
292 lines
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#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
from generator import OutputGenerator, enquote, noneStr, write
from pprint import pprint
# PyOutputGenerator - subclass of OutputGenerator.
# Generates Python data structures describing API names and relationships.
# Similar to DocOutputGenerator, but writes a single file.
# ---- methods ----
# PyOutputGenerator(errFile, warnFile, diagFile) - args as for
# OutputGenerator. Defines additional internal state.
# ---- methods overriding base class ----
# beginFile(genOpts)
# endFile()
# genType(typeinfo,name)
# genStruct(typeinfo,name)
# genGroup(groupinfo,name)
# genEnum(enuminfo, name)
# genCmd(cmdinfo)
class PyOutputGenerator(OutputGenerator):
"""Generate specified API interfaces in a specific style, such as a C header"""
def __init__(self,
errFile = sys.stderr,
warnFile = sys.stderr,
diagFile = sys.stdout):
OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
def apiName(self, name):
"""Returns True if name is in the reserved API namespace.
Delegate to the conventions object.
return self.genOpts.conventions.is_api_name(name)
def beginFile(self, genOpts):
OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
# Dictionaries are keyed by the name of the entity (e.g.
# self.structs is keyed by structure names). Values are
# the names of related entities (e.g. structs contain
# a list of type names of members, enums contain a list
# of enumerants belong to the enumerated type, etc.), or
# just None if there are no directly related entities.
# Collect the mappings, then emit the Python script in endFile
self.basetypes = {}
self.consts = {}
self.enums = {}
self.flags = {}
self.funcpointers = {}
self.protos = {}
self.structs = {}
self.handles = {}
self.defines = {}
self.alias = {}
# Dictionary containing the type of a type name
# (e.g. the string name of the dictionary with its contents).
self.typeCategory = {}
self.mapDict = {}
def endFile(self):
# Print out all the dictionaries as Python strings.
# Could just print(dict) but that's not human-readable
dicts = [ [ self.basetypes, 'basetypes' ],
[ self.consts, 'consts' ],
[ self.enums, 'enums' ],
[ self.flags, 'flags' ],
[ self.funcpointers, 'funcpointers' ],
[ self.protos, 'protos' ],
[ self.structs, 'structs' ],
[ self.handles, 'handles' ],
[ self.defines, 'defines' ],
[ self.typeCategory, 'typeCategory' ],
[ self.alias, 'alias' ],
for (entry_dict, name) in dicts:
write(name + ' = {}', file=self.outFile)
for key in sorted(entry_dict.keys()):
write(name + '[' + enquote(key) + '] = ', entry_dict[key],
# Dictionary containing the relationships of a type
# (e.g. a dictionary with each related type as keys).
write('mapDict = {}', file=self.outFile)
# Could just print(self.mapDict), but prefer something
# human-readable and stable-ordered
for baseType in sorted(self.mapDict.keys()):
write('mapDict[' + enquote(baseType) + '] = ', file=self.outFile, end='')
pprint(self.mapDict[baseType], self.outFile)
# Add a string entry to the dictionary, quoting it so it gets printed
# out correctly in self.endFile()
def addName(self, entry_dict, name, value):
entry_dict[name] = enquote(value)
# Add a mapping between types to mapDict. Only include API types,
# so we don't end up with a lot of useless uint32_t and void types.
def addMapping(self, baseType, refType):
if not self.apiName(baseType) or not self.apiName(refType):
self.logMsg('diag', 'PyOutputGenerator::addMapping: IGNORE map from', baseType, '<->', refType)
self.logMsg('diag', 'PyOutputGenerator::addMapping: map from',
baseType, '<->', refType)
if baseType not in self.mapDict:
baseDict = {}
self.mapDict[baseType] = baseDict
baseDict = self.mapDict[baseType]
if refType not in self.mapDict:
refDict = {}
self.mapDict[refType] = refDict
refDict = self.mapDict[refType]
baseDict[refType] = None
refDict[baseType] = None
# Type generation
# For 'struct' or 'union' types, defer to genStruct() to
# add to the dictionary.
# For 'bitmask' types, add the type name to the 'flags' dictionary,
# with the value being the corresponding 'enums' name defining
# the acceptable flag bits.
# For 'enum' types, add the type name to the 'enums' dictionary,
# with the value being '@STOPHERE@' (because this case seems
# never to happen).
# For 'funcpointer' types, add the type name to the 'funcpointers'
# dictionary.
# For 'handle' and 'define' types, add the handle or #define name
# to the 'struct' dictionary, because that's how the spec sources
# tag these types even though they aren't structs.
def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias)
typeElem = typeinfo.elem
# If the type is a struct type, traverse the embedded <member> tags
# generating a structure. Otherwise, emit the tag text.
category = typeElem.get('category')
# Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, category)
if category in ('struct', 'union'):
self.genStruct(typeinfo, name, alias)
if alias:
# Add name -> alias mapping
self.addName(self.alias, name, alias)
# Always emit an alias (?!)
count = 1
# May want to only emit full type definition when not an alias?
# Extract the type name
# (from self.genOpts). Copy other text through unchanged.
# If the resulting text is an empty string, don't emit it.
count = len(noneStr(typeElem.text))
for elem in typeElem:
count += len(noneStr(elem.text)) + len(noneStr(elem.tail))
if count > 0:
if category == 'bitmask':
requiredEnum = typeElem.get('requires')
self.addName(self.flags, name, requiredEnum)
# This happens when the Flags type is defined, but no
# FlagBits are defined yet.
if requiredEnum is not None:
self.addMapping(name, requiredEnum)
elif category == 'enum':
# This case does not seem to come up. It nominally would
# result from
# <type name="Something" category="enum"/>,
# but the output generator doesn't emit them directly.
self.logMsg('warn', 'PyOutputGenerator::genType: invalid \'enum\' category for name:', name)
elif category == 'funcpointer':
self.funcpointers[name] = None
elif category == 'handle':
self.handles[name] = None
elif category == 'define':
self.defines[name] = None
elif category == 'basetype':
# Don't add an entry for base types that are not API types
# e.g. an API Bool type gets an entry, uint32_t does not
if self.apiName(name):
self.basetypes[name] = None
self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'basetype')
self.logMsg('diag', 'PyOutputGenerator::genType: unprocessed type:', name, 'category:', category)
self.logMsg('diag', 'PyOutputGenerator::genType: unprocessed type:', name)
# Struct (e.g. C "struct" type) generation.
# Add the struct name to the 'structs' dictionary, with the
# value being an ordered list of the struct member names.
def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias)
if alias:
# Add name -> alias mapping
self.addName(self.alias, typeName, alias)
# May want to only emit definition on this branch
members = [member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/name')]
self.structs[typeName] = members
memberTypes = [member.text for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member/type')]
for member_type in memberTypes:
self.addMapping(typeName, member_type)
# Group (e.g. C "enum" type) generation.
# These are concatenated together with other types.
# Add the enum type name to the 'enums' dictionary, with
# the value being an ordered list of the enumerant names.
# Add each enumerant name to the 'consts' dictionary, with
# the value being the enum type the enumerant is part of.
def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias):
OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias)
groupElem = groupinfo.elem
if alias:
# Add name -> alias mapping
self.addName(self.alias, groupName, alias)
# May want to only emit definition on this branch
# Loop over the nested 'enum' tags.
enumerants = [elem.get('name') for elem in groupElem.findall('enum')]
for name in enumerants:
self.addName(self.consts, name, groupName)
self.enums[groupName] = enumerants
# Enumerant generation (compile-time constants)
# Add the constant name to the 'consts' dictionary, with the
# value being None to indicate that the constant isn't
# an enumeration value.
def genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias):
OutputGenerator.genEnum(self, enuminfo, name, alias)
# Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'consts')
self.consts[name] = None
# Command generation
# Add the command name to the 'protos' dictionary, with the
# value being an ordered list of the parameter names.
def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)
if alias:
# Add name -> alias mapping
self.addName(self.alias, name, alias)
# May want to only emit definition on this branch
# Add a typeCategory{} entry for the category of this type.
self.addName(self.typeCategory, name, 'protos')
params = [param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/name')]
self.protos[name] = params
paramTypes = [param.text for param in cmdinfo.elem.findall('param/type')]
for param_type in paramTypes:
self.addMapping(name, param_type)