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synced 2025-03-02 15:00:46 +00:00
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 21 for this update. Github Issues: * Clarify how <<features-supported-sample-counts,sample count queries>> relate to the limits in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits. (public issue 185). * Clarify in the <<interfaces-iointerfaces,Shader Input and Output Interfaces>> section that shader output variables have undefined values until the shader writes to them (public issue 240). * Specify the implicit value of image parameters that cannot be set in slink:VkSwapchainCreateInfo::pname:flags, pname:imageType, pname:mipLevels, pname:samples, pname:tiling, and pname:initialLayout (public issue 243). * Make use of code:NULL and code:VK_NULL_HANDLE consistent in the VK_KHR_swapchain extension (public issue 276). Internal Issues: * Clarify that presenting an image to a display surface swapchain applies the display surface's mode, and that destroying a display surface swapchain may reset the display's mode, in the VK_KHR_display_swapchain extension (internal issue 247). * Better describe what a slink:VkSurfaceKHR is, and that creating one does not set a mode, in the VK_KHR_display extension. This is a round-about way of pointing out that mode setting is not covered by the extension, but rather is performed as a side effect of presentation (internal issue 247). * Add more valid usage statements to flink:vkQueuePresentKHR command when the VK_KHR_display_swapchain extension is present (internal issue 247). * Add more includes to the VK_KHR_swapchain extension to better document interactions with VK_KHR_display_swapchain (internal issue 247). * Clarify restrictions on location aliasing in the <<fxvertex,Fixed-Function Vertex Processing>> section (internal issue 370). * Add mathematical description of blitting to flink:vkCmdBlitImage, and link it to the <<textures,Image Operations>> chapter. Use mathematical notation for ranges of texel coordinates in the <<textures,Image Operations>> chapter. Fixed miscellaneous validity statements for flink:vkCmdBlit and slink:VkImageBlit (internal issue 382). Other Commits: * Added a valid usage rule to flink:VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo that the ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_PATCH_LIST topology must only be used when tessellation shaders are used. * Expand the style guide into a formal "Procedures and Conventions" document. Add a API Naming Conventions section, move most of the API Specification Appendix C (Layers and Extensions) content into the new document, and define the resulting procedures as mandatory (where relevant). This more clearly separates use vs. specification of Vulkan APIs. * Update vk_platform.h to handle 32-bit ARMv8 binaries. * Various minor cleanups to the Makefile and build process.
There's apparently some sort of parsing issue with comments in vkspec.conf, so they are pulled out here for now. // The [efs]link macros insert named xrefs to the specified target // enumerated type, function, or structure name, and are also used // for validation. // Could also use <xref linkend="{target}"/> // The [efsp]text macros insert the specified target enumerant, function, // structure or parameter name, and are NOT used for validation. They are // otherwise identical to the [efsp]name macros above, and are intended // to get the proper formatting for terms that are *not* actually API // features, e.g. wildcards or partial names. // The [efsp]name macros insert the specified target enumerant, function, // structure or parameter name, and are also used for validation. // The basetype macro inserts text for the specified base (scalar) type. It // is not currently used for validation, but will be eventually // The code macro inserts text for the specified shader code function or // variable. // I have no idea what the old 'vkkeyword' macro does, but it appears // to be unused, so removed it and archived here for the moment. // // (?u)^(?P<name>):(?P<subslist>\S*?)(\[(?P<passtext>.*?)\])$=vkkeyword // // [vkkeyword-inlinemacro] // {passtext} --------------- PDF Generation ---------------- vkspec-dblatex.xsl is XSL specific to a2x->dblatex->PDF spec generation. It is a very slightly modified version of /etc/asciidoc/dblatex/asciidoc-dblatex.xsl, as follows: > <xsl:param name="latex.hyperparam">colorlinks,linkcolor=black,pdfstartview=FitH</xsl:param> > <xsl:param name="doc.publisher.show">0</xsl:param> > <xsl:param name="latex.output.revhistory">0</xsl:param> and has been simplified to just those parameters. Additional templates replacing those under /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/dblatex/xsl/* can be added here. --------------- XHTML Generation ---------------- vkspec-xhtml.css is CSS for the xhtml and chunked targets. It is pulled in from docbook-xsl/common.xsl. This gives us direct control over the CSS for the document, including support for markup styles. --------------- Asciibook Stylesheets ---------------- docbook-xsl/chunked.xsl docbook-xsl/common.xsl docbook-xsl/xhtml.xsl replace parts of the asciibook stylesheets normally found under /etc/asciidoc/docbook-xsl in order to generate consistent IDs on sections and to insert MathJax <script> tags into HTML headers. More will be required for other HTML output types. --------------- Support for Math ---------------- mathjax-asciidoc.conf mathjax-docbook.conf mathjax.js customize asciidoc macros for HTML and Docbook output to insert MathJax <script> tags from mathjax.js, and properly pass through math which has \begin{}\/end{} delimiters instead of $$\[\]\(\), using the <?texmath delimiters="user"?> processing instruction. Note that mathjax-docbook.conf is heavily conditionalized depending on whether the final output format (which should be described in the a2x-format variable) is 'pdf' or not, since Docbook passes through math differently to dblatex vs. the HTML stylesheets.