Ansible role for MongoDB ============ This repository forked from [Stouts.mongodb]( Ansible role which manage [MongoDB]( * Install and configure the MongoDB; * Provide hanlers for restart and reload; * Setup MMS authomation agent; #### Variables ```yaml mongodb_package: mongodb-org mongodb_additional_packages: - python-pymongo mongodb_user: mongodb mongodb_daemon_name: "{{ 'mongod' if ('mongodb-org' in mongodb_package) else 'mongodb' }}" mongodb_conf_auth: false # Run with security mongodb_conf_bind_ip: # Comma separated list of ip addresses to listen on mongodb_conf_cpu: true # Periodically show cpu and iowait utilization mongodb_conf_dbpath: /data/db # Directory for datafiles mongodb_conf_fork: false # Fork server process mongodb_conf_httpinterface: false # Enable http interface mongodb_conf_ipv6: false # Enable IPv6 support (disabled by default) mongodb_conf_journal: true # Enable journaling mongodb_conf_logappend: true # Append to logpath instead of over-writing mongodb_conf_logpath: /var/log/mongodb/{{ mongodb_daemon_name }}.log # Log file to send write to instead of stdout mongodb_conf_maxConns: 1000000 # Max number of simultaneous connections mongodb_conf_noprealloc: false # Disable data file preallocation mongodb_conf_smallfiles: false # Disable smallfiles option mongodb_conf_noscripting: false # Disable scripting engine mongodb_conf_notablescan: false # Do not allow table scans mongodb_conf_port: 27017 # Specify port number mongodb_conf_quota: false # Limits each database to a certain number of files mongodb_conf_quotaFiles: 8 # Number of quota files mongodb_conf_syslog: false # Log to system's syslog facility instead of file # Replica set options: mongodb_conf_replSet: # Enable replication [/] mongodb_conf_replIndexPrefetch: "all" # specify index prefetching behavior (if secondary) [none|_id_only|all] mongodb_conf_oplogSize: 512 # specifies a maximum size in megabytes for the replication operation log mongodb_conf_keyFile: /etc/mongodb-keyfile # Specify path to keyfile with password for inter-process authentication # MMS Agent mongodb_mms_agent_pkg: mongodb_mms_group_id: "" mongodb_mms_api_key: "" mongodb_mms_base_url: # Log rotation mongodb_logrotate: true # Rotate mongodb logs. mongodb_logrotate_options: - compress - copytruncate - daily - dateext - rotate 7 - size 10M # password for inter-process authentication # please regenerate this file on production environment with command 'openssl rand -base64 741' mongodb_keyfile_content: | 8pYcxvCqoe89kcp33KuTtKVf5MoHGEFjTnudrq5BosvWRoIxLowmdjrmUpVfAivh CHjqM6w0zVBytAxH1lW+7teMYe6eDn2S/O/1YlRRiW57bWU3zjliW3VdguJar5i9 Z+1a8lI+0S9pWynbv9+Ao0aXFjSJYVxAm/w7DJbVRGcPhsPmExiSBDw8szfQ8PAU 2hwRl7nqPZZMMR+uQThg/zV9rOzHJmkqZtsO4UJSilG9euLCYrzW2hdoPuCrEDhu Vsi5+nwAgYR9dP2oWkmGN1dwRe0ixSIM2UzFgpaXZaMOG6VztmFrlVXh8oFDRGM0 cGrFHcnGF7oUGfWnI2Cekngk64dHA2qD7WxXPbQ/svn9EfTY5aPw5lXzKA87Ds8p KHVFUYvmA6wVsxb/riGLwc+XZlb6M9gqHn1XSpsnYRjF6UzfRcRR2WyCxLZELaqu iKxLKB5FYqMBH7Sqg3qBCtE53vZ7T1nefq5RFzmykviYP63Uhu/A2EQatrMnaFPl TTG5CaPjob45CBSyMrheYRWKqxdWN93BTgiTW7p0U6RB0/OCUbsVX6IG3I9N8Uqt l8Kc+7aOmtUqFkwo8w30prIOjStMrokxNsuK9KTUiPu2cj7gwYQ574vV3hQvQPAr hhb9ohKr0zoPQt31iTj0FDkJzPepeuzqeq8F51HB56RZKpXdRTfY8G6OaOT68cV5 vP1O6T/okFKrl41FQ3CyYN5eRHyRTK99zTytrjoP2EbtIZ18z+bg/angRHYNzbgk lc3jpiGzs1ZWHD0nxOmHCMhU4usEcFbV6FlOxzlwrsEhHkeiununlCsNHatiDgzp ZWLnP/mXKV992/Jhu0Z577DHlh+3JIYx0PceB9yzACJ8MNARHF7QpBkhtuGMGZpF T+c73exupZFxItXs1Bnhe3djgE3MKKyYvxNUIbcTJoe7nhVMrwO/7lBSpVLvC4p3 wR700U0LDaGGQpslGtiE56SemgoP # names and passwords for administrative users mongodb_user_admin_name: siteUserAdmin mongodb_user_admin_password: passw0rd mongodb_root_admin_name: siteRootAdmin mongodb_root_admin_password: passw0rd ``` #### Usage Add `greendayonfire.mongodb` to your roles and set vars in your playbook file. Example vars for authorization: ```yaml mongodb_conf_auth: true mongodb_users: - { name: testUser, password: passw0rd, roles: readWrite, database: app_development } ``` Required vars to change on production: ```yaml mongodb_user_admin_password mongodb_root_admin_password ``` Example vars for replication: ```yaml mongodb_login_host: # Mongodb master host # mongodb_replication_params should be configured on each replica set node mongodb_replication_params: - { host_name:, host_port: "{{ mongodb_conf_port }}", host_type: replica } # host_type can be replica(default) and arbiter ``` Licensed under the GPLv2 License. See the []( file for details. #### Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ... Are [welcome](!