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synced 2025-03-02 23:10:50 +00:00
ifdef::env-github[] :note-caption: :information_source: endif::[] = Vulkan^(R)^ API Documentation Project This repository contains sources for the formal documentation of the Vulkan API. This includes: [options="compact"] * the Vulkan API Specification * specification of Vulkan Extensions * the reference ("`man`") pages * the XML API Registry (also mirrored at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers) * Vulkan header files (also mirrored at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers) * related tools and scripts. The authoritative public repository is located at https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/. It hosts public Issue tracker, and accepts patches (Pull Requests) from the general public. If in doubt where to submit your Issue consult the https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Ecosystem repo. == Branch Structure Everything is now maintained in the `master` branch of the repository. From this branch it is possible to generate both Vulkan 1.1 and Vulkan 1.0 Specifications, as well as specifications for any set of Extensions. [NOTE] ==== Old revisions of the repository maintained the Vulkan 1.0 Specification in the `1.0` branch, and extensions in the `1.0-VK_EXTENSION_NAME`. These branches are now **obsolete**, and contain only very old versions of the Specification (and extensions). ==== == Directory Structure The directory structure is as follows: ``` README.adoc This file BUILD.adoc Documents how to build the specifications, and man pages COPYING.md Copyright and licensing information CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Code of Conduct ChangeLog.txt Change log summary for each public spec update Makefile, make* Makefile and helper build scripts (see BUILD.adoc) appendices/ Specification appendices chapters/ Specification chapters config/ Asciidoctor configuration images/ Images (figures, diagrams, icons) include/vulkan/ Vulkan headers, generated from the Registry man/ Reference (man) pages for the API; mostly extracted from the spec source out/ Default directory for the generated documents scripts/ Related scripts (but many scripts are still in the root or xml/ directory) src/ext_loader/ Extension loader library (deprecated) style/ Sources for "styleguide" (Vulkan Documentation and Extensions: Procedures and Conventions) xml/ XML API Registry (vk.xml) and related scripts registry.txt Sources for documentation of the vk.xml format ``` This structure was adopted following 1.1.70 spec update. There may be additional cleanup and simplification in the future. == Building the Specification and Reference Pages The document sources are marked up in Asciidoctor format, and we use `asciidoctor` and related toolchain components to generate output documents. See link:BUILD.adoc[BUILD.adoc] for more information on installing the toolchain and building the Specification. == Generating Headers and Related Files See link:xml/README.adoc[xml/README.adoc]. The header files (`include/vulkan/vulkan*.h`) and many parts of the specification and reference page documents are generated from descriptions in the XML API Registry (`xml/vk.xml`). The generated files (with the exception of header files) are not checked into the repository. If you change `vk.xml`, you can regenerate the header by going into `xml/` and running: $ make clean install The other generated files are built as required via dependencies in the top-level `Makefile`.