GitHub Burndown Chart as a service. Public repos are free, for private access auth via GitHub and pay.
## Name
charcoal, charriot
- gurndown [.com/.io] github burndown
- bithubchart [.com/.io] burndown github chart
- burnchart [.io]
## Tasks
### MVP
[ ] landing page allows you to immediately jump into action
[ ] past repos are cached remotely or in localStorage
[ ] show chart for the current milestone or choose a custom one
[ ] be able to config options through UI that currently have to be hardcoded in config
[ ] embed user tracking
[ ] sort projects based on their closest due dates
[ ] show only repo name if all projects are under our name
[ ] rotate between percentage progress and points left
[ ] Send notifications to people like Codeship or have our own delivery system perhaps like Github or just show a notification icon and onclick ask people to upgrade
[ ] Do not show login/logged-in state when we are still fetching that information from Firebase
[ ] Handle 404 on routes; from catch all check if '/' or go 404 controller
[ ] Variable document.title on different pages
[ ] In add a project form autocomplete on my username, orgs I am member of and repos I have access to
[ ] Someone might create a public repo, add it to the system and switch it to private; need to check repo priviledges at runtime; or when asking for auth, one would choose either public OR public/private, but this could get confusign.
[ ] Make sure the padding fits throughout the interface; we have user-select on elements.
[ ] Validate repo input and show a loading sign of sorts
[ ] When fetching repo say if no perms to access or does not exist
[ ] Check location.hash is supported
[ ] Have an app wide of triggering a URL and have named routes too
[ ] Check that we have not run out of requests to make