BROWSERIFY = ./node_modules/.bin/browserify WATCH = ./node_modules/.bin/watchify SERVER = ./node_modules/.bin/static MOCHA = ./node_modules/.bin/mocha COVERALLS = ./node_modules/.bin/coveralls GRUNT = grunt # Install dependencies. install: npm install watch: $(MAKE) watch-js & $(MAKE) watch-css # Watch the app. watch-js: $(WATCH) -e ./src/ -o public/js/app.bundle.js -d -v # Watch the styles. watch-css: $(GRUNT) watch # Serve locally. serve: $(SERVER) public -H '{"Cache-Control": "no-cache, must-revalidate"}' # Make a minified package. build: $(GRUNT) init $(BROWSERIFY) -e ./src/ -o public/js/app.bundle.js $(GRUNT) css $(GRUNT) minify # Publish to GitHub Pages. publish: $(GRUNT) gh-pages OPTS = --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --ui exports # Run mocha test. test: $(MOCHA) $(OPTS) --reporter spec # Run code coverage. coverage: $(MOCHA) $(OPTS) --reporter html-cov --require blanket > docs/COVERAGE.html # Run code coverage and publish to coveralls. coveralls: $(MOCHA) $(OPTS) --reporter mocha-lcov-reporter --require blanket | COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=$(TOKEN) COVERALLS_SERVICE_NAME=MOCHA $(COVERALLS) .PHONY: test