); }; return async.parallel([_.partial(one_status, 'open'), _.partial(one_status, 'closed')], cb); }, 'filter': function(collection, regex, cb) { var filtered, total; total = 0; filtered = _.filter(collection, function(issue) { var labels; if (!(labels = issue.labels)) { return false; } issue.size = _.reduce(labels, function(sum, label) { var matches; if (!(matches = label.name.match(regex))) { return sum; } return sum += parseInt(matches[1]); }, 0); total += issue.size; return !!issue.size; }); return cb(null, filtered, total); } }; }); // milestones.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/milestones.js', function(exports, require, module) { var marked, request, _, _ref; _ref = require('./require'), _ = _ref._, marked = _ref.marked; request = require('./request'); module.exports = function(repo, cb) { var parse; parse = function(data) { if (data.description) { data.description = marked(data.description).slice(3, -5); } return data; }; if (repo.milestone) { return request.one_milestone(repo, repo.milestone, function(err, m) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (m.open_issues + m.closed_issues === 0) { return cb(null, "No issues for milestone `" + m.title + "`"); } m = parse(m); return cb(null, null, m); }); } else { return request.all_milestones(repo, function(err, data) { var m; if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!data.length) { return cb(null, "No open milestones for repo " + repo.path); } m = data[0]; m = _.rest(data, { 'due_on': null }); m = m[0] ? m[0] : data[0]; if (m.open_issues + m.closed_issues === 0) { return cb(null, "No issues for milestone `" + m.title + "`"); } m = parse(m); return cb(null, null, m); }); } }; }); // regex.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/regex.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = { 'datetime': /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})T(.*)/, 'size_label': /^size (\d+)$/, 'location': /^#!((\/[^\/]+){2,3})$/ }; }); // render.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/render.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = function(selector, template, context) { var tml; if (context == null) { context = {}; } tml = require("../templates/" + template); return document.querySelector(selector).innerHTML = tml(context); }; }); // repo.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/repo.js', function(exports, require, module) { var async, graph, issues, milestones, regex, render, _, _ref; _ref = require('./require'), _ = _ref._, async = _ref.async; milestones = require('./milestones'); issues = require('./issues'); graph = require('./graph'); regex = require('./regex'); render = require('./render'); module.exports = function(opts, cb) { return async.waterfall([ function(cb) { return milestones(opts, function(err, warn, milestone) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (warn) { return cb(warn); } opts.milestone = milestone; return cb(null); }); }, function(cb) { return issues.get_all(opts, cb); }, function(all, cb) { return async.map(all, function(array, cb) { return issues.filter(array, opts.size_label, function(err, filtered, total) { return cb(err, [filtered, total]); }); }, function(err, _arg) { var closed, open; open = _arg[0], closed = _arg[1]; if (err) { return cb(err); } if (open[1] + closed[1] === 0) { return cb('No matching issues found'); } opts.issues = { closed: { points: closed[1], data: closed[0] }, open: { points: open[1], data: open[0] } }; return cb(null); }); }, function(cb) { var progress, total; progress = 100 * opts.issues.closed.points / (total = opts.issues.open.points + opts.issues.closed.points); return async.parallel([_.partial(graph.actual, opts.issues.closed.data, opts.milestone.created_at, total), _.partial(graph.ideal, opts.milestone.created_at, opts.milestone.due_on, opts.off_days || [], total)], function(err, values) { var doit; render('body', 'graph', { 'repo': opts.path, 'milestone': opts.milestone }); render('#progress', 'progress', { progress: progress }); if (values[0].length) { values.push(graph.trendline(values[0], opts.milestone.created_at, opts.milestone.due_on)); } (doit = function() { return graph.render(values, cb); })(); if ('onresize' in window) { return window.onresize = doit; } }); } ], cb); }; }); // request.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/request.js', function(exports, require, module) { var error, headers, request, response, superagent, _, _ref; _ref = require('./require'), superagent = _ref.superagent, _ = _ref._; superagent.parse = { 'application/json': function(res) { var e; try { return JSON.parse(res); } catch (_error) { e = _error; return {}; } } }; module.exports = { 'all_milestones': function(repo, cb) { return request({ 'protocol': repo.protocol, 'host': repo.host, 'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/milestones", 'query': { 'state': 'open', 'sort': 'due_date', 'direction': 'asc' }, 'headers': headers(repo.token) }, cb); }, 'one_milestone': function(repo, number, cb) { return request({ 'protocol': repo.protocol, 'host': repo.host, 'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/milestones/" + number, 'query': { 'state': 'open', 'sort': 'due_date', 'direction': 'asc' }, 'headers': headers(repo.token) }, cb); }, 'all_issues': function(repo, query, cb) { return request({ 'protocol': repo.protocol, 'host': repo.host, 'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/issues", 'query': _.extend(query, { 'per_page': '100' }), 'headers': headers(repo.token) }, cb); }, 'config': function(cb) { return request({ 'protocol': 'http', 'host': window.location.host, 'path': "" + window.location.pathname + "config.json", 'headers': _.extend(headers(), { 'Accept': 'application/json' }) }, cb); } }; request = function(_arg, cb) { var exited, headers, host, k, path, protocol, q, query, req, timeout, v; protocol = _arg.protocol, host = _arg.host, path = _arg.path, query = _arg.query, headers = _arg.headers; exited = false; q = query ? '?' + ((function() { var _results; _results = []; for (k in query) { v = query[k]; _results.push("" + k + "=" + v); } return _results; })()).join('&') : ''; req = superagent.get("" + protocol + "://" + host + path + q); for (k in headers) { v = headers[k]; req.set(k, v); } timeout = setTimeout(function() { exited = true; return cb('Request has timed out'); }, 1e4); return req.end(function(err, data) { if (exited) { return; } exited = true; clearTimeout(timeout); return response(err, data, cb); }); }; response = function(err, data, cb) { var _ref1; if (err) { return cb(error(err)); } if (data.statusType !== 2) { if ((data != null ? (_ref1 = data.body) != null ? _ref1.message : void 0 : void 0) != null) { return cb(data.body.message); } return cb(data.error.message); } return cb(null, data.body); }; headers = function(token) { var h; h = _.extend({}, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3' }); if (token != null) { h.Authorization = "token " + token; } return h; }; error = function(err) { var message; switch (false) { case !_.isString(err): message = err; break; case !_.isArray(err): message = err[1]; break; case !(_.isObject(err) && _.isString(err.message)): message = err.message; } if (!message) { try { message = JSON.stringify(err); } catch (_error) { message = err.toString(); } } return message; }; }); // require.coffee root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/require.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = { _: _, superagent: superagent, d3: d3, async: async, marked: marked }; }); // error.eco root.require.register('ghbc/src/templates/error.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = function(__obj) { if (!__obj) __obj = {}; var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) { var out = __out, result; __out = []; callback.call(this); result = __out.join(''); __out = out; return __safe(result); }, __sanitize = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) { return __escape(value); } else { return ''; } }, __safe, __objSafe = __obj.safe, __escape = __obj.escape; __safe = __obj.safe = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else { if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = ''; var result = new String(value); result.ecoSafe = true; return result; } }; if (!__escape) { __escape = __obj.escape = function(value) { return ('' + value) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); }; } (function() { (function() { __out.push('



'); __out.push(this.text); __out.push('

'); }).call(this); }).call(__obj); __obj.safe = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape; return __out.join(''); } }); // graph.eco root.require.register('ghbc/src/templates/graph.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = function(__obj) { if (!__obj) __obj = {}; var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) { var out = __out, result; __out = []; callback.call(this); result = __out.join(''); __out = out; return __safe(result); }, __sanitize = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) { return __escape(value); } else { return ''; } }, __safe, __objSafe = __obj.safe, __escape = __obj.escape; __safe = __obj.safe = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else { if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = ''; var result = new String(value); result.ecoSafe = true; return result; } }; if (!__escape) { __escape = __obj.escape = function(value) { return ('' + value) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); }; } (function() { (function() { __out.push('

'); __out.push(this.milestone.title); __out.push('@'); __out.push(this.repo); __out.push('

\n '); if (this.milestone.description) { __out.push('\n

'); __out.push(this.milestone.description); __out.push('

\n '); } __out.push('\n
'); }).call(this); }).call(__obj); __obj.safe = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape; return __out.join(''); } }); // info.eco root.require.register('ghbc/src/templates/info.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = function(__obj) { if (!__obj) __obj = {}; var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) { var out = __out, result; __out = []; callback.call(this); result = __out.join(''); __out = out; return __safe(result); }, __sanitize = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) { return __escape(value); } else { return ''; } }, __safe, __objSafe = __obj.safe, __escape = __obj.escape; __safe = __obj.safe = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else { if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = ''; var result = new String(value); result.ecoSafe = true; return result; } }; if (!__escape) { __escape = __obj.escape = function(value) { return ('' + value) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); }; } (function() { (function() { __out.push('

GitHub Burndown Chart


Use your browser\'s location hash to specify a repo: #!/radekstepan/disposable.


You can choose a specific milestone like so: #!/radekstepan/disposable/1.

'); }).call(this); }).call(__obj); __obj.safe = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape; return __out.join(''); } }); // label.eco root.require.register('ghbc/src/templates/label.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = function(__obj) { if (!__obj) __obj = {}; var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) { var out = __out, result; __out = []; callback.call(this); result = __out.join(''); __out = out; return __safe(result); }, __sanitize = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) { return __escape(value); } else { return ''; } }, __safe, __objSafe = __obj.safe, __escape = __obj.escape; __safe = __obj.safe = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else { if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = ''; var result = new String(value); result.ecoSafe = true; return result; } }; if (!__escape) { __escape = __obj.escape = function(value) { return ('' + value) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); }; } (function() { (function() { var points; points = Math.ceil(this.points); __out.push('\n'); if (points > 1) { __out.push('\n '); __out.push(points); __out.push(' points left\n'); } else { __out.push('\n '); if (points === 1) { __out.push('\n 1 point left\n '); } else { __out.push('\n Done\n '); } __out.push('\n'); } }).call(this); }).call(__obj); __obj.safe = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape; return __out.join(''); } }); // loading.eco root.require.register('ghbc/src/templates/loading.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = function(__obj) { if (!__obj) __obj = {}; var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) { var out = __out, result; __out = []; callback.call(this); result = __out.join(''); __out = out; return __safe(result); }, __sanitize = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) { return __escape(value); } else { return ''; } }, __safe, __objSafe = __obj.safe, __escape = __obj.escape; __safe = __obj.safe = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else { if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = ''; var result = new String(value); result.ecoSafe = true; return result; } }; if (!__escape) { __escape = __obj.escape = function(value) { return ('' + value) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); }; } (function() { (function() { __out.push('

GitHub Burndown Chart


Loading #!/'); __out.push(this.path); __out.push('.

'); }).call(this); }).call(__obj); __obj.safe = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape; return __out.join(''); } }); // progress.eco root.require.register('ghbc/src/templates/progress.js', function(exports, require, module) { module.exports = function(__obj) { if (!__obj) __obj = {}; var __out = [], __capture = function(callback) { var out = __out, result; __out = []; callback.call(this); result = __out.join(''); __out = out; return __safe(result); }, __sanitize = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null) { return __escape(value); } else { return ''; } }, __safe, __objSafe = __obj.safe, __escape = __obj.escape; __safe = __obj.safe = function(value) { if (value && value.ecoSafe) { return value; } else { if (!(typeof value !== 'undefined' && value != null)) value = ''; var result = new String(value); result.ecoSafe = true; return result; } }; if (!__escape) { __escape = __obj.escape = function(value) { return ('' + value) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); }; } (function() { (function() { __out.push('
\n '); if (this.progress === 100) { __out.push('\n
\n '); } else { __out.push('\n
\n '); } __out.push('\n

Closed / '); __out.push(__sanitize(Math.floor(this.progress))); __out.push('%


Open / '); __out.push(__sanitize(100 - Math.floor(this.progress))); __out.push('%

'); }).call(this); }).call(__obj); __obj.safe = __objSafe, __obj.escape = __escape; return __out.join(''); } }); })(); // Return the main app. var main = root.require("ghbc/src/app.js"); // AMD/RequireJS. if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd) { define("ghbc", [ /* load deps ahead of time */ ], function () { return main; }); define("ghb", [ /* load deps ahead of time */ ], function () { return main; }); define("github-burndown-chart", [ /* load deps ahead of time */ ], function () { return main; }); } // CommonJS. else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = main; } // Globally exported. else { root["ghbc"] = main; root["ghb"] = main; root["github-burndown-chart"] = main; } // Alias our app. root.require.alias("ghbc/src/app.js", "ghbc/index.js"); root.require.alias("ghbc/src/app.js", "ghb/index.js"); root.require.alias("ghbc/src/app.js", "github-burndown-chart/index.js"); })();