const winston = require('winston') const ethers = require('ethers') const { Wallet, Contract, providers } = ethers const config = require('../config') const prices = require('./prices') const github = require('./github') const contractAddressString = 'Contract address:' const logger = winston.createLogger({ level: 'info', format: winston.format.json(), transports: [ new winston.transports.File({ filename: './log/error.log', level: 'error' }), new winston.transports.File({ filename: './log/info.log', level: 'info' }), new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.simple(), level: 'debug', colorize: true, stderrLevels: ['error', 'debug', 'info'], silent: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' }) ] }) function needsFunding (req) { if (req.body.action !== 'edited' || !req.body.hasOwnProperty('comment')) { return false } else if (req.body.comment.user.login !== config.githubUsername) { return false } else if (!hasAddress(req)) { return false } return true } function hasAddress (req) { return !== -1 } function getAddress (req) { const commentBody = req.body.comment.body const index = + 19 return commentBody.substring(index, index + 42) } async function getLabel (req) { const labelNames = await github.getLabels(req) const upperCaseLabelNames = => l.toUpperCase()) const bountyLabels = Object.keys(config.bountyLabels).filter(bountyLabel => upperCaseLabelNames.find(l => l === bountyLabel.toUpperCase())) if (bountyLabels.length === 1) { return bountyLabels[0] } throw new Error(`Error getting bounty labels: ${JSON.stringify(labelNames)}`) } async function getAmount (req) { const labelName = await getLabel(req) const tokenPrice = await prices.getTokenPrice(config.token) const bountyLabelHours = config.bountyLabels[labelName] if (!bountyLabelHours) { throw new Error(`Label '${labelName}' not found in config`) } const amountToPayDollar = config.priceHour * bountyLabelHours return (amountToPayDollar / tokenPrice) } // Logging functions function logTransaction (tx) { info(`[OK] Succesfully funded bounty with transaction ${tx.hash}`) info(` * From: ${tx.from}`) info(` * To: ${}`) info(` * Amount: ${tx.value}`) info(` * Gas Price: ${tx.gasPrice}`) info(`====================================================`) } function info (msg) { } function error (errorMessage) { logger.error(`[ERROR] Request processing failed: ${errorMessage}`) } async function sendTransaction (to, amount, gasPrice) { if (isNaN(amount)) { throw Error('Invalid amount') } if (!config.privateKey.startsWith('0x')) { throw Error('Private key should start with 0x') } let transaction = null let hash = null const network = providers.Provider.getNetwork(config.realTransaction ? 'homestead' : 'ropsten') const wallet = new Wallet(config.privateKey) wallet.provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(network) async function customSendTransaction (tx) { hash = await wallet.provider.sendTransaction(tx) return hash } async function customSignTransaction (tx) { transaction = tx return wallet.sign(tx) } if (config.token === 'ETH') { const transaction = { gasLimit: config.gasLimit, gasPrice: gasPrice, to: to, value: amount, chainId: network.chainId } await wallet.sendTransaction(transaction) } else { const customSigner = getCustomSigner(wallet, customSignTransaction, customSendTransaction) const tokenContract = config.tokenContracts[config.token] const contractAddress = tokenContract.address const contract = new Contract(contractAddress, tokenContract.abi, customSigner) const bigNumberAmount = ethers.utils.parseUnits(amount.toString(), 'ether') await contract.transfer(to, bigNumberAmount) transaction.hash = hash transaction.from = wallet.address transaction.value = bigNumberAmount } return transaction } function getCustomSigner (wallet, signTransaction, sendTransaction) { const provider = wallet.provider async function getAddress () { return wallet.address } async function resolveName (addressOrName) { return provider.resolveName(addressOrName) } async function estimateGas (transaction) { return provider.estimateGas(transaction) } async function getGasPrice () { return provider.getGasPrice() } async function getTransactionCount (blockTag) { return provider.getTransactionCount(blockTag) } const customSigner = { getAddress: getAddress, provider: { resolveName: resolveName, estimateGas: estimateGas, getGasPrice: getGasPrice, getTransactionCount: getTransactionCount, sendTransaction: sendTransaction }, sign: signTransaction } return customSigner } module.exports = { needsFunding: needsFunding, getAddress: getAddress, getAmount: getAmount, getGasPrice: prices.getGasPrice, sendTransaction: sendTransaction, info: info, logTransaction: logTransaction, error: error }