You can also export variables for future steps. Variables get set in the environment.
const core = require('@actions/core');
// Do stuff
core.exportVariable('envVar', 'Val');
#### PATH Manipulation
You can explicitly add items to the path for all remaining steps in a workflow:
const core = require('@actions/core');
#### Exit codes
You should use this library to set the failing exit code for your action:
const core = require('@actions/core');
try {
// Do stuff
catch (err) {
// setFailed logs the message and sets a failing exit code
core.setFailed(`Action failed with error ${err}`);
#### Logging
Finally, this library provides some utilities for logging. Note that debug logging is hidden from the logs by default. This behavior can be toggled by enabling the [Step Debug Logs](../../docs/
const core = require('@actions/core');
const myInput = core.getInput('input');
try {
core.debug('Inside try block');
if (!myInput) {
core.warning('myInput was not set');
// Do stuff
catch (err) {
core.error(`Error ${err}, action may still succeed though`);
This library can also wrap chunks of output in foldable groups.