mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 11:14:46 +00:00
reasonably ok ui style
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ module.exports = (grunt) ->
paths: [ 'src/app.styl' ]
'build/app.css': 'src/app.styl'
src: [
dest: 'build/app.css'
@ -1,13 +1 @@
#deadmonton [![Built with Grunt](https://cdn.gruntjs.com/builtwith.png)](http://gruntjs.com/)
Aggregate crime stats from [Edmonton Police Service](http://crimemapping.edmontonpolice.ca/) and visualize on an [OpenStreet](http://www.openstreetmap.org) map.
Run the following to fetch data for the past 2 months or updates existing with the latest data.
$ make fetch
Then statically serve the `public/` folder and visit it in the browser. Happy house hunting!
# burnchart
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
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"ractive": "~0.5.5"
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template: require('./templates/layout'),
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module.exports = ["<div id=\"head\">"," <div class=\"right\">"," <a href=\"#\" class=\"github\"><span class=\"icon github\"></span> Sign In</a>"," </div>",""," <h1><span class=\"icon fire-station\"></span></h1>",""," <div class=\"search\">"," <span class=\"icon search\"></span>"," <input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Jump to...\">"," </div>",""," <ul>"," <li><a href=\"#\" class=\"add\"><span class=\"icon plus-circled\"></span> Add a Project</a></li>"," <li><a href=\"#\" class=\"faq\">FAQ</a></li>"," </ul>","</div>","","<div id=\"title\">"," <div class=\"wrap\">"," <h2>Disposable Project</h2>"," <span class=\"milestone\">Milestone 1.0</span>"," <p class=\"description\">The one where we deliver all that we promised.</p>"," </div>","</div>","","<div id=\"content\" class=\"wrap\">"," <div id=\"hero\">"," <div class=\"content\">"," <span class=\"icon address\"></span>"," <h2>See your project progress</h2>"," <p>Not sure where to start? Just add a demo repo to see a chart. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.</p>"," <div class=\"cta\">"," <a href=\"#\"><span class=\"icon plus-circled\"></span> Add your project</a>"," </div>"," </div>"," </div>",""," <div id=\"repos\">"," <div class=\"header\">"," <a href=\"#\" class=\"sort\"><span class=\"icon sort-alphabet\"></span> Sorted by priority</a>"," <h2>Projects</h2>"," </div>",""," <table>"," <tr>"," <td><a class=\"repo\" href=\"#\">radekstepan/disposable</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"milestone\">1.0</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"status\">due in 5 days on track</span></td>"," </tr>"," <tr>"," <td><a class=\"repo\" href=\"#\">radekstepan/burnchart</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"milestone\">MVP</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"status\">due today</span></td>"," </tr>"," </table>",""," <div class=\"footer\">"," <a href=\"#\"><span class=\"icon cog\"></span> Edit</a>"," </div>"," </div>","</div>","","<div id=\"footer\">"," <div class=\"wrap\">"," © 2012-2014 Radek Stepan"," </div>","</div>"].join("\n");
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@ -212,8 +212,21 @@
// app.coffee
root.require.register('burnchart/src/app.js', function(exports, require, module) {
module.exports = 5;
var App;
App = Ractive.extend({
template: require('./templates/layout'),
init: function() {}
module.exports = new App();
// layout.mustache
root.require.register('burnchart/src/templates/layout.js', function(exports, require, module) {
module.exports = ["<div id=\"head\">"," <div class=\"right\">"," <a href=\"#\" class=\"github\"><span class=\"icon github\"></span> Sign In</a>"," </div>",""," <h1><span class=\"icon fire-station\"></span></h1>",""," <div class=\"search\">"," <span class=\"icon search\"></span>"," <input type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Jump to...\">"," </div>",""," <ul>"," <li><a href=\"#\" class=\"add\"><span class=\"icon plus-circled\"></span> Add a Project</a></li>"," <li><a href=\"#\" class=\"faq\">FAQ</a></li>"," </ul>","</div>","","<div id=\"title\">"," <div class=\"wrap\">"," <h2>Disposable Project</h2>"," <span class=\"milestone\">Milestone 1.0</span>"," <p class=\"description\">The one where we deliver all that we promised.</p>"," </div>","</div>","","<div id=\"content\" class=\"wrap\">"," <div id=\"hero\">"," <div class=\"content\">"," <span class=\"icon address\"></span>"," <h2>See your project progress</h2>"," <p>Not sure where to start? Just add a demo repo to see a chart. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.</p>"," <div class=\"cta\">"," <a href=\"#\"><span class=\"icon plus-circled\"></span> Add your project</a>"," </div>"," </div>"," </div>",""," <div id=\"repos\">"," <div class=\"header\">"," <a href=\"#\" class=\"sort\"><span class=\"icon sort-alphabet\"></span> Sorted by priority</a>"," <h2>Projects</h2>"," </div>",""," <table>"," <tr>"," <td><a class=\"repo\" href=\"#\">radekstepan/disposable</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"milestone\">1.0</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"status\">due in 5 days on track</span></td>"," </tr>"," <tr>"," <td><a class=\"repo\" href=\"#\">radekstepan/burnchart</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"milestone\">MVP</a></td>"," <td><span class=\"status\">due today</span></td>"," </tr>"," </table>",""," <div class=\"footer\">"," <a href=\"#\"><span class=\"icon cog\"></span> Edit</a>"," </div>"," </div>","</div>","","<div id=\"footer\">"," <div class=\"wrap\">"," © 2012-2014 Radek Stepan"," </div>","</div>"].join("\n");
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Normal file
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<h2>Disposable Project</h2>
<span class="milestone">Milestone 1.0</span>
<p class="description">The one where we deliver all that we promised.</p>
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<p>Not sure where to start? Just add a demo repo to see a chart. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.</p>
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<td><span class="status">due in 5 days on track</span></td>
<td><a class="repo" href="#">radekstepan/burnchart</a></td>
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