mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 22:58:14 +00:00
closes #32
This commit is contained in:
@ -20427,7 +20427,7 @@ if (typeof exports == "object") {
// request.coffee
root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/request.js', function(exports, require, module) {
var request, respond, superagent, _, _ref;
var error, headers, request, response, superagent, _, _ref;
_ref = require('./require'), superagent = _ref.superagent, _ = _ref._;
@ -20445,38 +20445,59 @@ if (typeof exports == "object") {
module.exports = {
'all_milestones': function(repo, cb) {
var query;
query = {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
return request(repo, query, 'milestones', cb);
return request({
'protocol': repo.protocol,
'host': repo.host,
'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/milestones",
'query': {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
'headers': headers(repo.token)
}, cb);
'one_milestone': function(repo, number, cb) {
var query;
query = {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
return request(repo, query, "milestones/" + number, cb);
return request({
'protocol': repo.protocol,
'host': repo.host,
'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/milestones/" + number,
'query': {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
'headers': headers(repo.token)
}, cb);
'all_issues': function(repo, query, cb) {
_.extend(query, {
'per_page': '100'
return request(repo, query, 'issues', cb);
return request({
'protocol': repo.protocol,
'host': repo.host,
'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/issues",
'query': _.extend(query, {
'per_page': '100'
'headers': headers(repo.token)
}, cb);
'config': function(cb) {
return superagent.get("http://" + (window.location.host + window.location.pathname) + "config.json").set('Content-Type', 'application/json').end(_.partialRight(respond, cb));
return request({
'protocol': 'http',
'host': window.location.host,
'path': "" + window.location.pathname + "config.json",
'headers': _.extend(headers(), {
'Accept': 'application/json'
}, cb);
request = function(_arg, query, noun, cb) {
var host, k, path, protocol, q, req, token, v;
protocol = _arg.protocol, host = _arg.host, token = _arg.token, path = _arg.path;
q = ((function() {
request = function(_arg, cb) {
var exited, headers, host, k, path, protocol, q, query, req, timeout, v;
protocol = _arg.protocol, host = _arg.host, path = _arg.path, query = _arg.query, headers = _arg.headers;
exited = false;
q = query ? '?' + ((function() {
var _results;
_results = [];
for (k in query) {
@ -20484,16 +20505,31 @@ if (typeof exports == "object") {
_results.push("" + k + "=" + v);
return _results;
req = superagent.get("" + protocol + "://" + host + "/repos/" + path + "/" + noun + "?" + q).set('Content-Type', 'application/json').set('Accept', 'application/vnd.github.v3');
if (token) {
req = req.set('Authorization', "token " + token);
})()).join('&') : '';
req = superagent.get("" + protocol + "://" + host + path + q);
for (k in headers) {
v = headers[k];
req.set(k, v);
return req.end(_.partialRight(respond, cb));
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
exited = true;
return cb('Request has timed out');
}, 3e3);
return req.end(function(err, data) {
if (exited) {
exited = true;
return response(err, data, cb);
respond = function(data, cb) {
response = function(err, data, cb) {
var _ref1;
if (err) {
return cb(error(err));
if (data.statusType !== 2) {
if ((data != null ? (_ref1 = data.body) != null ? _ref1.message : void 0 : void 0) != null) {
return cb(data.body.message);
@ -20503,6 +20539,40 @@ if (typeof exports == "object") {
return cb(null, data.body);
headers = function(token) {
var h;
h = _.extend({}, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3'
if (token != null) {
h.Authorization = "token " + token;
return h;
error = function(err) {
var message;
switch (false) {
case !_.isString(err):
message = err;
case !_.isArray(err):
message = err[1];
case !(_.isObject(err) && _.isString(err.message)):
message = err.message;
if (!message) {
try {
message = JSON.stringify(err);
} catch (_error) {
message = err.toString();
return message;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@
// request.coffee
root.require.register('ghbc/src/modules/request.js', function(exports, require, module) {
var request, respond, superagent, _, _ref;
var error, headers, request, response, superagent, _, _ref;
_ref = require('./require'), superagent = _ref.superagent, _ = _ref._;
@ -803,38 +803,59 @@
module.exports = {
'all_milestones': function(repo, cb) {
var query;
query = {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
return request(repo, query, 'milestones', cb);
return request({
'protocol': repo.protocol,
'host': repo.host,
'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/milestones",
'query': {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
'headers': headers(repo.token)
}, cb);
'one_milestone': function(repo, number, cb) {
var query;
query = {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
return request(repo, query, "milestones/" + number, cb);
return request({
'protocol': repo.protocol,
'host': repo.host,
'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/milestones/" + number,
'query': {
'state': 'open',
'sort': 'due_date',
'direction': 'asc'
'headers': headers(repo.token)
}, cb);
'all_issues': function(repo, query, cb) {
_.extend(query, {
'per_page': '100'
return request(repo, query, 'issues', cb);
return request({
'protocol': repo.protocol,
'host': repo.host,
'path': "/repos/" + repo.path + "/issues",
'query': _.extend(query, {
'per_page': '100'
'headers': headers(repo.token)
}, cb);
'config': function(cb) {
return superagent.get("http://" + (window.location.host + window.location.pathname) + "config.json").set('Content-Type', 'application/json').end(_.partialRight(respond, cb));
return request({
'protocol': 'http',
'host': window.location.host,
'path': "" + window.location.pathname + "config.json",
'headers': _.extend(headers(), {
'Accept': 'application/json'
}, cb);
request = function(_arg, query, noun, cb) {
var host, k, path, protocol, q, req, token, v;
protocol = _arg.protocol, host = _arg.host, token = _arg.token, path = _arg.path;
q = ((function() {
request = function(_arg, cb) {
var exited, headers, host, k, path, protocol, q, query, req, timeout, v;
protocol = _arg.protocol, host = _arg.host, path = _arg.path, query = _arg.query, headers = _arg.headers;
exited = false;
q = query ? '?' + ((function() {
var _results;
_results = [];
for (k in query) {
@ -842,16 +863,31 @@
_results.push("" + k + "=" + v);
return _results;
req = superagent.get("" + protocol + "://" + host + "/repos/" + path + "/" + noun + "?" + q).set('Content-Type', 'application/json').set('Accept', 'application/vnd.github.v3');
if (token) {
req = req.set('Authorization', "token " + token);
})()).join('&') : '';
req = superagent.get("" + protocol + "://" + host + path + q);
for (k in headers) {
v = headers[k];
req.set(k, v);
return req.end(_.partialRight(respond, cb));
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
exited = true;
return cb('Request has timed out');
}, 3e3);
return req.end(function(err, data) {
if (exited) {
exited = true;
return response(err, data, cb);
respond = function(data, cb) {
response = function(err, data, cb) {
var _ref1;
if (err) {
return cb(error(err));
if (data.statusType !== 2) {
if ((data != null ? (_ref1 = data.body) != null ? _ref1.message : void 0 : void 0) != null) {
return cb(data.body.message);
@ -861,6 +897,40 @@
return cb(null, data.body);
headers = function(token) {
var h;
h = _.extend({}, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3'
if (token != null) {
h.Authorization = "token " + token;
return h;
error = function(err) {
var message;
switch (false) {
case !_.isString(err):
message = err;
case !_.isArray(err):
message = err[1];
case !(_.isObject(err) && _.isString(err.message)):
message = err.message;
if (!message) {
try {
message = JSON.stringify(err);
} catch (_error) {
message = err.toString();
return message;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ route = ->
, (conf, cb) ->
repo _.extend(opts, conf), cb
], (err) ->
render 'body', 'error', { 'text': err.toString() } if err
render 'body', 'error', { 'text': do err.toString } if err
# Info notice for you.
render 'body', 'info'
@ -12,48 +12,75 @@ superagent.parse =
module.exports =
# Get all milestones.
'all_milestones': (repo, cb) ->
query = { 'state': 'open', 'sort': 'due_date', 'direction': 'asc' }
request repo, query, 'milestones', cb
'all_milestones': (repo, cb) ->
'protocol': repo.protocol
'host': repo.host
'path': "/repos/#{repo.path}/milestones"
'query': { 'state': 'open', 'sort': 'due_date', 'direction': 'asc' }
'headers': headers repo.token
, cb
# Get one milestone.
'one_milestone': (repo, number, cb) ->
query = { 'state': 'open', 'sort': 'due_date', 'direction': 'asc' }
request repo, query, "milestones/#{number}", cb
'one_milestone': (repo, number, cb) ->
'protocol': repo.protocol
'host': repo.host
'path': "/repos/#{repo.path}/milestones/#{number}"
'query': { 'state': 'open', 'sort': 'due_date', 'direction': 'asc' }
'headers': headers repo.token
, cb
# Get all issues for a state.
'all_issues': (repo, query, cb) ->
_.extend query, { 'per_page': '100' }
request repo, query, 'issues', cb
'all_issues': (repo, query, cb) ->
'protocol': repo.protocol
'host': repo.host
'path': "/repos/#{repo.path}/issues"
'query': _.extend query, { 'per_page': '100' }
'headers': headers repo.token
, cb
# Get config from our host always.
'config': (cb) ->
.get("http://#{window.location.host + window.location.pathname}config.json")
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.end _.partialRight respond, cb
'config': (cb) ->
'protocol': 'http'
'host': window.location.host
'path': "#{window.location.pathname}config.json"
'headers': _.extend headers(), { 'Accept': 'application/json' }
, cb
# Make a request using SuperAgent.
request = ({ protocol, host, path, query, headers }, cb) ->
exited = no
# Make a request using SuperAgent to GitHub.
request = ({ protocol, host, token, path }, query, noun, cb) ->
# Make the query params.
q = ( "#{k}=#{v}" for k, v of query ).join('&')
q = if query then '?' + ( "#{k}=#{v}" for k, v of query ).join('&') else ''
req = superagent
# The URI.
# The content type.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
# The media type.
.set('Accept', 'application/vnd.github.v3')
# Auth token?
req = req.set('Authorization', "token #{token}") if token
req = superagent.get("#{protocol}://#{host}#{path}#{q}")
# Add headers.
( req.set(k, v) for k, v of headers )
# Timeout for requests that do not finish... see #32.
timeout = setTimeout ->
exited = yes
cb 'Request has timed out'
, 3e3
# Send.
req.end _.partialRight respond, cb
req.end (err, data) ->
# Arrived too late.
return if exited
# All fine.
exited = yes
clearTimeout timeout
# Actually process the response.
response err, data, cb
# How do we respond to a response?
respond = (data, cb) ->
response = (err, data, cb) ->
return cb error err if err
# 2xx?
if data.statusType isnt 2
# Do we have a message from GitHub?
@ -61,4 +88,32 @@ respond = (data, cb) ->
# Use SA one.
return cb data.error.message
# All good.
cb null, data.body
cb null, data.body
# Give us headers.
headers = (token) ->
# The defaults.
h = _.extend {},
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3'
# Add token?
h.Authorization = "token #{token}" if token?
# Parse an error.
error = (err) ->
when _.isString err
message = err
when _.isArray err
message = err[1]
when _.isObject(err) and _.isString(err.message)
message = err.message
unless message
message = JSON.stringify err
message = do err.toString
@ -2,12 +2,17 @@
proxy = do require('proxyquire').noCallThru
assert = require 'assert'
path = require 'path'
_ = require 'lodash'
class Superagent
get: -> @
set: -> @
end: (cb) -> cb @response
get: (uri) ->
@params = { uri }
set: (key, value) ->
@params[key] = value
end: (cb) -> cb null, @response
request = proxy path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/modules/request.coffee'),
@ -25,10 +30,30 @@ module.exports =
'error': no
'body': [ null ]
request.all_milestones {}, (err) ->
request.all_milestones {}, (err, data) ->
assert.ifError err
assert.deepEqual sa.params,
'uri': 'undefined://undefined/repos/undefined/milestones?state=open&sort=due_date&direction=asc'
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3'
assert.deepEqual data, [ null ]
do done
'request - one milestone (ok)': (done) ->
sa.response =
'statusType': 2
'error': no
'body': [ null ]
request.one_milestone {}, 1, (err, data) ->
assert.ifError err
assert.deepEqual sa.params,
'uri': 'undefined://undefined/repos/undefined/milestones/1?state=open&sort=due_date&direction=asc'
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3'
assert.deepEqual data, [ null ]
do done
'request - one milestone (404)': (done) ->
sa.response =
'statusType': 4
@ -49,4 +74,19 @@ module.exports =
request.one_milestone {}, 9, (err) ->
assert.equal err, 'Error'
do done
'request - all issues (ok)': (done) ->
sa.response =
'statusType': 2
'error': no
'body': [ null ]
request.all_issues {}, {}, (err, data) ->
assert.ifError err
assert.deepEqual sa.params,
'uri': 'undefined://undefined/repos/undefined/issues?per_page=100'
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3'
assert.deepEqual data, [ null ]
do done
Reference in New Issue
Block a user