# {{ ansible_managed }} net: bindIp: {{ mongodb_net_bindip }} {% if mongodb_major_version | version_compare("3.6", "<") -%} http: enabled: {{ mongodb_net_http_enabled | to_nice_json }} {% endif -%} ipv6: {{ mongodb_net_ipv6 | to_nice_json }} maxIncomingConnections: {{ mongodb_net_maxconns }} port: {{ mongodb_net_port }} processManagement: fork: {{ mongodb_processmanagement_fork | to_nice_json}} {% if mongodb_pidfile_path is defined and mongodb_pidfile_path != '' -%} pidFilePath: {{ mongodb_pidfile_path }} {% endif %} {% if mongodb_replication_replset -%} replication: oplogSizeMB: {{ mongodb_replication_oplogsize | int }} replSetName: {{ mongodb_replication_replset }} {% if mongodb_storage_engine == 'mmapv1' -%} secondaryIndexPrefetch: {{ mongodb_replication_replindexprefetch }} {% endif %} {% endif %} security: authorization: {{ mongodb_security_authorization }} {% if mongodb_replication_replset and mongodb_security_authorization == 'enabled' -%} keyFile: {{ mongodb_security_keyfile }} {% endif %} storage: dbPath: {{ mongodb_storage_dbpath }} {% if mongodb_major_version | version_compare("3.0", ">=") -%} engine: {{ mongodb_storage_engine }} {% endif -%} journal: enabled: {{ mongodb_storage_journal_enabled | to_nice_json }} {% if mongodb_storage_engine == 'mmapv1' -%} mmapv1: quota: enforced: {{ mongodb_storage_quota_enforced | to_nice_json }} maxFilesPerDB: {{ mongodb_storage_quota_maxfiles }} smallFiles: {{ mongodb_storage_smallfiles | to_nice_json }} {% endif %} systemLog: destination: {{ mongodb_systemlog_destination }} {% if mongodb_systemlog_destination == 'file' -%} logAppend: {{ mongodb_systemlog_logappend | to_nice_json }} logRotate: {{ mongodb_systemlog_logrotate }} path: {{ mongodb_systemlog_path }} {% endif %} {% if mongodb_set_parameters -%} setParameter: {% for key, value in mongodb_set_parameters.items() -%} {{ key }}: {{ value }} {% endfor -%} {% endif %}