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// Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Copyright notice at https://www.khronos.org/registry/speccopyright.html
= Fragment Operations
== Early Per-Fragment Tests
Once fragments are produced by rasterization, a number of per-fragment
operations are performed prior to fragment shader execution.
If a fragment is discarded during any of these operations, it will not be
processed by any subsequent stage, including fragment shader execution.
Two fragment operations are performed in the following order:
* the scissor test (see <<fragops-scissor,Scissor Test>>)
* multisample fragment operations (see <<fragops-samplemask,Sample Mask>>)
If early per-fragment operations are <<shaders-fragment-earlytest,enabled by
the fragment shader>>, these tests are also performed in the following
* the depth bounds tests (see <<fragops-dbt,Depth Bounds Tests>>)
* the stencil test (see <<fragops-stencil,Stencil Test>>)
* the depth test (see <<fragops-depth,Depth Test>>)
* sample counting (see <<fragops-samplecount,Sample Counting>>)
== Scissor Test
// refBegin vkCmdSetScissor Set the dynamic scissor rectangles on a command buffer
The scissor test determines if a fragment's framebuffer coordinates
[eq]#(x~f~,y~f~)# lie within the scissor rectangle corresponding to the
viewport index (see <<vertexpostproc-viewport,Controlling the Viewport>>)
used by the primitive that generated the fragment.
If the pipeline state object is created without
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR enabled then the scissor rectangles are set
by the slink:VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo state of the pipeline state
Otherwise, to dynamically set the scissor rectangles call:
* pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command will be
* pname:firstScissor is the index of the first scissor whose state is
updated by the command.
* pname:scissorCount is the number of scissors whose rectangles are
updated by the command.
* pname:pScissors is a pointer to an array of slink:VkRect2D structures
defining scissor rectangles.
The scissor rectangles taken from element [eq]#i# of pname:pScissors replace
the current state for the scissor index [eq]#pname:firstScissor + i#, for
[eq]#i# in [eq]#[0, pname:scissorCount)#.
Each scissor rectangle is described by a slink:VkRect2D structure, with the
pname:offset.x and pname:offset.y values determining the upper left corner
of the scissor rectangle, and the pname:extent.width and pname:extent.height
values determining the size in pixels.
.Valid Usage
* The currently bound graphics pipeline must: have been created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR dynamic state enabled
* pname:firstScissor must: be less than
* The sum of pname:firstScissor and pname:scissorCount must: be between
`1` and sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:maxViewports, inclusive
* If the <<features-features-multiViewport,multiple viewports>> feature is
not enabled, pname:firstScissor must: be `0`
* If the <<features-features-multiViewport,multiple viewports>> feature is
not enabled, pname:scissorCount must: be `1`
* The pname:x and pname:y members of pname:offset must: be greater than or
equal to `0`
* Evaluation of (pname:offset.x + pname:extent.width) must: not cause a
signed integer addition overflow
* Evaluation of (pname:offset.y + pname:extent.height) must: not cause a
signed integer addition overflow
If [eq]#pname:offset.x {leq} x~f~ < pname:offset.x {plus}
pname:extent.width# and [eq]#pname:offset.y {leq} y~f~ < pname:offset.y
{plus} pname:extent.height# for the selected scissor rectangle, then the
scissor test passes.
Otherwise, the test fails and the fragment is discarded.
For points, lines, and polygons, the scissor rectangle for a primitive is
selected in the same manner as the viewport (see
<<vertexpostproc-viewport,Controlling the Viewport>>).
The scissor rectangles only apply to drawing commands, not to other commands
like clears or copies.
It is legal for [eq]#pname:offset.x + pname:extent.width# or
[eq]#pname:offset.y + pname:extent.height# to exceed the dimensions of the
framebuffer - the scissor test still applies as defined above.
Rasterization does not produce fragments outside of the framebuffer, so such
fragments never have the scissor test performed on them.
The scissor test is always performed.
Applications can: effectively disable the scissor test by specifying a
scissor rectangle that encompasses the entire framebuffer.
== Sample Mask
This step modifies fragment coverage values based on the values in the
pname:pSampleMask array member of
slink:VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo, as described previously in
section <<pipelines-graphics>>.
pname:pSampleMask contains an array of static coverage information that is
code:ANDed with the coverage information generated during rasterization.
Bits that are zero disable coverage for the corresponding sample.
Bit [eq]#B# of mask word [eq]#M# corresponds to sample [eq]#32 {times} M
{plus} B#.
The array is sized to a length of [eq]#{lceil} pname:rasterizationSamples /
32 {rceil}# words.
If pname:pSampleMask is `NULL`, it is treated as if the mask has all bits
enabled, i.e. no coverage is removed from fragments.
// refBegin VkSampleMask Mask of sample coverage information
The elements of the sample mask array are of type basetype:VkSampleMask,
each representing 32 bits of coverage information:
// refEnd VkSampleMask VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo
== Early Fragment Test Mode
The depth bounds test, stencil test, depth test, and occlusion query sample
counting are performed before fragment shading if and only if early fragment
tests are enabled by the fragment shader (see
<<shaders-fragment-earlytest,Early Fragment Tests>>).
When early per-fragment operations are enabled, these operations are
performed prior to fragment shader execution, and the stencil buffer, depth
buffer, and occlusion query sample counts will be updated accordingly; these
operations will not be performed again after fragment shader execution.
If a pipeline's fragment shader has early fragment tests disabled, these
operations are performed only after fragment program execution, in the order
described below.
If a pipeline does not contain a fragment shader, these operations are
performed only once.
If early fragment tests are enabled, any depth value computed by the
fragment shader has no effect.
Additionally, the depth test (including depth writes), stencil test
(including stencil writes) and sample counting operations are performed even
for fragments or samples that would be discarded after fragment shader
execution due to per-fragment operations such as alpha-to-coverage tests, or
due to the fragment being discarded by the shader itself.
== Late Per-Fragment Tests
After programmable fragment processing, per-fragment operations are
performed before blending and color output to the framebuffer.
A fragment is produced by rasterization with framebuffer coordinates of
[eq]#(x~f~,y~f~)# and depth [eq]#z#, as described in
The fragment is then modified by programmable fragment processing, which
adds associated data as described in <<shaders,Shaders>>.
The fragment is then further modified, and possibly discarded by the late
per-fragment operations described in this chapter.
Finally, if the fragment was not discarded, it is used to update the
framebuffer at the fragment's framebuffer coordinates for any samples that
remain covered.
There used to be a sentence of form "These operations are diagrammed in
figure ((fig-fragops,Fragment Operations)), in the order in which they are
performed" following "described in this chapter." above, but the referred
figure does not yet exist.
The depth bounds test, stencil test, and depth test are performed for each
pixel sample, rather than just once for each fragment.
Stencil and depth operations are performed for a pixel sample only if that
sample's fragment coverage bit is a value of 1 when the fragment executes
the corresponding stage of the graphics pipeline.
If the corresponding coverage bit is 0, no operations are performed for that
Failure of the depth bounds, stencil, or depth test results in termination
of the processing of that sample by means of disabling coverage for that
sample, rather than discarding of the fragment.
If, at any point, a fragment's coverage becomes zero for all samples, then
the fragment is discarded.
All operations are performed on the depth and stencil values stored in the
depth/stencil attachment of the framebuffer.
The contents of the color attachments are not modified at this point.
The depth bounds test, stencil test, depth test, and occlusion query
operations described in <<fragops-dbt,Depth Bounds Test>>,
<<fragops-stencil,Stencil Test>>, <<fragops-depth,Depth Test>>,
<<fragops-samplecount,Sample Counting>> are instead performed prior to
fragment processing, as described in <<fragops-early-mode,Early Fragment
Test Mode>>, if requested by the fragment shader.
== Multisample Coverage
If a fragment shader is active and its entry point's interface includes a
built-in output variable decorated with code:SampleMask, the fragment
coverage is code:ANDed with the bits of the sample mask to generate a new
fragment coverage value.
If such a fragment shader did not assign a value to code:SampleMask due to
flow of control, the value code:ANDed with the fragment coverage is
If no fragment shader is active, or if the active fragment shader does not
include code:SampleMask in its interface, the fragment coverage is not
Next, the fragment alpha and coverage values are modified based on the
pname:alphaToCoverageEnable and pname:alphaToOneEnable members of the
slink:VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo structure.
All alpha values in this section refer only to the alpha component of the
fragment shader output that has a code:Location and code:Index decoration of
zero (see the <<interfaces-fragmentoutput,Fragment Output Interface>>
If that shader output has an integer or unsigned integer type, then these
operations are skipped.
If pname:alphaToCoverageEnable is enabled, a temporary coverage value is
generated where each bit is determined by the fragment's alpha value.
The temporary coverage value is then ANDed with the fragment coverage value
to generate a new fragment coverage value.
No specific algorithm is specified for converting the alpha value to a
temporary coverage mask.
It is intended that the number of 1's in this value be proportional to the
alpha value (clamped to [eq]#[0,1]#), with all 1's corresponding to a value
of 1.0 and all 0's corresponding to 0.0.
The algorithm may: be different at different pixel locations.
Using different algorithms at different pixel location may: help to avoid
artifacts caused by regular coverage sample locations.
Next, if pname:alphaToOneEnable is enabled, each alpha value is replaced by
the maximum representable alpha value for fixed-point color buffers, or by
1.0 for floating-point buffers.
Otherwise, the alpha values are not changed.
== Depth and Stencil Operations
Pipeline state controlling the <<fragops-dbt,depth bounds tests>>,
<<fragops-stencil,stencil test>>, and <<fragops-depth,depth test>> is
specified through the members of the
sname:VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo structure.
// refBegin VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo Structure specifying parameters of a newly created pipeline depth stencil state
The sname:VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo structure is defined as:
* pname:sType is the type of this structure.
* pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure.
* pname:flags is reserved for future use.
* pname:depthTestEnable controls whether <<fragops-depth,depth testing>>
is enabled.
* pname:depthWriteEnable controls whether <<fragops-depth-write,depth
writes>> are enabled.
* pname:depthCompareOp is the comparison operator used in the
<<fragops-depth,depth test>>.
* pname:depthBoundsTestEnable controls whether <<fragops-dbt,depth bounds
testing>> is enabled.
* pname:stencilTestEnable controls whether <<fragops-stencil,stencil
testing>> is enabled.
* pname:front and pname:back control the parameters of the
<<fragops-stencil,stencil test>>.
* pname:minDepthBounds and pname:maxDepthBounds define the range of values
used in the <<fragops-dbt,depth bounds test>>.
.Valid Usage
* If the <<features-features-depthBounds,depth bounds testing>> feature is
not enabled, pname:depthBoundsTestEnable must: be ename:VK_FALSE
== Depth Bounds Test
// refBegin vkCmdSetDepthBounds Set the depth bounds test values for a command buffer
The depth bounds test conditionally disables coverage of a sample based on
the outcome of a comparison between the value [eq]#z~a~# in the depth
attachment at location [eq]#(x~f~,y~f~)# (for the appropriate sample) and a
range of values.
The test is enabled or disabled by the pname:depthBoundsTestEnable member of
slink:VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo: If the pipeline state object is
created without the ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_DEPTH_BOUNDS dynamic state
enabled then the range of values used in the depth bounds test are defined
by the pname:minDepthBounds and pname:maxDepthBounds members of the
slink:VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo structure.
Otherwise, to dynamically set the depth bounds range values call:
* pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command will be
* pname:minDepthBounds is the lower bound of the range of depth values
used in the depth bounds test.
* pname:maxDepthBounds is the upper bound of the range.
.Valid Usage
* The currently bound graphics pipeline must: have been created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_DEPTH_BOUNDS dynamic state enabled
* pname:minDepthBounds must: be between `0.0` and `1.0`, inclusive
* pname:maxDepthBounds must: be between `0.0` and `1.0`, inclusive
If [eq]#pname:minDepthBounds {leq} z~a~ {leq} pname:maxDepthBounds}#, then
the depth bounds test passes.
Otherwise, the test fails and the sample's coverage bit is cleared in the
If there is no depth framebuffer attachment or if the depth bounds test is
disabled, it is as if the depth bounds test always passes.
== Stencil Test
The stencil test conditionally disables coverage of a sample based on the
outcome of a comparison between the stencil value in the depth/stencil
attachment at location [eq]#(x~f~,y~f~)# (for the appropriate sample) and a
reference value.
The stencil test also updates the value in the stencil attachment, depending
on the test state, the stencil value and the stencil write masks.
The test is enabled or disabled by the pname:stencilTestEnable member of
When disabled, the stencil test and associated modifications are not made,
and the sample's coverage is not modified.
The stencil test is controlled with the pname:front and pname:back members
of sname:VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo which are of type
// refBegin VkStencilOpState Structure specifying stencil operation state
The sname:VkStencilOpState structure is defined as:
* pname:failOp is the action performed on samples that fail the stencil
* pname:passOp is the action performed on samples that pass both the depth
and stencil tests.
* pname:depthFailOp is the action performed on samples that pass the
stencil test and fail the depth test.
* pname:compareOp is the comparison operator used in the stencil test.
* pname:compareMask selects the bits of the unsigned integer stencil
values participating in the stencil test.
* pname:writeMask selects the bits of the unsigned integer stencil values
updated by the stencil test in the stencil framebuffer attachment.
* pname:reference is an integer reference value that is used in the
unsigned stencil comparison.
There are two sets of stencil-related state, the front stencil state set and
the back stencil state set.
Stencil tests and writes use the front set of stencil state when processing
fragments rasterized from non-polygon primitives (points and lines) and
front-facing polygon primitives while the back set of stencil state is used
when processing fragments rasterized from back-facing polygon primitives.
For the purposes of stencil testing, a primitive is still considered a
polygon even if the polygon is to be rasterized as points or lines due to
the current elink:VkPolygonMode.
Whether a polygon is front- or back-facing is determined in the same manner
used for face culling (see <<primsrast-polygons-basic,Basic Polygon
The operation of the stencil test is also affected by the pname:compareMask,
pname:writeMask, and pname:reference members of sname:VkStencilOpState set
in the pipeline state object if the pipeline state object is created without
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_REFERENCE dynamic states enabled,
// refBegin vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask Set the stencil compare mask dynamic state
If the pipeline state object is created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_COMPARE_MASK dynamic state enabled, then to
dynamically set the stencil compare mask call:
* pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command will be
* pname:faceMask is a bitmask specifying the set of stencil state for
which to update the compare mask.
Bits which can: be set include:
// refBegin VkStencilFaceFlagBits Bitmask specifying sets of stencil state for which to update the compare mask
** ename:VK_STENCIL_FACE_FRONT_BIT indicates that only the front set of
stencil state is updated.
** ename:VK_STENCIL_FACE_BACK_BIT indicates that only the back set of
stencil state is updated.
** ename:VK_STENCIL_FRONT_AND_BACK is the combination of
indicates that both sets of stencil state are updated.
* pname:compareMask is the new value to use as the stencil compare mask.
.Valid Usage
* The currently bound graphics pipeline must: have been created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_COMPARE_MASK dynamic state enabled
// refBegin vkCmdSetStencilWriteMask Set the stencil write mask dynamic state
If the pipeline state object is created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK dynamic state enabled, then to
dynamically set the stencil write mask call:
* pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command will be
* pname:faceMask is a bitmask of elink:VkStencilFaceFlagBits specifying
the set of stencil state for which to update the write mask, as
described above for flink:vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask.
* pname:writeMask is the new value to use as the stencil write mask.
.Valid Usage
* The currently bound graphics pipeline must: have been created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK dynamic state enabled
// refBegin vkCmdSetStencilReference Set the stencil reference dynamic state
If the pipeline state object is created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_REFERENCE dynamic state enabled, then to
dynamically set the stencil reference value call:
* pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command will be
* pname:faceMask is a bitmask of elink:VkStencilFaceFlagBits specifying
the set of stencil state for which to update the reference value, as
described above for flink:vkCmdSetStencilCompareMask.
* pname:reference is the new value to use as the stencil reference value.
.Valid Usage
* The currently bound graphics pipeline must: have been created with the
ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_STENCIL_REFERENCE dynamic state enabled
pname:reference is an integer reference value that is used in the unsigned
stencil comparison.
Stencil comparison clamps the reference value to [eq]#[0,2^s^-1]#, where
[eq]#s# is the number of bits in the stencil framebuffer attachment.
The [eq]#s# least significant bits of pname:compareMask are bitwise
code:ANDed with both the reference and the stored stencil value, and the
resulting masked values are those that participate in the comparison
controlled by pname:compareOp.
Let [eq]#R# be the masked reference value and [eq]#S# be the masked stored
stencil value.
// refBegin VkCompareOp Stencil comparison function
pname:compareOp is a symbolic constant that determines the stencil
comparison function:
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_NEVER: the test never passes.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS: the test passes when [eq]#R < S#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#R = S#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#R {leq} S#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_GREATER: the test passes when [eq]#R > S#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_NOT_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#R {neq} S#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#R {geq}
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS: the test always passes.
// refEnd VkCompareOp
// refBegin VkStencilOp Stencil comparison function
As described earlier, the pname:failOp, pname:passOp, and pname:depthFailOp
members of slink:VkStencilOpState indicate what happens to the stored
stencil value if this or certain subsequent tests fail or pass.
Each enum is of type elink:VkStencilOp, which is defined as:
The possible values are:
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_KEEP keeps the current value.
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_ZERO sets the value to 0.
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE sets the value to pname:reference.
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_INCREMENT_AND_CLAMP increments the current value and
clamps to the maximum representable unsigned value.
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_DECREMENT_AND_CLAMP decrements the current value and
clamps to 0.
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_INVERT bitwise-inverts the current value.
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_INCREMENT_AND_WRAP increments the current value and
wraps to 0 when the maximum value would have been exceeded.
* ename:VK_STENCIL_OP_DECREMENT_AND_WRAP decrements the current value and
wraps to the maximum possible value when the value would go below 0.
For purposes of increment and decrement, the stencil bits are considered as
an unsigned integer.
If the stencil test fails, the sample's coverage bit is cleared in the
If there is no stencil framebuffer attachment, stencil modification cannot:
occur, and it is as if the stencil tests always pass.
If the stencil test passes, the pname:writeMask member of the
slink:VkStencilOpState structures controls how the updated stencil value is
written to the stencil framebuffer attachment.
The least significant [eq]#s# bits of pname:writeMask, where [eq]#s# is the
number of bits in the stencil framebuffer attachment, specify an integer
Where a [eq]#1# appears in this mask, the corresponding bit in the stencil
value in the depth/stencil attachment is written; where a [eq]#0# appears,
the bit is not written.
The pname:writeMask value uses either the front-facing or back-facing state
based on the facing-ness of the fragment.
Fragments generated by front-facing primitives use the front mask and
fragments generated by back-facing primitives use the back mask.
// refEnd VkStencilOp
== Depth Test
The depth test conditionally disables coverage of a sample based on the
outcome of a comparison between the fragment's depth value at the sample
location and the sample's depth value in the depth/stencil attachment at
location [eq]#(x~f~,y~f~)#.
The comparison is enabled or disabled with the pname:depthTestEnable member
of the slink:VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo structure.
When disabled, the depth comparison and subsequent possible updates to the
value of the depth component of the depth/stencil attachment are bypassed
and the fragment is passed to the next operation.
The stencil value, however, can: be modified as indicated above as if the
depth test passed.
If enabled, the comparison takes place and the depth/stencil attachment
value can: subsequently be modified.
The comparison is specified with the pname:depthCompareOp member of
Let [eq]#pname:z~f~# be the incoming fragment's depth value for a sample,
and let [eq]#z~a~# be the depth/stencil attachment value in memory for that
The depth test passes under the following conditions:
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_NEVER: the test never passes.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS: the test passes when [eq]#z~f~ < z~a~#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#z~f~ = z~a~#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#z~f~ {leq}
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_GREATER: the test passes when [eq]#z~f~ > z~a~#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_NOT_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#z~f~ {neq}
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: the test passes when [eq]#z~f~
{geq} z~a~#.
* ename:VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS: the test always passes.
If depth clamping (see <<vertexpostproc-clipping,Primitive Clipping>>) is
enabled, before the incoming fragment's [eq]#pname:z~f~# is compared to
[eq]#pname:z~a~#, [eq]#pname:z~f~# is clamped to [eq]#[min(n,f),max(n,f)]#,
where [eq]#n# and [eq]#f# are the pname:minDepth and pname:maxDepth depth
range values of the viewport used by this fragment, respectively.
If the depth test fails, the sample's coverage bit is cleared in the
The stencil value at the sample's location is updated according to the
function currently in effect for depth test failure.
If the depth test passes, the sample's (possibly clamped) [eq]#pname:z~f~#
value is conditionally written to the depth framebuffer attachment based on
the pname:depthWriteEnable member of
If pname:depthWriteEnable is ename:VK_TRUE the value is written, and if it
is ename:VK_FALSE the value is not written.
The stencil value at the sample's location is updated according to the
function currently in effect for depth test success.
If there is no depth framebuffer attachment, it is as if the depth test
always passes.
== Sample Counting
Occlusion queries use query pool entries to track the number of samples that
pass all the per-fragment tests.
The mechanism of collecting an occlusion query value is described in
<<queries-occlusion,Occlusion Queries>>.
The occlusion query sample counter increments by one for each sample with a
coverage value of 1 in each fragment that survives all the per-fragment
tests, including scissor, sample mask, alpha to coverage, stencil, and depth