// status-open-bounty comment from https://github.com/status-im/autobounty/issues/1
letsob_comment='Current balance: 0.000000 ETH\nTokens: SNT: 2500.00 ANT: 25.00\nContract address: 0x3645fe42b1a744ad98cc032c22472388806f86f9\nNetwork: Mainnet\n To claim this bounty sign up at https://openbounty.status.im and make sure to update your Ethereum address in My Payment Details so that the bounty is correctly allocated.\nTo fund it, send ETH or ERC20/ERC223 tokens to the contract address.'
// Fake requests
{body:{action:'created',comment:{body:'Creating my first comment',user:{login:'jomsdev'}}}},
{body:{action:'edited',comment:{body:'Editing my comment',user:{login:'jomsdev'}}}},