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// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a
// Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see
VkAllocationCallbacks - Structure containing callback function pointers for memory allocation.
C Specification
// refBegin VkAllocationCallbacks Structure containing callback function pointers for memory allocation.
Allocators are provided by the application as a pointer to a
sname:VkAllocationCallbacks structure:
* pname:pUserData is a value to be interpreted by the implementation of
the callbacks. When any of the callbacks in sname:VkAllocationCallbacks
are called, the Vulkan implementation will pass this value as the
first parameter to the callback. This value can: vary each time an
allocator is passed into a command, even when the same object takes an
allocator in multiple commands.
* pname:pfnAllocation is a pointer to an application-defined memory
allocation function of type tlink:PFN_vkAllocationFunction.
* pname:pfnReallocation is a pointer to an application-defined memory
reallocation function of type tlink:PFN_vkReallocationFunction.
* pname:pfnFree is a pointer to an application-defined memory free
function of type tlink:PFN_vkFreeFunction.
* pname:pfnInternalAllocation is a pointer to an application-defined
function that is called by the implementation when the implementation
makes internal allocations, and it is of type
* pname:pfnInternalFree is a pointer to an application-defined function
that is called by the implementation when the implementation frees
internal allocations, and it is of type
See Also
tlink:PFN_vkAllocationFunction, tlink:PFN_vkFreeFunction, tlink:PFN_vkInternalAllocationNotification, tlink:PFN_vkInternalFreeNotification, tlink:PFN_vkReallocationFunction, flink:vkAllocateMemory, flink:vkCreateBuffer, flink:vkCreateBufferView, flink:vkCreateCommandPool, flink:vkCreateComputePipelines, flink:vkCreateDescriptorPool, flink:vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout, flink:vkCreateDevice, flink:vkCreateEvent, flink:vkCreateFence, flink:vkCreateFramebuffer, flink:vkCreateGraphicsPipelines, flink:vkCreateImage, flink:vkCreateImageView, flink:vkCreateInstance, flink:vkCreatePipelineCache, flink:vkCreatePipelineLayout, flink:vkCreateQueryPool, flink:vkCreateRenderPass, flink:vkCreateSampler, flink:vkCreateSemaphore, flink:vkCreateShaderModule, flink:vkDestroyBuffer, flink:vkDestroyBufferView, flink:vkDestroyCommandPool, flink:vkDestroyDescriptorPool, flink:vkDestroyDescriptorSetLayout, flink:vkDestroyDevice, flink:vkDestroyEvent, flink:vkDestroyFence, flink:vkDestroyFramebuffer, flink:vkDestroyImage, flink:vkDestroyImageView, flink:vkDestroyInstance, flink:vkDestroyPipeline, flink:vkDestroyPipelineCache, flink:vkDestroyPipelineLayout, flink:vkDestroyQueryPool, flink:vkDestroyRenderPass, flink:vkDestroySampler, flink:vkDestroySemaphore, flink:vkDestroyShaderModule, flink:vkFreeMemory
Document Notes
For more information, see the Vulkan Specification at URL
This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification.
Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification,not directly.