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synced 2025-03-02 15:00:46 +00:00
* Bump API patch number and header version number to 22 for this update. Github Issues: * Translate the subpass self-dependency language into concrete validity statements, and added a validity statement about the restrictions on layout parameters (public issue 267). * Add validity requirement that slink:VkAttachmentDescription::pname:finalLayout and slink:VkAttachmentReference::pname:layout must not be ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED or ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED (public issue 268). * Clarify that slink:VkSubpassDescription::pname:pResolveAttachments layouts are used. Make language consistent with other attachment arrays (public issue 270). * Changed 64-bit definition for dname:VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE to work for x32 platform in +vk.xml+ and the resulting +vulkan.h+ (public issue 282). * Add missing error return code for flink:vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties and flink:vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties (public issue 285) * Fix several cases of stext::VkStructName.memberName markup to stext::VkStructName::pname:memberName, to match other usage in the spec, and describe this markup in the style guide (public issue 286). * Modified validity language generation script to avoid redundant common ancestor language if covered by generic parent language, and used `Both' instead of `Each' when appropriate (public issue 288). Internal Issues: * Add language about behavior of flink:vkAllocateDescriptorSets when allocation fails due to fragmentation, a new error ename:VK_ERROR_FRAGMENTED_POOL, and a Note explaining the situation (internal issue 309). * For the features of code:PointSize, code:ClipDistance, and code:CullDistance, the SPIR-V capability is required to be declared on use (read or write) rather than on decoration (internal issue 359). * Have desktop versions of GLSL respect precision qualification (code:mediump and code:lowp) when compiling for Vulkan. These will get translated to SPIR-V's code:RelaxedPrecision decoration as they do with OpenGL ES versions of GLSL (ESSL). The default precision of all types is code:highp when using a desktop version (internal issue 360). * Add validity statement for slink:VkImageCreateInfo specifying that multisampled images must be two-dimensional, optimally tiled, and with a single mipmap level (internal issue 369). * Add validity statements to slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo disallowing creation of images or image views with no supported features. Made some slink:VkImageViewCreateInfo validity statements more precise and consistent. Added a Note to the <<features,features>> chapter about formats with no features (internal issue 371). * Remove +manpages+ from default build targets. Nroff outputs containing imbedded latexmath will not render properly. Fixing this is a lot of work for limited use cases (internal issue 401). Other Commits: * Fix flink:vkRenderPassBeginInfo::pname:clearValueCount validity statement to be based on attachment indices rather than the number of cleared attachments (Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers/issues/601). * Convert registry documentation from LaTeX to asciidoc source and rename from +src/spec/readme.tex+ to +src/spec/registry.txt+. * Fix lack of Oxford commas in validity language. * Lots of cleanup of generator scripts and Makefiles to move extension list for generator into the script arguments instead of the body of genvk.py, and express better dependencies between XML, scripts, and generated files.
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// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a
// Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VkPhysicalDeviceLimits - Structure
C Specification
// refBegin VkPhysicalDeviceLimits Structure
The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits structure is defined as:
* [[features-limits-maxImageDimension1D]] pname:maxImageDimension1D is the
maximum dimension (pname:width) of an image created with an
pname:imageType of ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D.
* [[features-limits-maxImageDimension2D]] pname:maxImageDimension2D is the
maximum dimension (pname:width or pname:height) of an image created with
an pname:imageType of ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D and without
ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT set in pname:flags.
* [[features-limits-maxImageDimension3D]] pname:maxImageDimension3D is the
maximum dimension (pname:width, pname:height, or pname:depth) of an
image created with an pname:imageType of ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D.
* [[features-limits-maxImageDimensionCube]] pname:maxImageDimensionCube is
the maximum dimension (pname:width or pname:height) of an image created
with an pname:imageType of ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D and with
ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT set in pname:flags.
* [[features-limits-maxImageArrayLayers]] pname:maxImageArrayLayers is the
maximum number of layers (pname:arrayLayers) for an image.
* [[features-limits-maxTexelBufferElements]] pname:maxTexelBufferElements
is the maximum number of addressable texels for a buffer view created on
a buffer which was created with the
ename:VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT set in the pname:usage
member of the sname:VkBufferCreateInfo structure.
* [[features-limits-maxUniformBufferRange]] pname:maxUniformBufferRange is
the maximum value that can: be specified in the pname:range member of
any slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structures passed to a call to
flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets for descriptors of type
* [[features-limits-maxStorageBufferRange]] pname:maxStorageBufferRange is
the maximum value that can: be specified in the pname:range member of
any slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structures passed to a call to
flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets for descriptors of type
* [[features-limits-maxPushConstantsSize]] pname:maxPushConstantsSize is
the maximum size, in bytes, of the pool of push constant memory. For
each of the push constant ranges indicated by the
pname:pPushConstantRanges member of the sname:VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo
structure, pname:offset + pname:size must: be less than or equal to this
* [[features-limits-maxMemoryAllocationCount]]
pname:maxMemoryAllocationCount is the maximum number of device memory
allocations, as created by flink:vkAllocateMemory, which can:
simultaneously exist.
* [[features-limits-maxSamplerAllocationCount]]
pname:maxSamplerAllocationCount is the maximum number of sampler
objects, as created by flink:vkCreateSampler, which can: simultaneously
exist on a device.
* [[features-limits-bufferImageGranularity]] pname:bufferImageGranularity
is the granularity, in bytes, at which buffer or linear image resources,
and optimal image resources can: be bound to adjacent offsets in the same
sname:VkDeviceMemory object without aliasing. See
<<resources-bufferimagegranularity,Buffer-Image Granularity>> for more
* [[features-limits-sparseAddressSpaceSize]] pname:sparseAddressSpaceSize
is the total amount of address space available, in bytes, for sparse
memory resources. This is an upper bound on the sum of the size of all
sparse resources, regardless of whether any memory is bound to them.
* [[features-limits-maxBoundDescriptorSets]] pname:maxBoundDescriptorSets
is the maximum number of descriptor sets that can: be simultaneously
used by a pipeline. All code:DescriptorSet decorations in shader modules
must: have a value less than pname:maxBoundDescriptorSets. See
* [[features-limits-maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers]]
pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers is the maximum number of samplers
that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a pipeline layout.
Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER or
limit. A descriptor is accessible to a shader stage when the
pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
structure has the bit for that shader stage set. See
<<descriptorsets-sampler>> and <<descriptorsets-combinedimagesampler>>.
* [[features-limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers]]
pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers is the maximum number of
uniform buffers that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a
pipeline layout. Descriptors with a type of
limit. A descriptor is accessible to a shader stage when the
pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
structure has the bit for that shader stage set. See
<<descriptorsets-uniformbuffer>> and
* [[features-limits-maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers]]
pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers is the maximum number of
storage buffers that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a
pipeline layout. Descriptors with a type of
limit. A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the
pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
structure has the bit for that shader stage set. See
<<descriptorsets-storagebuffer>> and
* [[features-limits-maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages]]
pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages is the maximum number of
sampled images that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a
pipeline layout. Descriptors with a type of
ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit.
A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the
pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
structure has the bit for that shader stage set. See
<<descriptorsets-sampledimage>>, and
* [[features-limits-maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages]]
pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages is the maximum number of
storage images that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a
pipeline layout. Descriptors with a type of
ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit.
A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the
pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
structure has the bit for that shader stage set. See
<<descriptorsets-storageimage>>, and
* [[features-limits-maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments]]
pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments is the maximum number of
input attachments that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a
pipeline layout. Descriptors with a type of
ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT count against this limit.
A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the
pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding
structure has the bit for that shader stage set. These are only
supported for the fragment stage. See
* [[features-limits-maxPerStageResources]] pname:maxPerStageResources is
the maximum number of resources that can: be accessible to a single
shader stage in a pipeline layout. Descriptors with a type of
ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT count against this limit. For
the fragment shader stage the framebuffer color attachments also count
against this limit.
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetSamplers]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetSamplers is the maximum number of samplers that
can: be included in descriptor bindings in a pipeline layout across all
pipeline shader stages and descriptor set numbers. Descriptors with a
limit. See <<descriptorsets-sampler>> and
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers is the maximum number of uniform
buffers that can: be included in descriptor bindings in a pipeline
layout across all pipeline shader stages and descriptor set numbers.
Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER or
limit. See <<descriptorsets-uniformbuffer>> and
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic is the maximum number of
dynamic uniform buffers that can: be included in descriptor bindings in
a pipeline layout across all pipeline shader stages and descriptor set
numbers. Descriptors with a type of
limit. See <<descriptorsets-uniformbufferdynamic>>.
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers is the maximum number of storage
buffers that can: be included in descriptor bindings in a pipeline
layout across all pipeline shader stages and descriptor set numbers.
Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER or
limit. See <<descriptorsets-storagebuffer>> and
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic is the maximum number of
dynamic storage buffers that can: be included in descriptor bindings
in a pipeline layout across all pipeline shader stages and descriptor
set numbers. Descriptors with a type of
limit. See <<descriptorsets-storagebufferdynamic>>.
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetSampledImages]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetSampledImages is the maximum number of sampled
images that can: be included in descriptor bindings in a pipeline
layout across all pipeline shader stages and descriptor set numbers.
Descriptors with a type of
ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit.
See <<descriptorsets-combinedimagesampler>>,
<<descriptorsets-sampledimage>>, and
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetStorageImages]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageImages is the maximum number of storage
images that can: be included in descriptor bindings in a pipeline
layout across all pipeline shader stages and descriptor set numbers.
Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE, or
ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit.
See <<descriptorsets-storageimage>>, and
* [[features-limits-maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments]]
pname:maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments is the maximum number of input
attachments that can: be included in descriptor bindings in a
pipeline layout across all pipeline shader stages and descriptor set
numbers. Descriptors with a type of
ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT count against this limit. See
* [[features-limits-maxVertexInputAttributes]]
pname:maxVertexInputAttributes is the maximum number of vertex input
attributes that can: be specified for a graphics pipeline. These are
described in the array of sname:VkVertexInputAttributeDescription
structures that are provided at graphics pipeline creation time via the
pname:pVertexAttributeDescriptions member of the
sname:VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo structure. See
<<fxvertex-attrib>> and <<fxvertex-input>>.
* [[features-limits-maxVertexInputBindings]]
pname:maxVertexInputBindings is the maximum number of vertex buffers
that can: be specified for providing vertex attributes to a graphics
pipeline. These are described in the array of
sname:VkVertexInputBindingDescription structures that are provided at
graphics pipeline creation time via the pname:pVertexBindingDescriptions
member of the sname:VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo structure. The
pname:binding member of sname:VkVertexInputBindingDescription must: be
less than this limit. See <<fxvertex-input>>.
* [[features-limits-maxVertexInputAttributeOffset]]
pname:maxVertexInputAttributeOffset is the maximum vertex input
attribute offset that can: be added to the vertex input binding stride.
The pname:offset member of the sname:VkVertexInputAttributeDescription
structure must: be less than or equal to this limit. See
* [[features-limits-maxVertexInputBindingStride]]
pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride is the maximum vertex input binding
stride that can: be specified in a vertex input binding. The
pname:stride member of the sname:VkVertexInputBindingDescription
structure must: be less than or equal to this limit. See
* [[features-limits-maxVertexOutputComponents]]
pname:maxVertexOutputComponents is the maximum number of components of
output variables which can: be output by a vertex shader. See
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationGenerationLevel]]
pname:maxTessellationGenerationLevel is the maximum tessellation
generation level supported by the fixed-function tessellation primitive
generator. See <<tessellation>>.
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationPatchSize]]
pname:maxTessellationPatchSize is the maximum patch size, in vertices,
of patches that can: be processed by the tessellation control shader and
tessellation primitive generator. The
pname:patchControlPoints member of the
sname:VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo structure specified at
pipeline creation time and the value provided in the code:OutputVertices
execution mode of shader modules must: be less than or equal to this
limit. See <<tessellation>>.
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents]]
pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents is the maximum
number of components of input variables which can: be provided as
per-vertex inputs to the tessellation control shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents]]
pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents is the maximum
number of components of per-vertex output variables which can: be output
from the tessellation control shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents]]
pname:maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents is the maximum
number of components of per-patch output variables which can: be output
from the tessellation control shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents]]
pname:maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents is the maximum total
number of components of per-vertex and per-patch output variables which
can: be output from the tessellation control shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents]]
pname:maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents is the maximum number of
components of input variables which can: be provided as per-vertex
inputs to the tessellation evaluation shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents]]
pname:maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents is the maximum number of
components of per-vertex output variables which can: be output from the
tessellation evaluation shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxGeometryShaderInvocations]]
pname:maxGeometryShaderInvocations is the maximum invocation count
supported for instanced geometry shaders. The value provided in the
code:Invocations execution mode of shader modules must: be less than
or equal to this limit. See <<geometry>>.
* [[features-limits-maxGeometryInputComponents]]
pname:maxGeometryInputComponents is the maximum number of components of
input variables which can: be provided as inputs to the geometry shader
* [[features-limits-maxGeometryOutputComponents]]
pname:maxGeometryOutputComponents is the maximum number of components of
output variables which can: be output from the geometry shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxGeometryOutputVertices]]
pname:maxGeometryOutputVertices is the maximum number of vertices which
can: be emitted by any geometry shader.
* [[features-limits-maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents]]
pname:maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents is the maximum total number of
components of output, across all emitted vertices, which can: be output
from the geometry shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxFragmentInputComponents]]
pname:maxFragmentInputComponents is the maximum number of components of
input variables which can: be provided as inputs to the fragment shader
* [[features-limits-maxFragmentOutputAttachments]]
pname:maxFragmentOutputAttachments is the maximum number of output
attachments which can: be written to by the fragment shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments]]
pname:maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments is the maximum number of output
attachments which can: be written to by the fragment shader stage when
blending is enabled and one of the dual source blend modes is in use.
See <<framebuffer-dsb>> and
* [[features-limits-maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources]]
pname:maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources is the total number of storage
buffers, storage images, and output buffers which can: be used in the
fragment shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize]]
pname:maxComputeSharedMemorySize is the maximum total storage size, in
bytes, of all variables declared with the code:WorkgroupLocal storage
class in shader modules (or with the code:shared storage qualifier in
GLSL) in the compute shader stage.
* [[features-limits-maxComputeWorkGroupCount]]
pname:maxComputeWorkGroupCount[3] is the maximum number of local workgroups
that can: be dispatched by a single dispatch command. These three values
represent the maximum number of local workgroups for the X, Y, and Z
dimensions, respectively. The pname:x, pname:y, and pname:z parameters
to the flink:vkCmdDispatch command, or members of the
slink:VkDispatchIndirectCommand structure must: be less than or equal to
the corresponding limit. See <<dispatch>>.
* [[features-limits-maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations]]
pname:maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations is the maximum total number of
compute shader invocations in a single local workgroup. The product of
the X, Y, and Z sizes as specified by the code:LocalSize execution mode
in shader modules and by the object decorated by the code:WorkgroupSize
decoration must: be less than or equal to this limit.
* [[features-limits-maxComputeWorkGroupSize]]
pname:maxComputeWorkGroupSize[3] is the maximum size of a local compute
workgroup, per dimension. These three values represent the maximum
local workgroup size in the X, Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. The
pname:x, pname:y, and pname:z sizes specified by the code:LocalSize
execution mode and by the object decorated by the code:WorkgroupSize
decoration in shader modules must: be less than or equal to the
corresponding limit.
* [[features-limits-subPixelPrecisionBits]] pname:subPixelPrecisionBits is
the number of bits of subpixel precision in framebuffer coordinates
latexmath:[$x_f$] and latexmath:[$y_f$]. See <<primsrast>>.
* [[features-limits-subTexelPrecisionBits]] pname:subTexelPrecisionBits is
the number of bits of precision in the division along an axis of an
image used for minification and magnification filters.
latexmath:[$2^\mathit{subTexelPrecisionBits}$] is the actual number of
divisions along each axis of the image represented. The filtering
hardware will snap to these locations when computing the filtered
* [[features-limits-mipmapPrecisionBits]] pname:mipmapPrecisionBits is the
number of bits of division that the LOD calculation for mipmap fetching
get snapped to when determining the contribution from each miplevel to
the mip filtered results. latexmath:[$2^\mathit{mipmapPrecisionBits}$] is
the actual number of divisions.
For example, if this value is 2 bits then when linearly filtering between
two levels, each level could: contribute: 0%, 33%, 66%, or 100% (this is
just an example and the amount of contribution should: be covered by
different equations in the spec).
* [[features-limits-maxDrawIndexedIndexValue]]
pname:maxDrawIndexedIndexValue is the maximum index value that can: be
used for indexed draw calls when using 32-bit indices. This excludes the
primitive restart index value of 0xFFFFFFFF. See
* [[features-limits-maxDrawIndirectCount]] pname:maxDrawIndirectCount is
the maximum draw count that is supported for indirect draw calls. See
* [[features-limits-maxSamplerLodBias]] pname:maxSamplerLodBias is the
maximum absolute sampler level of detail bias. The sum of the
pname:mipLodBias member of the sname:VkSamplerCreateInfo structure and
the code:Bias operand of image sampling operations in shader modules (or
0 if no code:Bias operand is provided to an image sampling operation)
are clamped to the range
See <<samplers-mipLodBias>>.
* [[features-limits-maxSamplerAnisotropy]] pname:maxSamplerAnisotropy is
the maximum degree of sampler anisotropy. The maximum degree of
anisotropic filtering used for an image sampling operation is the
minimum of the pname:maxAnisotropy member of the
sname:VkSamplerCreateInfo structure and this limit. See
* [[features-limits-maxViewports]] pname:maxViewports is the maximum
number of active viewports. The pname:viewportCount member of the
sname:VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo structure that is provided at
pipeline creation must: be less than or equal to this limit.
* [[features-limits-maxViewportDimensions]] pname:maxViewportDimensions[2]
are the maximum viewport dimensions in the X (width) and Y (height)
dimensions, respectively. The maximum viewport dimensions must: be
greater than or equal to the largest image
which can: be created and used as a framebuffer attachment. See
<<vertexpostproc-viewport,Controlling the Viewport>>.
* [[features-limits-viewportboundsrange]] pname:viewportBoundsRange[2] is
the latexmath:[$[\mathit{minimum},\mathit{maximum}\]$] range that the
corners of a viewport must: be contained in. This range must: be at
least latexmath:[$[- 2 \times \mathit{maxViewportDimensions},
2 \times \mathit{maxViewportDimensions} - 1\]$].
See <<vertexpostproc-viewport,Controlling the Viewport>>.
The intent of the pname:viewportBoundsRange limit is to allow a maximum sized
viewport to be arbitrarily shifted relative to the output target as long
as at least some portion intersects. This would give a bounds limit of
latexmath:[$[- \mathit{maxViewportDimensions}+1,
2 \times \mathit{maxViewportDimensions} -1\]$] which would allow
all possible non-empty-set intersections of the output target and the viewport.
Since these numbers are typically powers of two, picking the signed number
range using the smalled possible number of bits, ends up with the specified
* [[features-limits-viewportSubPixelBits]] pname:viewportSubPixelBits is
the number of bits of subpixel precision for viewport bounds. The
subpixel precision that floating-point viewport bounds are interpreted
at is given by this limit.
* [[features-limits-minMemoryMapAlignment]] pname:minMemoryMapAlignment is
the minimum required alignment, in bytes, of host visible memory
allocations within the host address space. When mapping a memory
allocation with flink:vkMapMemory, subtracting pname:offset bytes from
the returned pointer will always produce an integer multiple of this
limit. See <<memory-device-hostaccess>>.
* [[features-limits-minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment]]
pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum required alignment,
in bytes, for the pname:offset member of the
sname:VkBufferViewCreateInfo structure for texel buffers. When a buffer
view is created for a buffer which was created with
ename:VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT set in the pname:usage
member of the sname:VkBufferCreateInfo structure, the pname:offset must:
be an integer multiple of this limit.
* [[features-limits-minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment]]
pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum required alignment,
in bytes, for the pname:offset member of the
sname:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structure for uniform buffers. When a
descriptor of type ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER or
pname:offset must: be an integer multiple of this limit. Similarly,
dynamic offsets for uniform buffers must: be multiples of this limit.
* [[features-limits-minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment]]
pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum required alignment,
in bytes, for the pname:offset member of the
sname:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structure for storage buffers. When a
descriptor of type ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER or
pname:offset must: be an integer multiple of this limit. Similarly,
dynamic offsets for storage buffers must: be multiples of this limit.
* [[features-limits-minTexelOffset]] pname:minTexelOffset is the minimum
offset value for the code:ConstOffset image operand of any of the
code:OpImageSample* or code:OpImageFetch* image instructions.
* [[features-limits-maxTexelOffset]] pname:maxTexelOffset is the maximum
offset value for the code:ConstOffset image operand of any of the
code:OpImageSample* or code:OpImageFetch* image instructions.
* [[features-limits-minTexelGatherOffset]] pname:minTexelGatherOffset is
the minimum offset value for the code:Offset or code:ConstOffsets image
operands of any of the code:OpImage*code:Gather image instructions.
* [[features-limits-maxTexelGatherOffset]] pname:maxTexelGatherOffset is
the maximum offset value for the code:Offset or code:ConstOffsets image
operands of any of the code:OpImage*code:Gather image instructions.
* [[features-limits-minInterpolationOffset]] pname:minInterpolationOffset
is the minimum negative offset value for the code:offset operand of the
code:InterpolateAtOffset extended instruction.
* [[features-limits-maxInterpolationOffset]] pname:maxInterpolationOffset
is the maximum positive offset value for the code:offset operand of the
code:InterpolateAtOffset extended instruction.
* [[features-limits-subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits]]
pname:subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits is the number of subpixel
fractional bits that the code:x and code:y offsets to the
code:InterpolateAtOffset extended instruction may: be rounded to as
fixed-point values.
* [[features-limits-maxFramebufferWidth]] pname:maxFramebufferWidth is the
maximum width for a framebuffer. The pname:width member of the
sname:VkFramebufferCreateInfo structure must: be less than or equal to
this limit.
* [[features-limits-maxFramebufferHeight]] pname:maxFramebufferHeight is
the maximum height for a framebuffer. The pname:height member of the
sname:VkFramebufferCreateInfo structure must: be less than or equal to
this limit.
* [[features-limits-maxFramebufferLayers]] pname:maxFramebufferLayers is
the maximum layer count for a layered framebuffer. The pname:layers
member of the sname:VkFramebufferCreateInfo structure must: be less than
or equal to this limit.
* [[features-limits-framebufferColorSampleCounts]]
pname:framebufferColorSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the color sample counts that
are supported for all framebuffer color attachments.
* [[features-limits-framebufferDepthSampleCounts]]
pname:framebufferDepthSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the supported depth sample
counts for all framebuffer depth/stencil attachments, when the format
includes a depth component.
* pname:framebufferStencilSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the supported stencil sample
counts for all framebuffer depth/stencil attachments, when the format
includes a stencil component.
* pname:framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the supported sample counts
for a framebuffer with no attachments.
* [[features-limits-maxColorAttachments]] pname:maxColorAttachments is the
maximum number of color attachments that can: be used by a subpass in a
render pass. The pname:colorAttachmentCount member of the
sname:VkSubpassDescription structure must: be less than or equal to this
* [[features-limits-sampledImageColorSampleCounts]]
pname:sampledImageColorSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the sample counts supported
for all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage
containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and a non-integer color
* [[features-limits-sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts]]
pname:sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the sample counts supported
for all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage
containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and an integer color
* [[features-limits-sampledImageDepthSampleCounts]]
pname:sampledImageDepthSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the sample counts supported
for all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage
containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and a depth format.
* [[features-limits-sampledImageStencilSampleCounts]]
pname:sampledImageStencilSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the sample supported
for all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage
containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and a stencil format.
* [[features-limits-storageImageSampleCounts]]
pname:storageImageSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of
elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits bits indicating the sample counts supported
for all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, and
pname:usage containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT.
* [[features-limits-maxSampleMaskWords]] pname:maxSampleMaskWords is the
maximum number of array elements of a variable decorated with the
code:SampleMask built-in decoration.
* [[features-limits-timestampComputeAndGraphics]]
pname:timestampComputeAndGraphics indicates support for timestamps on
all graphics and compute queues. If this limit is set to ename:VK_TRUE,
all queues that advertise the ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or
sname:VkQueueFamilyProperties::pname:queueFlags support
sname:VkQueueFamilyProperties::pname:timestampValidBits of at least 36.
See <<queries-timestamps, Timestamp Queries>>.
* [[features-limits-timestampPeriod]] pname:timestampPeriod is the number
of nanoseconds required for a timestamp query to be incremented by 1.
See <<queries-timestamps, Timestamp Queries>>.
* [[features-limits-maxClipDistances]] pname:maxClipDistances is the
maximum number of clip distances that can: be used in a single shader
stage. The size of any array declared with the code:ClipDistance
built-in decoration in a shader module must: be less than or equal to
this limit.
* [[features-limits-maxCullDistances]] pname:maxCullDistances is the
maximum number of cull distances that can: be used in a single shader
stage. The size of any array declared with the code:CullDistance
built-in decoration in a shader module must: be less than or equal to
this limit.
* [[features-limits-maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances]]
pname:maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances is the maximum combined number of
clip and cull distances that can: be used in a single shader stage.
The sum of the sizes of any pair of arrays declared with the
code:ClipDistance and code:CullDistance built-in decoration used by
a single shader stage in a shader module must: be less than or equal to
this limit.
* [[features-limits-discreteQueuePriorities]]
pname:discreteQueuePriorities is the number of discrete priorities that
can: be assigned to a queue based on the value of each member of
sname:VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo::pname:pQueuePriorities. This must: be at
least 2, and levels must: be spread evenly over the range, with at least
one level at 1.0, and another at 0.0. See <<devsandqueues-priority>>.
* [[features-limits-pointSizeRange]] pname:pointSizeRange[2] is the range
latexmath:[$[\mathit{minimum},\mathit{maximum}\]$] of supported sizes
for points. Values written to variables decorated with the
code:PointSize built-in decoration are clamped to this range.
* [[features-limits-lineWidthRange]] pname:lineWidthRange[2] is the range
latexmath:[$[\mathit{minimum},\mathit{maximum}\]$] of supported widths
for lines. Values specified by the pname:lineWidth member of the
sname:VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo or the pname:lineWidth
parameter to fname:vkCmdSetLineWidth are clamped to this range.
* [[features-limits-pointSizeGranularity]] pname:pointSizeGranularity is
the granularity of supported point sizes. Not all point sizes in the
range defined by pname:pointSizeRange are supported. This limit
specifies the granularity (or increment) between successive supported
point sizes.
* [[features-limits-lineWidthGranularity]] pname:lineWidthGranularity is
the granularity of supported line widths. Not all line widths in the
range defined by pname:lineWidthRange are supported. This limit
specifies the granularity (or increment) between successive supported
line widths.
* [[features-limits-strictLines]] pname:strictLines indicates whether
lines are rasterized according to the preferred method of rasterization.
If set to ename:VK_FALSE, lines may: be rasterized under a relaxed set
of rules. If set to ename:VK_TRUE, lines are rasterized as per the
strict definition. See <<primsrast-lines-basic,Basic Line Segment
* [[features-limits-standardSampleLocations]]
pname:standardSampleLocations indicates whether rasterization uses the
standard sample locations as documented in
<<primsrast-multisampling,Multisampling>>. If set to ename:VK_TRUE, the
implementation uses the documented sample locations. If set to
ename:VK_FALSE, the implementation may: use different sample locations.
* [[features-limits-optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment]]
pname:optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment is the optimal buffer
offset alignment in bytes for fname:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage and
fname:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer. The per texel alignment requirements are
still enforced, this is just an additional alignment recommendation for
optimal performance and power.
* [[features-limits-optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment]]
pname:optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment is the optimal buffer
row pitch alignment in bytes for fname:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage and
fname:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer. Row pitch is the number of bytes between
texels with the same X coordinate in adjacent rows (Y coordinates differ
by one). The per texel alignment requirements are still enforced, this
is just an additional alignment recommendation for optimal performance
and power.
* [[features-limits-nonCoherentAtomSize]]
pname:nonCoherentAtomSize is the size and alignment in bytes that bounds
concurrent access to
<<memory-device-hostaccess, host-mapped device memory>>.
// End of list
For all bitmasks of type elink:VkSampleCountFlags above, possible
values include:
// refBegin VkSampleCountFlagBits - Bitmask specifying sample counts supported for an image used for storage operations
The sample count limits defined above represent the minimum
supported sample counts for each image type. Individual images may: support
additional sample counts, which are queried using
flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties as described
in <<features-supported-sample-counts, Supported Sample Counts>>.
See Also
basetype:VkBool32, basetype:VkDeviceSize, slink:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties, elink:VkSampleCountFlags
Document Notes
For more information, see the Vulkan Specification at URL
This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification.
Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification,not directly.