module.exports = { // Debug mode for testing the bot debug: true, // URL where the bot is listening (e.g. '/funding') urlEndpoint: '', // Path for the log files (e.g. './log/') logPath: '', // URL for the signer (e.g. '') signerPath: '', // Address with the funding for the bounties sourceAddress: '', // Token of the currency for fetching real time prices (e.g. 'SNT') token: '', // Limit for the gas used in a transaction (e.g. 92000) gasLimit: 0, // Price per hour you will pay in dolars (e.g. 35) priceHour: 0, // Delay before funding a bounty (e.g. 3600000) delayInMiliSeconds: 0, // Bounty Labels for the issues and the correspondent houres (e.g. {'bounty-xs': 3}) bountyLabels: {} }