var assert = require('assert') var crypto = require('crypto') var BIP39 = require('../index.js') var sinon = require('sinon') var wordlists = { english: require('../wordlists/en.json'), custom: require('./wordlist.json') } var vectors = require('./vectors.json') describe('BIP39', function() { describe('mnemonicToSeedHex', function() { this.timeout(20000) vectors.english.forEach(function(v, i) { it('works for tests vector ' + i, function() { assert.equal(BIP39.mnemonicToSeedHex(v[1], 'TREZOR'), v[2]) }) }) }) describe('mnemonicToEntropy', function() { vectors.english.forEach(function(v, i) { it('works for tests vector ' + i, function() { assert.equal(BIP39.mnemonicToEntropy(v[1]), v[0]) }) }) vectors.custom.forEach(function(v, i) { it('works for custom test vector ' + i, function() { assert.equal(BIP39.mnemonicToEntropy(v[1], wordlists.custom), v[0]) }) }) }) describe('entropyToMnemonic', function() { vectors.english.forEach(function(v, i) { it('works for tests vector ' + i, function() { assert.equal(BIP39.entropyToMnemonic(v[0]), v[1]) }) }) vectors.custom.forEach(function(v, i) { it('works for custom test vector ' + i, function() { assert.equal(BIP39.entropyToMnemonic(v[0], wordlists.custom), v[1]) }) }) }) describe('generateMnemonic', function() { vectors.english.forEach(function(v, i) { it('works for tests vector ' + i, sinon.test(function() { this.mock(crypto).expects('randomBytes') .exactly(1) .onCall(0).returns(new Buffer(v[0], 'hex')) assert.equal(BIP39.generateMnemonic(), v[1]) })) }) it('can vary generated entropy bit length', function() { var mnemonic = BIP39.generateMnemonic(96) var words = mnemonic.split(' ') assert.equal(words.length, 9) }) it('allows a custom RNG to be used', function() { var rng = function(size) { var buffer = new Buffer(size) buffer.fill(4) // guaranteed random return buffer } var mnemonic = BIP39.generateMnemonic(64, rng) assert.equal(mnemonic, 'advice cage absurd amount doctor act') }) it('adheres to a custom wordlist', function() { var rng = function(size) { var buffer = new Buffer(size) buffer.fill(4) // guaranteed random return buffer } var mnemonic = BIP39.generateMnemonic(64, rng, wordlists.custom) assert.equal(mnemonic, 'adv1c3 cag3 ab5urd am0unt d0ct0r act') }) }) describe('validateMnemonic', function() { vectors.english.forEach(function(v, i) { it('passes check ' + i, function() { assert(BIP39.validateMnemonic(v[1])) }) }) describe('with a custom wordlist', function() { vectors.custom.forEach(function(v, i) { it('passes custom check ' + i, function() { assert(BIP39.validateMnemonic(v[1], wordlists.custom)) }) }) }) it('fails for mnemonics of wrong length', function() { assert(!BIP39.validateMnemonic('sleep kitten')) assert(!BIP39.validateMnemonic('sleep kitten sleep kitten sleep kitten')) }) it('fails for mnemonics that contains words not from the word list', function() { assert(!BIP39.validateMnemonic("turtle front uncle idea crush write shrug there lottery flower risky shell")) }) it('fails for mnemonics of invalid checksum', function() { assert(!BIP39.validateMnemonic('sleep kitten sleep kitten sleep kitten sleep kitten sleep kitten sleep kitten')) }) }) describe('utf8 passwords', function() { vectors.japanese.forEach(function(v, i) { it ('creates the correct seed', function() { var utf8_password = "㍍ガバヴァぱばぐゞちぢ十人十色" assert.equal(BIP39.mnemonicToSeedHex(v[1], utf8_password), v[2]) }) it ('works with already normalized password', function() { var normalized_password = "メートルガバヴァぱばぐゞちぢ十人十色" assert.equal(BIP39.mnemonicToSeedHex(v[1], normalized_password), v[2]) }) }) }) })