# Twitter Fetcher Source This is the repository for fetching Twitter information, written in Python. ## Todos * [ ] Implements first version based on original script * [ ] Fetch the Data users of each count. * [ ] Fetch Tweets details * [ ] Improve version: * limit the data fetching based on input date ## Usage This connector fetch information from Twitter based on their API: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api ### Configuration The connector takes the following input: ```yaml twitter: - API-KEY - Account List ``` ### Output The connector will return the following: ## Local development ### Prerequisites #### Activate Virtual Environment and install dependencies From this connector directory, create a virtual environment: ``` python -m venv .venv ``` ``` source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ### Locally running the connector ``` python main.py spec python main.py check --config sample_files/config-example.json python main.py discover --config sample_files/config-example.json python main.py read --config sample_files/config-example.json --catalog sample_files/configured_catalog.json ``` ### Locally running the connector docker image ```bash docker build -t airbyte/twitter-fetcher:dev . # Running the spec command against your patched connector docker run airbyte/twitter-fetcher:dev spec ```` #### Run Then run any of the connector commands as follows: ``` docker run --rm airbyte/twitter-fetcher:dev spec docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/sample_files:/sample_files airbyte/twitter-fetcher:dev check --config /sample_files/config-example.json docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/sample_files:/sample_files airbyte/twitter-fetcher:dev discover --config /sample_files/config-example.json docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/sample_files:/sample_files -v $(pwd)/sample_files:/sample_files airbyte/twitter-fetcher:dev read --config /sample_files/config-example.json --catalog /sample_files/configured_catalog.json ```