GRUNT = "grunt" task :default => "build" desc "Install dependencies with NPM" task :install do sh "npm install" end desc "Build everything & minify" task :build => [ "build:js", "build:css", "build:minify" ] do end desc "Watch everything." multitask :watch => [ "watch:js", "watch:css" ] desc "Run tests with mocha" task :test do sh "#{MOCHA} #{OPTS} --reporter spec" end desc "Start a web server on port 8080" task :serve do SERVER = "./node_modules/.bin/static" sh "#{SERVER} public -H '{\"Cache-Control\": \"no-cache, must-revalidate\"}'" end desc "Publish to GitHub Pages" task :publish do sh "#{GRUNT} pages" end desc "Build app and make a commit with latest changes" task :commit, [ :message ] => [ "build" ] do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:message => ":speech_balloon") sh "git add -A" sh "git commit -am \"#{args.message}\"" sh "git push -u origin master" end namespace :watch do WATCHIFY = "./node_modules/.bin/watchify" WATCH = "./node_modules/.bin/watch" desc "Watch the app" task :js do sh "#{WATCHIFY} -e ./src/ -o public/js/app.bundle.js -d -v" end desc "Watch the styles" task :css => [ "build:css" ] do sh "#{WATCH} \"rake build:css\" src/styles" end end namespace :build do BROWSERIFY = "./node_modules/.bin/browserify" LESS = "./node_modules/.bin/lessc" desc "Build the app with Browserify" task :js do sh "#{BROWSERIFY} -e ./src/ -o public/js/app.bundle.js" end desc "Build the styles with LESS" task :css do sh "#{LESS} src/styles/burnchart.less > public/css/app.bundle.css" end desc "Minify build for production" task :minify do sh "#{GRUNT} minify" end end namespace :test do MOCHA = "./node_modules/.bin/mocha" COVERALLS = "./node_modules/.bin/coveralls" OPTS = "--compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --ui exports" desc "Run code coverage, mocha with Blanket.js" task :coverage do sh "#{MOCHA} #{OPTS} --reporter html-cov --require blanket > docs/COVERAGE.html" end desc "Run code coverage and publish to Coveralls" task :coveralls, :token do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:token => "ABC") a = "#{MOCHA} #{OPTS} --reporter mocha-lcov-reporter --require blanket" b = "COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=#{args.token} COVERALLS_SERVICE_NAME=MOCHA #{COVERALLS}" sh "#{a} | #{b}" end end