Jon Leech 933a3a3c4a Change log for June 18, 2018 Vulkan 1.1.78 spec update:
* Update release number to 78.

Public Issues:

  * Change markup so parameter descriptions include links to structures,
    instead of just their names (public issue 697).
  * Resume publishing updated Vulkan 1.0 + KHR extensions and Vulkan 1.0 +
    all extensions versions of the specification (public issue 722).
  * Reapply fixes from public pull request 698 for
    `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer`, which accidentally
    were reverted at some point (public pull request 724).
  * Fix undefined format valid usage statements for slink:VkImageCreateInfo
    in the presence of the
    `VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer` extension (public
    pull request 725).
  * Miscellaneous markup consistency fixes (public pull request 728).

Internal Issues:

  * When building specifications containing vendor extensions, add terms to
    the Khronos spec copyright specifying that the result is not a ratified
    specification (internal issue 739).
  * Change the value of the
    pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers minimum limit to 72
    (6 times pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers) in
    the <<features-limits-required, Required Limits>> table (internal issue

Other Issues:

  * Fix link to resource image view compatibility table in the valid usage
    statements for slink:VkImageFormatListCreateInfoKHR (internal pull
    request 2711).
2018-06-18 01:46:28 -07:00
2018-04-10 01:10:03 +02:00

= Vulkan^(R)^ API Documentation Project

This repository contains formal documentation of the Vulkan API. This
includes the Specification of the Vulkan API, including extensions; the
reference ("`man`") pages; the XML API Registry; header files; and related
tools and scripts.

The authoritative public repository is located at . Issues, proposed fixes for
issues, and other suggested changes should be created using Github.

== Branch Structure

With the release of Vulkan 1.1, the current Specification is now maintained
in the `master` branch of the repository. It is possible to generate both
Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 Specifications from this branch.

=== `1.0` Branch Is Obsolete

The `1.0` branch in which the 1.0 Specification was previously maintained is
now obsolete. The `1.0` branch will not be updated going forward, and all
outstanding pull requests or merge requests against the `1.0` branch must be
rebased on, and retargeted to `master`.

== Directory Structure

The directory structure was changed following the 1.1.70 spec update to move
the specification directory to the root of the repository, and move other
content relative to that. There may be additional cleanup and simplification
in the future.

README.adoc             This file
BUILD.adoc              Build targets and methods for the specification
ChangeLog.txt           Change log summary for each public spec update
appendices/             Specification appendices
chapters/               Specification chapters
config/                 asciidoc configuration
images/                 Images (figures, diagrams, icons)
include/vulkan/         Vulkan headers, generated from the Registry
man/                    Reference (manual) pages for API, mostly extracted from the spec source
xml/                    XML API Registry (vk.xml) and related scripts
src/ext_loader/         Extension loader library

== Building the Specification and Reference Pages

The document sources are marked up in `asciidoctor` format, and we use
asciidoctor and related toolchain components to generate output documents.
See `BUILD.adoc` for more information on installing the toolchain and
building the Specification.

== Generating Headers and Related Files

The header files (`include/vulkan/vulkan*.h`) and many parts of the
specification and reference page documents are generated from descriptions
in the XML API Registry (`xml/vk.xml`). The generated files, with the
exception of header files, are not checked into the repository. If you
change `vk.xml`, you can regenerate the header by going to `xml/` and

    $ make clean install

The other generated files are built as required via dependencies in
the top-level `Makefile`.
The Vulkan API Specification and related tools
JavaScript 59.4%
Python 32.6%
CSS 3.1%
Ruby 2%
Makefile 1.1%
Other 1.7%