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synced 2025-02-21 10:38:09 +00:00
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 12 for this update. Github Issues: * Change valid usage statements intended to be "sub-points" to be actual sub-points (public issue 66). * Replace double negation in description of slink:VkRenderPassBeginInfo::pname:pClearValues (based on public merge 142). * Cleanup minor typos in spec, ref pages and XML, including those proposed in public pull requests 144, 150, 151, 167, 168, 181, and 186. * Use *strict subset* in describing the partial order of memory property types for slink:VkMemoryType, and update the style guide accordingly (public issue 190). * Fix various "a image" -> "an image" typos (public issue 191). * Note in the <<fundamentals-validusage,Valid Usage>> and <<extensions-interactions,Extension Interactions>> sections that structures defined by extensions which may be passed in structure chains using the ptext:pNext member must: include initial ptext:sType and ptext:pNext members (public issue 192). Internal Issues: * Remove duplicate language from the description of the pname:fence parameter to flink:vkQueueSubmit and improve validity language (internal issue 91). * Added documentation for "optional" attribute to XML readme.tex/pdf (internal issue 149). * Clarify the host-side data validity rules and behavior of flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges and flink:vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges (internal issue 266). Other Commits: * Added clarification to flink:vkCmdFillBuffer regarding the use of ename:VK_WHOLE_SIZE. * Fixed and documented implementation of "validextensionstructs" attribute. in XML processing scripts and readme.tex/pdf. * Add missing validity statements to flink:vkResetEvent and flink:vkCmdResetEvent. * Fix validity for the ename:VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT flag. Correct all the draw/dispatch commands to mention optimally tiled images as well as linear tiled images, and say image VIEWS instead of images. Add validity statement to flink:vkCmdBlitImage * Replace the {apiname} macro with hardcoded "Vulkan", now that we've committed to that name. * Add the VK_AMD_rasterization_order extension to vk.xml.
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vkGetInstanceProcAddr - Return a function pointer for a command
C Specification
The instance whose function pointer to query
The name of the command
fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr returns a function pointer for the command
specified in pname:pName as it corresponds to pname:instance. Depending on the
operating system, supporting components, software environment and hardware
topology, the address returned for a single command name may be different for
different values of pname:instance.
If pname:instance is code:NULL, fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr will return
non-code:NULL function pointers for the global commands
fname:vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties, and fname:vkCreateInstance. It will
return code:NULL for all other commands, since they may have different
implementations in different instances.
If pname:instance is a valid instance, fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr will return
a non-code:NULL function pointer for any core command except the global
commands listed previously. It will also return non-code:NULL for any extension
command, if there is a layer or driver available that implements the extension.
The function pointers returned by fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr may be used with
any object of the appropriate type derived from the pname:instance. For
example, the function pointer for a command with a sname:VkDevice first
parameter can be used with any sname:VkDevice object created from physical
devices belonging to the instance.
Return Value
Upon success, fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr returns the address
(code:PFN_vkVoidFunction) of the command whose name is specified by pname:pName.
If pname:pName is not supported by the Vulkan library, then
fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr returns code:NULL.
See Also
flink:vkGetDeviceProcAddr, flink:vkCreateInstance