very simple get current milestones check
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
./node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script --reporter spec --ui exports --bail
.PHONY: test
@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ Show:
* For each issue show other tags and assignee (avatar).
* For each issue show other tags and assignee (avatar).
* Number of working days left.
* Number of working days left.
* To whom open issues still belong.
* To whom open issues still belong.
* Projected ship date (project running late/not).
* For each user/avatar what is their % progress and number of open/closed issues.
* Heat: if we are struck/very productive for a period of time, colorize the chart line.
* For milestones with no due date, show an estimate as to when it will probably be finished.
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
flatiron = require 'flatiron'
connect = require 'connect'
https = require 'https'
fs = require "fs"
yaml = require "js-yaml"
eco = require 'eco'
# Helper object for GitHub Issues.
Issues =
# Make HTTPS GET to GitHub API v3.
get: (path, type, callback) ->
options =
host: ""
method: "GET"
path: path
'User-Agent': 'Scrum Burndown (1)'
if Issues.config.api_token
options.headers.Authorization = 'token '+Issues.config.api_token
https.request(options, (response) ->
if response.statusCode is 200
json = ""
response.on "data", (chunk) -> json += chunk
response.on "end", -> callback JSON.parse(json), type
throw response.statusCode
# URLs to API.
getOpenIssues: (callback) -> Issues.get "/repos/#{Issues.config.github_user}/#{Issues.config.github_project}/issues?state=open", 'issues', callback
getClosedIssues: (callback) -> Issues.get "/repos/#{Issues.config.github_user}/#{Issues.config.github_project}/issues?state=closed", 'issues', callback
getMilestones: (callback) -> Issues.get "/repos/#{Issues.config.github_user}/#{Issues.config.github_project}/milestones", 'milestones', callback
# Convert GitHub ISO 8601 to JS timestamp at the beginning of UTC day!'
dateToTime: (date) ->
# Some milestones do not have due dates.
return 0 unless date?
# Add miliseconds and create `Date`.
date = new Date(date[ - 1] + '.000' + date.charAt date.length-1)
# Move to the beginning of the day (at 9am BST, 8am GMT, so we do not worry about time shifts).
date = new Date date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 9
# Return timestamp.
# Format issues for display in a listing.
format: (issue) ->
# Format the timestamps.
if issue.created_at? then issue.created_at = new Date(Issues.dateToTime(issue.created_at)).toUTCString()
if issue.updated_at? then issue.updated_at = new Date(Issues.dateToTime(issue.updated_at)).toUTCString()
# Config filters.
app =
app.use flatiron.plugins.http,
'before': [
connect.static __dirname + '/public'
# Eco templating.
name: "eco-templating"
attach: (options) ->
|||||| = (path, data, cb) ->
fs.readFile "./templates/#{path}.eco", "utf8", (err, template) ->
if err then cb err, null
cb null, eco.render template, data
catch e
cb e, null
# Show burndown chart.
getBurndown = ->
console.log 'Get burndown chart'
resources = 3 ; store = { 'issues': [], 'milestones': [] }
done = (data, type) =>
# One less to do.
switch type
when 'issues' then store.issues = store.issues.concat data
when 'milestones' then store.milestones = store.milestones.concat data
# Are we done?
if resources is 0
# Do we actually have an open milestone?
if store.milestones.length > 0
# Store the current milestone and its size.
current = { 'milestone': {}, 'diff': +Infinity, 'size': 0 }
# Determine the 'current' milestone
now = new Date().getTime()
for milestone in store.milestones
# JS expects more accuracy.
due = Issues.dateToTime milestone['due_on']
# Is this the 'current' one?
diff = due - now
if diff > 0 and diff < current.diff
current.milestone = milestone ; current.diff = diff ; current.due = due
# Create n dict with all dates in the milestone span.
days = {} ; totalDays = 0 ; totalNonWorkingDays = 0
day = Issues.dateToTime current.milestone.created_at
while day < current.due
# Do we have weekends configured?
if Issues.config.weekend? and Issues.config.weekend instanceof Array
dayOfWeek = new Date(day).getDay()
# Fix stupid Abrahamic tradition.
if dayOfWeek is 0 then dayOfWeek = 7
# Does this day fall on a weekend?
if dayOfWeek in Issues.config.weekend
totalNonWorkingDays += 1
# Save the day.
days[day] = { 'issues': [], 'actual': 0, 'ideal': 0, 'weekend': true }
# Save the day.
days[day] = { 'issues': [], 'actual': 0, 'ideal': 0, 'weekend': false }
# Save the day.
days[day] = { 'issues': [], 'actual': 0, 'ideal': 0, 'weekend': false }
# Shift by a day.
day += 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
# Increase the total count.
totalDays += 1
# Now go through the issues and place them to the appropriate days.
for issue in store.issues
# This milestone?
if issue.milestone?.number is current.milestone.number
# Has a size label?
if issue.labels?
issue.size = do (issue) ->
for label in issue.labels
if"size ") is 0
return parseInt[5...]
if issue.size?
# Increase the total size of the milestone.
current.size += issue.size
# Is it closed?
if issue.closed_at?
# Save it.
days[Issues.dateToTime issue.closed_at]['issues'].push issue
# Calculate the predicted daily velocity.
dailyIdeal = current['size'] / (totalDays - totalNonWorkingDays) ; ideal = current['size']
# Go through the days and save the number of outstanding issues size.
for day, d of days
# Does this day have any closed issues? Reduce the total for this milestone.
for issue in d['issues']
current['size'] -= issue.size
# Save the oustanding count for that day.
days[day].actual = current['size']
# Save the predicted velocity for that day if it is not a non-working day.
ideal -= dailyIdeal unless days[day].weekend
days[day].ideal = ideal
# Finally send to client.
|||||| 'burndown',
'days': days
'project': Issues.config.project_name
'base_url': Issues.config.base_url
, (err, html) =>
throw err if err
@res.writeHead 200, "content-type": "text/html"
@res.write html
# No current milestone.
|||||| 'empty',
'project': Issues.config.project_name
'base_url': Issues.config.base_url
, (err, html) =>
throw err if err
@res.writeHead 200, "content-type": "text/html"
@res.write html
# Get Milestones, Opened and Closed Tickets.
Issues.getMilestones done
Issues.getOpenIssues done
Issues.getClosedIssues done
# Show open issues.
getIssues = ->
console.log 'Get open issues'
Issues.getOpenIssues (issues) =>
# Replace the dates in issues with nice dates.
issues = ( Issues.format(issue) for issue in issues )
|||||| 'issues',
'issues': issues
'project': Issues.config.project_name
'base_url': Issues.config.base_url
, (err, html) =>
throw err if err
@res.writeHead 200, "content-type": "text/html"
@res.write html
# Routes
app.router.path '/', ->
@get getBurndown
app.router.path '/burndown', ->
@get getBurndown
app.router.path '/issues', ->
@get getIssues
# Fetch config and start server.
fs.readFile "config.yml", "utf8", (err, data) ->
Issues.config = yaml.load data
app.start process.env.PORT, (err) ->
throw err if err
console.log "Listening on port #{app.server.address().port}"
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"name": "github-burndown-chart",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha",
"description": "Shows a burndown chart for GitHub Issues",
"directories": {
"test": "test"
"dependencies": {
"async": "~0.2.9",
"proxyquire": "~0.4.1"
"devDependencies": {
"mocha": "~1.12.0"
"scripts": {
"test": "make test"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"keywords": [
"author": "Radek <>",
"license": "BSD",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
@ -0,0 +1 @@
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
"1003692": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0004110",
"symbol": "tin",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG7895"
"identifiers": {
"tinman": [
"type": "Gene"
"1005232": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0000099",
"symbol": "ap",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG8376"
"identifiers": {
"FBgn0000099": [
"type": "Gene"
"1005584": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0000166",
"symbol": "bcd",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG1034"
"identifiers": {
"CG1034": [
"type": "Gene"
"1006039": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0001150",
"symbol": "gt",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG7952"
"identifiers": {
"gt": [
"type": "Gene"
"1006967": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0003300",
"symbol": "run",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG1849"
"identifiers": {
"runt": [
"type": "Gene"
"1007192": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0000606",
"symbol": "eve",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG2328"
"identifiers": {
"CG2328": [
"type": "Gene"
"1007568": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0003870",
"symbol": "ttk",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG1856"
"identifiers": {
"tramtrack": [
"type": "Gene"
"1008149": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0040765",
"symbol": "luna",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG33473"
"identifiers": {
"CG33473": [
"type": "Gene"
"1012064": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0003866",
"symbol": "tsh",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG1374"
"identifiers": {
"CG1374": [
"type": "Gene"
"1013634": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0003720",
"symbol": "tll",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG1378"
"identifiers": {
"tll": [
"type": "Gene"
"1017495": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0000028",
"symbol": "acj6",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG9151"
"identifiers": {
"CG9151": [
"type": "Gene"
"1019651": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0011655",
"symbol": "Med",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG1775"
"identifiers": {
"CG1775": [
"type": "Gene"
"1020845": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0024250",
"symbol": "brk",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG9653"
"identifiers": {
"FBgn0024250": [
"type": "Gene"
"1021556": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0041111",
"symbol": "lilli",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG8817"
"identifiers": {
"CG8817": [
"type": "Gene"
"1022210": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0011766",
"symbol": "E2f",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG6376"
"identifiers": {
"E2f": [
"type": "Gene"
"1023733": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0011648",
"symbol": "Mad",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG12399"
"identifiers": {
"Mad": [
"type": "Gene"
"1029518": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0003460",
"symbol": "so",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG11121"
"identifiers": {
"so": [
"type": "Gene"
"1033140": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0025800",
"symbol": "Smox",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG2262"
"identifiers": {
"CG2262": [
"type": "Gene"
"1035180": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0001325",
"symbol": "Kr",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG3340"
"identifiers": {
"FBgn0001251": [
"type": "Gene"
"1036625": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0003430",
"symbol": "slp1",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG16738"
"identifiers": {
"CG16738": [
"type": "Gene"
"1042703": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0001180",
"symbol": "hb",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG9786"
"identifiers": {
"CG9786": [
"type": "Gene"
"1045695": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0010433",
"symbol": "ato",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG7508"
"identifiers": {
"FBgn0010433": [
"ato": [
"type": "Gene"
"1065292": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0004915",
"symbol": "TfIIB",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG5193"
"identifiers": {
"TfIIB": [
"type": "Gene"
"1068009": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0000157",
"symbol": "Dll",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG3629"
"identifiers": {
"CG3629": [
"type": "Gene"
"1077315": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0001077",
"symbol": "ftz",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG2047"
"identifiers": {
"ftz": [
"type": "Gene"
"1145128": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila melanogaster",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0003900",
"symbol": "twi",
"secondaryIdentifier": "CG2956"
"identifiers": {
"type": "Gene"
"6000138": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila pseudoobscura",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0075017",
"symbol": "Dpse\ttk",
"secondaryIdentifier": "GA14992"
"identifiers": {
"tramtrack": [
"type": "Gene"
"7000252": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila simulans",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0193021",
"symbol": "Dsim\ttk",
"secondaryIdentifier": "GD21596"
"identifiers": {
"tramtrack": [
"type": "Gene"
"7000255": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila yakuba",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0228787",
"symbol": "Dyak\ttk",
"secondaryIdentifier": "GE10957"
"identifiers": {
"tramtrack": [
"type": "Gene"
"7010773": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila simulans",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0016352",
"symbol": "Dsim\run",
"secondaryIdentifier": "GD17500"
"identifiers": {
"runt": [
"type": "Gene"
"7513758": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila erecta",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0085118",
"symbol": "Dere\run",
"secondaryIdentifier": "GG19696"
"identifiers": {
"runt": [
"type": "Gene"
"7878354": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila virilis",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0013920",
"symbol": "Dvir\run",
"secondaryIdentifier": "GJ19252"
"identifiers": {
"runt": [
"type": "Gene"
"7918344": {
"summary": {
"": "Drosophila yakuba",
"primaryIdentifier": "FBgn0084618",
"symbol": "Dyak\run",
"secondaryIdentifier": "GE17894"
"identifiers": {
"runt": [
"type": "Gene"
"17023535": {
"summary": {
"": "Mus musculus",
"primaryIdentifier": "MGI:95866",
"symbol": "gt",
"secondaryIdentifier": null
"identifiers": {
"gt": [
"type": "Gene"
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="/build.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="/build.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="target"></div>
$.getJSON('/data.json', function(data) {
require('component-400/app').call(null, data, '#target', function(err, selected) {
if (err) throw err;
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"name": "app",
"main": "app.js",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha",
"dependencies": {
"component/map": "*",
"segmentio/extend": "*",
"component/object": "*",
"manuelstofer/foreach": "*",
"component/dom": "*"
"scripts": [ ],
"styles": [ ]
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
req = require './request'
module.exports =
'get_current': (user, repo, cb) ->
req.milestones user, repo, (err, data) ->
return cb err if err
# Go through the milestones looking for one that ends/ended soonest.
max = [ null, +Infinity ]
( max = [ parseInt(i), int ] if (int = +new Date due_on) < max[1] for i, { due_on } of data )
cb null, data[max[0]]
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
module.exports =
'milestones': (user, repo, cb) ->
cb null, { 'real': 'one' }
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
assert = require 'assert'
async = require 'async'
path = require 'path'
proxy = require 'proxyquire'
req = {}
milestones = proxy path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/'),
'./request': req
module.exports =
'get current': (done) ->
req.milestones = (user, repo, cb) ->
cb null, [
'number': 1
'created_at': '2013-01-01T00:00:00Z'
'due_on': '2013-02-01T00:00:00Z'
milestones.get_current null, null, (err, milestone) ->
assert.ifError err
assert.equal milestone.number, 1
| null
Reference in New Issue