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synced 2025-03-01 14:30:30 +00:00
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 53 for this update. Github Issues: Internal Issues: * Clarify mappings of coordinates for mutable, compatible image views in slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo (internal issue 815). * Make ename:VK_BIND_SFR_BIT require a logical device with multiple physical devices, so that standard sparse image block dimensions are only required on systems that support multi-GPU (internal issue 835). * Convert all files from use of // refBegin .. // refEnd comments to delimit ref pages, to use of open blocks, and update style guide accordingly (internal issue 839). * Add valid usage for slink:VkWriteDescriptorSet when performing updates to a ename:VK_STORAGE_IMAGE descriptor with layout ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL. * Add a hack to the validity generator script to support an odd interaction between flink:vkCmdFillBuffer and an extension (internal issue 853). * Remove redundant text describing slink:VkBufferCreateInfo::pname:usage, which was already covered by implicit valid usage (internal issue 854). * Update implicit validity generator script to properly handle the pname:sType and pname:pNext members of "returnedonly" structures (internal issue 874). * Note that slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:pApplicationName & slink:VkApplicationInfo::pname:pEngineName are optional, and add missing implicit valid usage statements for flink:vkDestroyInstance. * Added missing valid usage for flink:vkCmdWriteTimestamp to require a timestamp query pool. * Simplify and/or split "`non-atomic`" valid usage statements. New Extensions: * `VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16` * `VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced` * `VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax` * `VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples` ----------------------------------------------------- Note: the 1.0.52 spec wasn't published on github, so the 1.0.53 release combines both change sets. ----------------------------------------------------- Change log for June 13, 2017 Vulkan 1.0.52 spec update: * Bump API patch number and header version number to 52 for this update. Github Issues: Internal Issues: * Clarify behavior when non-coherent memory has <<memory-device-unmap-does-not-flush, not been flushed before being unmapped>> (internal issue 819). * Fix description of code:WorkgroupSize builtin to note it decorates an object, not a variable (internal issue 836). * Fix asciidoc attributes so that trailing '{plus}' symbols in [eq] style equations are rendered properly (internal issue 845). * Add language to the "`Extension Handles, Objects, Enums, and Typedefs`" section of the Procedures and Conventions document stating that any new handle type requires a corresponding entry in the elink:VkObjectType enumerated type (internal issue 856). * Update style guide to use slink macro for Vulkan handle type names, and define narrow conditions under which to use the *name and *text macros instead of *link (internal issue 886). * Add a dependency of the <<VK_KHX_device_group,VK_KHX_device_group>> extension on VK_KHX_device_group_creation to +vk.xml+ and the extension appendix. * Change the copyright on Vulkan specification asciidoc *source* files to CC-BY 4.0, and update the proprietary Khronos copyright applied to the generated *output* formats (internal issue 327). This enables broader re-use and modification of the Vulkan specification sources, while not affecting the Reciprocal IP License between Vulkan Adopters and Working Group Members. New Extensions: * `VK_NV_fill_rectangle` * `VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color`
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a
// Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
= Initialization
Before using Vulkan, an application must: initialize it by loading the
Vulkan commands, and creating a sname:VkInstance object.
== Command Function Pointers
[open,refpage='vkGetInstanceProcAddr',desc='Return a function pointer for a command',type='protos',xrefs='PFN_vkVoidFunction']
Vulkan commands are not necessarily exposed statically on a platform.
Function pointers for all Vulkan commands can: be obtained with the command:
* pname:instance is the instance that the function pointer will be
compatible with, or `NULL` for commands not dependent on any instance.
* pname:pName is the name of the command to obtain.
fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr itself is obtained in a platform- and loader-
specific manner.
Typically, the loader library will export this command as a function symbol,
so applications can: link against the loader library, or load it dynamically
and look up the symbol using platform-specific APIs.
Loaders are encouraged to export function symbols for all other core Vulkan
commands as well; if this is done, then applications that use only the core
Vulkan commands have no need to use fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr.
The table below defines the various use cases for
fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr and expected return value ("fp" is function
pointer) for each case.
The returned function pointer is of type tlink:PFN_vkVoidFunction, and must
be cast to the type of the command being queried.
.vkGetInstanceProcAddr behavior
| pname:instance | pname:pName | return value
| * | `NULL` | undefined
| invalid instance | * | undefined
| `NULL` | flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties | fp
| `NULL` | flink:vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties | fp
| `NULL` | flink:vkCreateInstance | fp
| `NULL` | * (any pname:pName not covered above) | `NULL`
| instance | core Vulkan command | fp^1^
| instance | enabled instance extension commands for pname:instance | fp^1^
| instance | available device extension^2^ commands for pname:instance | fp^1^
| instance | * (any pname:pName not covered above) | `NULL`
The returned function pointer must: only be called with a dispatchable
object (the first parameter) that is pname:instance or a child of
e.g. sname:VkInstance, sname:VkPhysicalDevice, sname:VkDevice,
sname:VkQueue, or sname:VkCommandBuffer.
An "`available extension`" is an extension function supported by any of
the loader, driver or layer.
[open,refpage='vkGetDeviceProcAddr',desc='Return a function pointer for a command',type='protos',xrefs='PFN_vkVoidFunction']
In order to support systems with multiple Vulkan implementations comprising
heterogeneous collections of hardware and software, the function pointers
returned by fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr may: point to dispatch code, which
calls a different real implementation for different sname:VkDevice objects
(and objects created from them).
The overhead of this internal dispatch can: be avoided by obtaining
device-specific function pointers for any commands that use a device or
device-child object as their dispatchable object.
Such function pointers can: be obtained with the command:
The table below defines the various use cases for fname:vkGetDeviceProcAddr
and expected return value for each case.
The returned function pointer is of type tlink:PFN_vkVoidFunction, and must
be cast to the type of the command being queried.
.vkGetDeviceProcAddr behavior
| pname:device | pname:pName | return value
| `NULL` | * | undefined
| invalid device | * | undefined
| device | `NULL` | undefined
| device | core Vulkan command | fp^1^
| device | enabled extension commands | fp^1^
| device | * (any pname:pName not covered above) | `NULL`
The returned function pointer must: only be called with a dispatchable
object (the first parameter) that is pname:device or a child of
e.g. sname:VkDevice, sname:VkQueue, or sname:VkCommandBuffer.
[open,refpage='PFN_vkVoidFunction',desc='Dummy function pointer type returned by queries',type='funcpointers',xrefs='vkGetDeviceProcAddr vkGetInstanceProcAddr']
The definition of tlink:PFN_vkVoidFunction is:
=== Extending Physical Device From Device Extensions
When the +VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2+ extension is enabled,
physical device extension commands and structures can: be used with a
physical device if the corresponding extension is enumerated by
flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties for that physical device, even
before a logical device has been created.
To obtain a function pointer for a physical-device command from a device
extension, an application can: use fname:vkGetInstanceProcAddr.
This function pointer may: point to dispatch code, which calls a different
real implementation for different sname:VkPhysicalDevice objects.
Behavior is undefined if an extension physical-device command is called on a
physical device that does not support the extension.
Device extensions may: define structures that can: be added to the
ptext:pNext chain of physical-device commands.
Behavior is undefined if such an extension structure is passed to a physical
device command for a physical device that does not support the extension.
== Instances
[open,refpage='VkInstance',desc='Opaque handle to a instance object',type='handles']
There is no global state in Vulkan and all per-application state is stored
in a sname:VkInstance object.
Creating a sname:VkInstance object initializes the Vulkan library and allows
the application to pass information about itself to the implementation.
Instances are represented by sname:VkInstance handles:
[open,refpage='vkCreateInstance',desc='Create a new Vulkan instance',type='protos']
To create an instance object, call:
* pname:pCreateInfo points to an instance of slink:VkInstanceCreateInfo
controlling creation of the instance.
* pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the
<<memory-allocation, Memory Allocation>> chapter.
* pname:pInstance points a sname:VkInstance handle in which the resulting
instance is returned.
fname:vkCreateInstance verifies that the requested layers exist.
If not, fname:vkCreateInstance will return ename:VK_ERROR_LAYER_NOT_PRESENT.
Next fname:vkCreateInstance verifies that the requested extensions are
supported (e.g. in the implementation or in any enabled instance layer) and
if any requested extension is not supported, fname:vkCreateInstance must:
After verifying and enabling the instance layers and extensions the
sname:VkInstance object is created and returned to the application.
If a requested extension is only supported by a layer, both the layer and
the extension need to be specified at fname:vkCreateInstance time for the
creation to succeed.
.Valid Usage
* [[VUID-vkCreateInstance-ppEnabledExtensionNames-01388]]
All <<extended-functionality-extensions-dependencies, required
extensions>> for each extension in the
slink:VkInstanceCreateInfo::pname:ppEnabledExtensionNames list must:
also be present in that list.
[open,refpage='VkInstanceCreateInfo',desc='Structure specifying parameters of a newly created instance',type='structs']
The sname:VkInstanceCreateInfo structure is defined as:
* pname:sType is the type of this structure.
* pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
* pname:flags is reserved for future use.
* pname:pApplicationInfo is `NULL` or a pointer to an instance of
If not `NULL`, this information helps implementations recognize behavior
inherent to classes of applications.
slink:VkApplicationInfo is defined in detail below.
* pname:enabledLayerCount is the number of global layers to enable.
* pname:ppEnabledLayerNames is a pointer to an array of
pname:enabledLayerCount null-terminated UTF-8 strings containing the
names of layers to enable for the created instance.
See the <<extended-functionality-layers,Layers>> section for further
* pname:enabledExtensionCount is the number of global extensions to
* pname:ppEnabledExtensionNames is a pointer to an array of
pname:enabledExtensionCount null-terminated UTF-8 strings containing the
names of extensions to enable.
[open,refpage='VkApplicationInfo',desc='Structure specifying application info',type='structs']
The sname:VkApplicationInfo structure is defined as:
* pname:sType is the type of this structure.
* pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
* pname:pApplicationName is `NULL` or is a pointer to a null-terminated
UTF-8 string containing the name of the application.
* pname:applicationVersion is an unsigned integer variable containing the
developer-supplied version number of the application.
* pname:pEngineName is `NULL` or is a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8
string containing the name of the engine (if any) used to create the
* pname:engineVersion is an unsigned integer variable containing the
developer-supplied version number of the engine used to create the
* pname:apiVersion is the version of the Vulkan API against which the
application expects to run, encoded as described in the
<<fundamentals-versionnum,API Version Numbers and Semantics>> section.
If pname:apiVersion is 0 the implementation must: ignore it, otherwise
if the implementation does not support the requested pname:apiVersion,
or an effective substitute for pname:apiVersion, it must: return
The patch version number specified in pname:apiVersion is ignored when
creating an instance object.
Only the major and minor versions of the instance must: match those
requested in pname:apiVersion.
[open,refpage='vkDestroyInstance',desc='Destroy an instance of Vulkan',type='protos']
To destroy an instance, call:
* pname:instance is the handle of the instance to destroy.
* pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the
<<memory-allocation, Memory Allocation>> chapter.
.Valid Usage
* [[VUID-vkDestroyInstance-instance-00629]]
All child objects created using pname:instance must: have been destroyed
prior to destroying pname:instance
* [[VUID-vkDestroyInstance-instance-00630]]
If sname:VkAllocationCallbacks were provided when pname:instance was
created, a compatible set of callbacks must: be provided here
* [[VUID-vkDestroyInstance-instance-00631]]
If no sname:VkAllocationCallbacks were provided when pname:instance was
created, pname:pAllocator must: be `NULL`