*Existing users: The url mapping has been preserved from the original app, we are just using a different domain. If you'd like to use the previous version(s), grab the tags `v1`, `v2`.*
If you specify `LABELS` above, this is the place to set a regex used to parse a label and extract points size from it. When multiple matching size labels exist, their sum is taken.
The app is built using [Node](http://nodejs.org/). To install dev dependencies:
$ make install
To create an unminified package with source maps for debugging:
$make watch
You can then start a local http server with:
$ make serve
To test your changes run:
$make test
And finally for code coverage:
$ make coverage
There is currently a bug that incorrectly shows code coverage (using [blanket.js](http://blanketjs.org/)) for modules that are loaded using [proxyquire](https://github.com/thlorenz/proxyquire).
To make a minified package for production:
$ make build
You can then publish the contents of the `public` folder to `gh-pages` branch with: