[ ![Codeship Status for radekstepan/github-burndown-chart](https://www.codeship.io/projects/d69f4420-e5b0-0130-bbae-1632ddfb80f8/status?branch=master)](https://www.codeship.io/projects/5855)
1.**Static Mode**: you can just serve the `public` directory using a static file server or GitHub Pages. No config needed, just serve the app and point to your repo in the browser, e.g.: `!/radekstepan/disposable`. You are rate limited to the tune of [60 requests per hour](http://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting).
1.**Static Mode (Public Token)**: as before but now you want to use your [GitHub OAuth2 API Token](http://developer.github.com/v3/#authentication) in the config. This will require you to specify the token in the `config.json` file as outlined below.
1.**Proxy Mode (Private Token)**: you find it preposterous to share your token with the world. In this case you will need to serve the app using the [Proxy Mode](#proxy-mode). Your token will be scrubbed from the config file and all requests be routed through a proxy.
All of the following fields are defined in `config.json` and none of them, including the file itself, are required. Just make sure that if the file exists, it is served with a correct MIME media type which is [application/json](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477816/what-is-the-correct-json-content-type).
The way we are getting a size of an issue from GitHub is by putting a label on it. The following regex (string) specifies which part of the label represents the number.
When multiple matching size labels are present on an issue, their **sum** is taken as the size of the whole issue. This allows you to mix & match (if you want) without creating too many labels in the GitHub interface.
Your OAuth2 token from GitHub. Get it [here](https://github.com/settings/applications). Bear in mind that if you just statically serve the app, everybody will be able to see the token in transmission. If you would like to avoid that, use the [Proxy Mode](#proxy-mode).
An array of day integers (Monday = 1) representing days of the week when you are not working. This will make the expected burndown line be more accurate.
Use this strategy if you do not wish for your token to be publicly visible. Proxy mode routes all requests from the client side app through it, scrubbing the token from the `config.json` file. It is *slightly* slower than requesting data straight from GitHub of course.
If you would like to track changes to build files in `gh-pages` branch, execute the following command:
$ make publish
It will checkout the `gh-pages` branch, copy the two build files from master and provided we have changed them locally, make a commit a push them to remote.
The original app got rewritten from a clunky server side to a (better) client side app. Some tests are also provided and more will be going into the future.