// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc. // Copyright notice at https://www.khronos.org/registry/speccopyright.html [[synchronization]] = Synchronization and Cache Control Synchronization of access to resources is primarily the responsibility of the application. In Vulkan, there are four forms of concurrency during execution: between the host and device, between the queues, between queue submissions, and between commands within a command buffer. Vulkan provides the application with a set of synchronization primitives for these purposes. Further, memory caches and other optimizations mean that the normal flow of command execution does not guarantee that all memory transactions from a command are immediately visible to other agents with views into a given range of memory. Vulkan also provides barrier operations to ensure this type of synchronization. Four synchronization primitive types are exposed by Vulkan. These are: * <> * <> * <> * <> Each is covered in detail in its own subsection of this chapter. Fences are used to communicate completion of execution of command buffer submissions to queues back to the application. Fences can: therefore be used as a coarse-grained synchronization mechanism. Semaphores are generally associated with resources or groups of resources and can: be used to marshal ownership of shared data. Their status is not visible to the host. Events provide a finer-grained synchronization primitive which can: be signaled at command level granularity by both device and host, and can: be waited upon by either. Barriers provide execution and memory synchronization between sets of commands. [[synchronization-fences]] == Fences // refBegin VkFence - Opaque handle to a fence object Fences can: be used by the host to determine completion of execution of _queue operations_. A fence's status is always either _signaled_ or _unsignaled_. The host can: poll the status of a single fence, or wait for any or all of a group of fences to become signaled. Fences are represented by sname:VkFence handles: include::../handles/VkFence.txt[] // refEnd VkFence // refBegin vkCreateFence Create a new fence object. To create a new fence object, use the command include::../protos/vkCreateFence.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that creates the fence. * pname:pCreateInfo points to a slink:VkFenceCreateInfo structure specifying the state of the fence object. * pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the <> chapter. * pname:pFence points to a handle in which the resulting fence object is returned. include::../validity/protos/vkCreateFence.txt[] // refBegin VkFenceCreateInfo - Structure specifying parameters of a newly created fence The sname:VkFenceCreateInfo structure is defined as: include::../structs/VkFenceCreateInfo.txt[] * pname:flags defines the initial state and behavior of the fence. Bits which can: be set include: + -- // refBegin VkFenceCreateFlagBits - Bitmask specifying initial state and behavior of a fence include::../enums/VkFenceCreateFlagBits.txt[] -- + If pname:flags contains ename:VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT then the fence object is created in the signaled state. Otherwise it is created in the unsignaled state. include::../validity/structs/VkFenceCreateInfo.txt[] // refBegin vkDestroyFence Destroy a fence object To destroy a fence, call: include::../protos/vkDestroyFence.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that destroys the fence. * pname:fence is the handle of the fence to destroy. * pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the <> chapter. include::../validity/protos/vkDestroyFence.txt[] // refBegin vkGetFenceStatus Return the status of a fence. To query the status of a fence from the host, use the command include::../protos/vkGetFenceStatus.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that owns the fence. * pname:fence is the handle of the fence to query. Upon success, fname:vkGetFenceStatus returns the status of the fence, which is one of: * ename:VK_SUCCESS indicates that the fence is signaled. * ename:VK_NOT_READY indicates that the fence is unsignaled. include::../validity/protos/vkGetFenceStatus.txt[] // refBegin vkResetFences Resets one or more fence objects. To reset the status of one or more fences to the unsignaled state, use the command: include::../protos/vkResetFences.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that owns the fences. * pname:fenceCount is the number of fences to reset. * pname:pFences is a pointer to an array of pname:fenceCount fence handles to reset. If a fence is already in the unsignaled state, then resetting it has no effect. include::../validity/protos/vkResetFences.txt[] [[synchronization-fences-signaling]] Fences can: be signaled by including them in a <> command, defining a queue operation to signal that fence. This _fence signal operation_ defines the first half of a memory dependency, guaranteeing that all memory accesses defined by the queue submission are made available, and that queue operations described by that submission have completed execution. This half of the memory dependency does not include host availability of memory accesses. The second half of the dependency can: be defined by flink:vkWaitForFences. Fence signal operations for flink:vkQueueSubmit additionally include all queue operations previously submitted via flink:vkQueueSubmit in their half of a memory dependency. // refBegin vkWaitForFences Wait for one or more fences to become signaled. To cause the host to wait until any one or all of a group of fences is signaled, use the command: include::../protos/vkWaitForFences.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that owns the fences. * pname:fenceCount is the number of fences to wait on. * pname:pFences is a pointer to an array of pname:fenceCount fence handles. * pname:waitAll is the condition that must: be satisfied to successfully unblock the wait. If pname:waitAll is ename:VK_TRUE, then the condition is that all fences in pname:pFences are signaled. Otherwise, the condition is that at least one fence in pname:pFences is signaled. * pname:timeout is the timeout period in units of nanoseconds. pname:timeout is adjusted to the closest value allowed by the implementation-dependent timeout accuracy, which may: be substantially longer than one nanosecond, and may: be longer than the requested period. If the condition is satisfied when fname:vkWaitForFences is called, then fname:vkWaitForFences returns immediately. If the condition is not satisfied at the time fname:vkWaitForFences is called, then fname:vkWaitForFences will block and wait up to pname:timeout nanoseconds for the condition to become satisfied. If pname:timeout is zero, then fname:vkWaitForFences does not wait, but simply returns the current state of the fences. ename:VK_TIMEOUT will be returned in this case if the condition is not satisfied, even though no actual wait was performed. If the specified timeout period expires before the condition is satisfied, fname:vkWaitForFences returns ename:VK_TIMEOUT. If the condition is satisfied before pname:timeout nanoseconds has expired, fname:vkWaitForFences returns ename:VK_SUCCESS. [[synchronization-fences-devicewrites]] fname:vkWaitForFences defines the second half of a memory dependency with the host, for each fence being waited on. The memory dependency defined by signaling a fence and waiting on the host does not guarantee that the results of memory accesses will be visible to the host, or that the memory is available. To provide that guarantee, the application must: insert a memory barrier between the device writes and the end of the submission that will signal the fence, with pname:dstAccessMask having the ename:VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT bit set, with pname:dstStageMask having the ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT bit set, and with the appropriate pname:srcStageMask and pname:srcAccessMask members set to guarantee completion of the writes. If the memory was allocated without the ename:VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT set, then fname:vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges must: be called after the fence is signaled in order to ensure the writes are visible to the host, as described in <>. include::../validity/protos/vkWaitForFences.txt[] [[synchronization-semaphores]] == Semaphores // refBegin VkSemaphore - Opaque handle to a semaphore object Semaphores are used to coordinate queue operations both within a queue and between different queues. A semaphore's status is always either _signaled_ or _unsignaled_. Semaphores are represented by sname:VkSemaphore handles: include::../handles/VkSemaphore.txt[] // refEnd VkSemaphore // refBegin vkCreateSemaphore Create a new queue semaphore object. To create a new semaphore object, use the command include::../protos/vkCreateSemaphore.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that creates the semaphore. * pname:pCreateInfo points to a slink:VkSemaphoreCreateInfo structure specifying the state of the semaphore object. * pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the <> chapter. * pname:pSemaphore points to a handle in which the resulting semaphore object is returned. The semaphore is created in the unsignaled state. include::../validity/protos/vkCreateSemaphore.txt[] // refBegin VkSemaphoreCreateInfo - Structure specifying parameters of a newly created semaphore The sname:VkSemaphoreCreateInfo structure is defined as: include::../structs/VkSemaphoreCreateInfo.txt[] * pname:sType is the type of this structure. * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure. * pname:flags is reserved for future use. include::../validity/structs/VkSemaphoreCreateInfo.txt[] // refBegin vkDestroySemaphore Destroy a semaphore object To destroy a semaphore, call: include::../protos/vkDestroySemaphore.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that destroys the semaphore. * pname:semaphore is the handle of the semaphore to destroy. * pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the <> chapter. include::../validity/protos/vkDestroySemaphore.txt[] [[synchronization-semaphores-signaling]] Semaphores can: be signaled by including them in a batch as part of a <> command, defining a queue operation to signal that semaphore. This _semaphore signal operation_ defines the first half of a memory dependency, guaranteeing that all memory accesses defined by the submitted queue operations in the batch are made available, and that those queue operations have completed execution. Semaphore signal operations for flink:vkQueueSubmit additionally include all queue operations previously submitted via flink:vkQueueSubmit in their half of a memory dependency, and all batches that are stored at a lower index in the same pname:pSubmits array. [[synchronization-semaphores-waiting]] Signaling of semaphores can: be waited on by similarly including them in a batch, defining a queue operation to wait for a signal. A semaphore wait operation defines the second half of a memory dependency for the semaphores being waited on. This half of the memory dependency guarantees that the first half has completed execution, and also guarantees that all available memory accesses are made visible to the queue operations in the batch. Semaphore wait operations for flink:vkQueueSubmit additionally include all queue operations subsequently submitted via flink:vkQueueSubmit in their half of a memory dependency, and all batches that are stored at a higher index in the same pname:pSubmits array. When queue execution reaches a semaphore wait operation, the queue will stall execution of queue operations in the batch until each semaphore becomes signaled. Once all semaphores are signaled, the semaphores will be reset to the unsignaled state, and subsequent queue operations will be permitted to execute. Semaphore wait operations defined by flink:vkQueueSubmit only wait at specific pipeline stages, rather than delaying all of each command buffer's execution, with the pipeline stages determined by the corresponding element of the pname:pWaitDstStageMask member of sname:VkSubmitInfo. Execution of work by those stages in subsequent commands is stalled until the corresponding semaphore reaches the signaled state. [NOTE] .Note ==== A common scenario for using pname:pWaitDstStageMask with values other than ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT is when synchronizing a window system presentation operation against subsequent command buffers which render the next frame. In this case, a presentation image mustnot: be overwritten until the presentation operation completes, but other pipeline stages can: execute without waiting. A mask of ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT prevents subsequent color attachment writes from executing until the semaphore signals. Some implementations may: be able to execute transfer operations and/or vertex processing work before the semaphore is signaled. If an image layout transition needs to be performed on a swapchain image before it is used in a framebuffer, that can: be performed as the first operation submitted to the queue after acquiring the image, and shouldnot: prevent other work from overlapping with the presentation operation. For example, a sname:VkImageMemoryBarrier could use: * pname:srcStageMask = ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT * pname:srcAccessMask = ename:VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT * pname:dstStageMask = ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT * pname:dstAccessMask = ename:VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | ename:VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT. * pname:oldLayout = etext:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR * pname:newLayout = ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL Alternativeely, pname:oldLayout can: be ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, if the image's contents need not be preserved. This barrier accomplishes a dependency chain between previous presentation operations and subsequent color attachment output operations, with the layout transition performed in between, and does not introduce a dependency between previous work and any vertex processing stages. More precisely, the semaphore signals after the presentation operation completes, then the semaphore wait stalls the ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT stage, then there is a dependency from that same stage to itself with the layout transition performed in between. (The primary use case for this example is with the presentation extensions, thus the etext:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR token is used even though it is not defined in the core Vulkan specification.) ==== [[synchronization-events]] == Events // refBegin VkEvent - Opaque handle to a event object Events represent a fine-grained synchronization primitive that can: be used to gauge progress through a sequence of commands executed on a queue by Vulkan. An event is initially in the unsignaled state. It can: be signaled by a device, using commands inserted into the command buffer, or by the host. It can: also be reset to the unsignaled state by a device or the host. The host can: query the state of an event. A device can: wait for one or more events to become signaled. Events are represented by sname:VkEvent handles: include::../handles/VkEvent.txt[] // refEnd VkEvent // refBegin vkCreateEvent Create a new event object. To create an event, call: include::../protos/vkCreateEvent.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that creates the event. * pname:pCreateInfo is a pointer to an instance of the sname:VkEventCreateInfo structure which contains information about how the event is to be created. * pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the <> chapter. * pname:pEvent points to a handle in which the resulting event object is returned. When created, the event object is in the unsignaled state. include::../validity/protos/vkCreateEvent.txt[] // refBegin VkEventCreateInfo - Structure specifying parameters of a newly created event The sname:VkEventCreateInfo structure is defined as: include::../structs/VkEventCreateInfo.txt[] * pname:flags is reserved for future use. include::../validity/structs/VkEventCreateInfo.txt[] // refBegin vkDestroyEvent Destroy an event object To destroy an event, call: include::../protos/vkDestroyEvent.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that destroys the event. * pname:event is the handle of the event to destroy. * pname:pAllocator controls host memory allocation as described in the <> chapter. include::../validity/protos/vkDestroyEvent.txt[] // refBegin vkGetEventStatus Retrieve the status of an event object. To query the state of an event from the host, call: include::../protos/vkGetEventStatus.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that owns the event. * pname:event is the handle of the event to query. Upon success, fname:vkGetEventStatus returns the state of the event object with the following return codes: [width="80%",options="header"] |===== | Status | Meaning | ename:VK_EVENT_SET | The event specified by pname:event is signaled. | ename:VK_EVENT_RESET | The event specified by pname:event is unsignaled. |===== The state of an event can: be updated by the host. The state of the event is immediately changed, and subsequent calls to fname:vkGetEventStatus will return the new state. If an event is already in the requested state, then updating it to the same state has no effect. include::../validity/protos/vkGetEventStatus.txt[] // refBegin vkSetEvent Set an event to signaled state. To set the state of an event to signaled from the host, call: include::../protos/vkSetEvent.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that owns the event. * pname:event is the event to set. include::../validity/protos/vkSetEvent.txt[] // refBegin vkResetEvent Reset an event to non-signaled state. To set the state of an event to unsignaled from the host, call: include::../protos/vkResetEvent.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device that owns the event. * pname:event is the event to reset. include::../validity/protos/vkResetEvent.txt[] // refBegin vkCmdSetEvent Set an event object to signaled state. The state of an event can: also be updated on the device by commands inserted in command buffers. To set the state of an event to signaled from a device, call: include::../protos/vkCmdSetEvent.txt[] * pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command is recorded. * pname:event is the event that will be signaled. * pname:stageMask specifies the pipeline stage at which the state of pname:event is updated as described below. include::../validity/protos/vkCmdSetEvent.txt[] // refBegin vkCmdResetEvent Reset an event object to non-signaled state. To set the state of an event to unsignaled from a device, call: include::../protos/vkCmdResetEvent.txt[] * pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command is recorded. * pname:event is the event that will be reset. * pname:stageMask specifies the pipeline stage at which the state of pname:event is updated as described below. include::../validity/protos/vkCmdResetEvent.txt[] For both fname:vkCmdSetEvent and fname:vkCmdResetEvent, the status of pname:event is updated once the pipeline stages specified by pname:stageMask (see <>) have completed executing prior commands. The command modifying the event is passed through the pipeline bound to the command buffer at time of execution. // refBegin vkCmdWaitEvents Wait for one or more events and insert a set of memory To wait for one or more events to enter the signaled state on a device, call: include::../protos/vkCmdWaitEvents.txt[] * pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command is recorded. * pname:eventCount is the length of the pname:pEvents array. * pname:pEvents is an array of event object handles to wait on. * pname:srcStageMask (see <>) is the bitwise OR of the pipeline stages used to signal the event object handles in pname:pEvents. * pname:dstStageMask is the pipeline stages at which the wait will occur. * pname:pMemoryBarriers is a pointer to an array of pname:memoryBarrierCount sname:VkMemoryBarrier structures. * pname:pBufferMemoryBarriers is a pointer to an array of pname:bufferMemoryBarrierCount sname:VkBufferMemoryBarrier structures. * pname:pImageMemoryBarriers is a pointer to an array of pname:imageMemoryBarrierCount sname:VkImageMemoryBarrier structures. See <> for more details about memory barriers. fname:vkCmdWaitEvents waits for events set by either fname:vkSetEvent or fname:vkCmdSetEvent to become signaled. Logically, it has three phases: . Wait at the pipeline stages specified by pname:dstStageMask (see <>) until the pname:eventCount event objects specified by pname:pEvents become signaled. Implementations may: wait for each event object to become signaled in sequence (starting with the first event object in pname:pEvents, and ending with the last), or wait for all of the event objects to become signaled at the same time. . Execute the memory barriers specified by pname:pMemoryBarriers, pname:pBufferMemoryBarriers and pname:pImageMemoryBarriers (see <>). . Resume execution of pipeline stages specified by pname:dstStageMask Implementations may: not execute commands in a pipelined manner, so fname:vkCmdWaitEvents may: not observe the results of a subsequent fname:vkCmdSetEvent or fname:vkCmdResetEvent command, even if the stages in pname:dstStageMask occur after the stages in pname:srcStageMask. Commands that update the state of events in different pipeline stages may: execute out of order, unless the ordering is enforced by execution dependencies. [NOTE] .Note ==== Applications should: be careful to avoid race conditions when using events. For example, an event should: only be reset if no fname:vkCmdWaitEvents command is executing that waits upon that event. ==== include::../validity/protos/vkCmdWaitEvents.txt[] An act of setting or resetting an event in one queue may: not affect or be visible to other queues. For cross-queue synchronization, semaphores can: be used. [[synchronization-execution-and-memory-dependencies]] == Execution And Memory Dependencies Synchronization commands introduce explicit execution and memory dependencies between two sets of action commands, where the second set of commands depends on the first set of commands. The two sets can: be: * First set: commands before a flink:vkCmdSetEvent command. + Second set: commands after a flink:vkCmdWaitEvents command in the same queue, using the same event. * First set: commands in a lower numbered subpass (or before a render pass instance). + Second set: commands in a higher numbered subpass (or after a render pass instance), where there is a <> between the two subpasses (or between a subpass and ename:VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL). * First set: commands before a <>. + Second set: commands after that pipeline barrier in the same queue (possibly limited to within the same subpass). An _execution dependency_ is a single dependency between a set of source and destination pipeline stages, which guarantees that all work performed by the set of pipeline stages included in pname:srcStageMask (see <>) of the first set of commands completes before any work performed by the set of pipeline stages included in pname:dstStageMask of the second set of commands begins. An _execution dependency chain_ from a set of source pipeline stages latexmath:[$A$] to a set of destination pipeline stages latexmath:[$B$] is a sequence of execution dependencies submitted to a queue in order between a first set of commands and a second set of commands, satisfying the following conditions: * the first dependency includes latexmath:[$A$] or ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT or ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT in the pname:srcStageMask. And, * the final dependency includes latexmath:[$B$] or ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT or ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT in the pname:dstStageMask. And, * for each dependency in the sequence (except the first) at least one of the following conditions is true: ** pname:srcStageMask of the current dependency includes at least one bit latexmath:[$C$] that is present in the pname:dstStageMask of the previous dependency. Or, ** pname:srcStageMask of the current dependency includes ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT or ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT. Or, ** pname:dstStageMask of the previous dependency includes ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT or ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT. Or, ** pname:srcStageMask of the current dependency includes ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT, and pname:dstStageMask of the previous dependency includes at least one graphics pipeline stage. Or, ** pname:dstStageMask of the previous dependency includes ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT, and pname:srcStageMask of the current dependency includes at least one graphics pipeline stage. * for each dependency in the sequence (except the first), at least one of the following conditions is true: ** the current dependency is a fname:vkCmdSetEvent/fname:vkCmdWaitEvents pair (where the fname:vkCmdWaitEvents may: be inside or outside a render pass instance), or a fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier outside of a render pass instance, or a subpass dependency with pname:srcSubpass equal to ename:VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL for a render pass instance that begins with a fname:vkCmdBeginRenderPass command, and the previous dependency is any of: *** a fname:vkCmdSetEvent/fname:vkCmdWaitEvents pair or a fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier, either one outside of a render pass instance, that precedes the current dependency in the queue execution order. Or, *** a subpass dependency, with pname:dstSubpass equal to ename:VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL, for a renderpass instance that was ended with a fname:vkCmdEndRenderPass command that precedes the current dependency in the queue execution order. ** the current dependency is a subpass dependency for a render pass instance, and the previous dependency is any of: *** another dependency for the same render pass instance, with a pname:dstSubpass equal to the pname:srcSubpass of the current dependency. Or, *** a fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier of the same render pass instance, recorded for the subpass indicated by the pname:srcSubpass of the current dependency. Or, *** a fname:vkCmdSetEvent/fname:vkCmdWaitEvents pair, where the fname:vkCmdWaitEvents is inside the same render pass instance, recorded for the subpass indicated by the pname:srcSubpass of the current dependency. ** the current dependency is a fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier inside a subpass of a render pass instance, and the previous dependency is any of: *** a subpass dependency for the same render pass instance, with a pname:dstSubpass equal to the subpass of the fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier. Or, *** a fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier of the same render pass instance, recorded for the same subpass, before the current dependency. Or, *** a fname:vkCmdSetEvent/fname:vkCmdWaitEvents pair, where the fname:vkCmdWaitEvents is inside the same render pass instance, recorded for the same subpass, before the current dependency. A pair of consecutive execution dependencies in an execution dependency chain accomplishes a dependency between the stages latexmath:[$A$] and latexmath:[$B$] via intermediate stages latexmath:[$C$], even if no work is executed between them that uses the pipeline stages included in latexmath:[$C$]. An execution dependency chain guarantees that the work performed by the pipeline stages latexmath:[$A$] in the first set of commands completes before the work performed by pipeline stages latexmath:[$B$] in the second set of commands begins. A command latexmath:[$C_1$] is said to _happen-before_ an execution dependency latexmath:[$D_2$] for a pipeline stage latexmath:[$S$] if all the following conditions are true: * latexmath:[$C_1$] is in the first set of commands for an execution dependency latexmath:[$D_1$] that includes latexmath:[$S$] in its pname:srcStageMask. And, * there exists an execution dependency chain that includes latexmath:[$D_1$] and latexmath:[$D_2$], where latexmath:[$D_2$] follows latexmath:[$D_1$] in the execution dependency sequence. Similarly, a command latexmath:[$C_2$] is said to _happen-after_ an execution dependency latexmath:[$D_1$] for a pipeline stage latexmath:[$S$] if all the following conditions are true: * latexmath:[$C_2$] is in the second set of commands for an execution dependency latexmath:[$D_2$] that includes latexmath:[$S$] in its pname:dstStageMask. And, * there exists an execution dependency chain that includes latexmath:[$D_1$] and latexmath:[$D_2$], where latexmath:[$D_2$] follows latexmath:[$D_1$] in the execution dependency sequence. An execution dependency is _by-region_ if its pname:dependencyFlags parameter includes ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT. Such a barrier describes a per-region (x,y,layer) dependency. That is, for each region, the implementation must: ensure that the source stages for the first set of commands complete execution before any destination stages begin execution in the second set of commands for the same region. Since fragment shader invocations are not specified to run in any particular groupings, the size of a region is implementation-dependent, not known to the application, and must: be assumed to be no larger than a single pixel. If pname:dependencyFlags does not include ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT, it describes a global dependency, that is for all pixel regions, the source stages must: have completed for preceding commands before any destination stages starts for subsequent commands. [[synchronization-execution-and-memory-dependencies-available-and-visible]] _Memory dependencies_ are coupled to execution dependencies, and synchronize accesses to memory between two sets of commands. They operate according to two ``halves'' of a dependency to synchronize two sets of commands, the commands that happen-before the execution dependency for the pname:srcStageMask vs the commands that happen-after the execution dependency for the pname:dstStageMask, as described above. The first half of the dependency makes memory accesses using the set of access types in pname:srcAccessMask performed in pipeline stages in pname:srcStageMask by the first set of commands complete and writes be _available_ for subsequent commands. The second half of the dependency makes any available writes from previous commands _visible_ to pipeline stages in pname:dstStageMask using the set of access types in pname:dstAccessMask for the second set of commands, if those writes have been made available with the first half of the same or a previous dependency. The two halves of a memory dependency can: either be expressed as part of a single command, or can: be part of separate barriers as long as there is an execution dependency chain between them. The application must: use memory dependencies to make writes visible before subsequent reads can: rely on them, and before subsequent writes can: overwrite them. Failure to do so causes the result of the reads to be undefined, and the order of writes to be undefined. [[synchronization-execution-and-memory-dependencies-types]] <> apply to all resources owned by the device. <> and <> apply to the buffer range(s) or image subresource(s) included in the command. For accesses to a byte of a buffer or image subresource of an image to be synchronized between two sets of commands, the byte or image subresource must: be included in both the first and second halves of the dependencies described above, but need not be included in each step of the execution dependency chain between them. An execution dependency chain is _by-region_ if all stages in all dependencies in the chain are framebuffer-space pipeline stages, and if the ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT bit is included in all dependencies in the chain. Otherwise, the execution dependency chain is not by-region. The two halves of a memory dependency form a by-region dependency if *all* execution dependency chains between them are by-region. In other words, if there is any execution dependency between two sets of commands that is not by-region, then the memory dependency is not by-region. When an image memory barrier includes a layout transition, the barrier first makes writes via pname:srcStageMask and pname:srcAccessMask available, then performs the layout transition, then makes the contents of the image subresource(s) in the new layout visible to memory accesses in pname:dstStageMask and pname:dstAccessMask, as if there is an execution and memory dependency between the source masks and the transition, as well as between the transition and the destination masks. Any writes that have previously been made available are included in the layout transition, but any previous writes that have not been made available may: become lost or corrupt the image. All dependencies must: include at least one bit in each of the pname:srcStageMask and pname:dstStageMask. Memory dependencies are used to solve data hazards, e.g. to ensure that write operations are visible to subsequent read operations (read-after-write hazard), as well as write-after-write hazards. Write-after-read and read-after-read hazards only require execution dependencies to synchronize. [[synchronization-pipeline-barriers]] == Pipeline Barriers A _pipeline barrier_ inserts an execution dependency and a set of memory dependencies between a set of commands earlier in the command buffer and a set of commands later in the command buffer. // refBegin vkCmdPipelineBarrier Insert a set of execution and memory barriers. To record a pipeline barrier, call: include::../protos/vkCmdPipelineBarrier.txt[] * pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command is recorded. * pname:srcStageMask is a bitmask of elink:VkPipelineStageFlagBits specifying a set of source pipeline stages (see <>). * pname:dstStageMask is a bitmask specifying a set of destination pipeline stages. + The pipeline barrier specifies an execution dependency such that all work performed by the set of pipeline stages included in pname:srcStageMask of the first set of commands completes before any work performed by the set of pipeline stages included in pname:dstStageMask of the second set of commands begins. + * pname:dependencyFlags is a bitmask of elink:VkDependencyFlagBits. The execution dependency is by-region if the mask includes ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT. * pname:memoryBarrierCount is the length of the pname:pMemoryBarriers array. * pname:pMemoryBarriers is a pointer to an array of slink:VkMemoryBarrier structures. * pname:bufferMemoryBarrierCount is the length of the pname:pBufferMemoryBarriers array. * pname:pBufferMemoryBarriers is a pointer to an array of slink:VkBufferMemoryBarrier structures. * pname:imageMemoryBarrierCount is the length of the pname:pImageMemoryBarriers array. * pname:pImageMemoryBarriers is a pointer to an array of slink:VkImageMemoryBarrier structures. Each element of the pname:pMemoryBarriers, pname:pBufferMemoryBarriers and pname:pImageMemoryBarriers arrays specifies two halves of a memory dependency, as defined above. Specifics of each type of memory barrier and the memory access types are defined further in <>. If fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier is called outside a render pass instance, then the first set of commands is all prior commands submitted to the queue and recorded in the command buffer and the second set of commands is all subsequent commands recorded in the command buffer and submitted to the queue. If fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier is called inside a render pass instance, then the first set of commands is all prior commands in the same subpass and the second set of commands is all subsequent commands in the same subpass. include::../validity/protos/vkCmdPipelineBarrier.txt[] [[synchronization-pipeline-barriers-subpass-self-dependencies]] === Subpass Self-dependency If fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier is called inside a render pass instance, the following restrictions apply. For a given subpass to allow a pipeline barrier, the render pass must: declare a _self-dependency_ from that subpass to itself. That is, there must: exist a sname:VkSubpassDependency in the subpass dependency list for the render pass with pname:srcSubpass and pname:dstSubpass equal to that subpass index. More than one self-dependency can: be declared for each subpass. Self-dependencies must: only include pipeline stage bits that are graphics stages. Self-dependencies mustnot: have any earlier pipeline stages depend on any later pipeline stages. More precisely, this means that whatever is the last pipeline stage in pname:srcStageMask must: be no later than whatever is the first pipeline stage in pname:dstStageMask (the latest source stage can: be equal to the earliest destination stage). If the source and destination stage masks both include framebuffer-space stages, then pname:dependencyFlags must: include ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT. A fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier command inside a render pass instance must: be a _subset_ of one of the self-dependencies of the subpass it is used in, meaning that the stage masks and access masks must: each include only a subset of the bits of the corresponding mask in that self-dependency. If the self-dependency has ename:VK_DEPENDENCY_BY_REGION_BIT set, then so must: the pipeline barrier. Pipeline barriers within a render pass instance can: only be types sname:VkMemoryBarrier or sname:VkImageMemoryBarrier. If a sname:VkImageMemoryBarrier is used, the image and image subresource range specified in the barrier must: be a subset of one of the image views used by the framebuffer in the current subpass. Additionally, pname:oldLayout must: be equal to pname:newLayout, and both the pname:srcQueueFamilyIndex and pname:dstQueueFamilyIndex must: be ename:VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED. [[synchronization-pipeline-stage-flags]] === Pipeline Stage Flags // refBegin VkPipelineStageFlagBits - Bitmask specifying pipeline stages Several of the event commands, fname:vkCmdPipelineBarrier, and sname:VkSubpassDependency depend on being able to specify where in the logical pipeline events can: be signaled, or the source and destination of an execution dependency. These pipeline stages are specified using a bitmask: include::../enums/VkPipelineStageFlagBits.txt[] The meaning of each bit is: * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT: Stage of the pipeline where commands are initially received by the queue. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT: Stage of the pipeline where Draw/DispatchIndirect data structures are consumed. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT: Stage of the pipeline where vertex and index buffers are consumed. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT: Vertex shader stage. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT: Tessellation control shader stage. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT: Tessellation evaluation shader stage. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT: Geometry shader stage. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT: Fragment shader stage. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT: Stage of the pipeline where early fragment tests (depth and stencil tests before fragment shading) are performed. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT: Stage of the pipeline where late fragment tests (depth and stencil tests after fragment shading) are performed. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT: Stage of the pipeline after blending where the final color values are output from the pipeline. This stage also includes resolve operations that occur at the end of a subpass. Note that this does not necessarily indicate that the values have been committed to memory. * [[synchronization-transfer]]ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT: Execution of copy commands. This includes the operations resulting from all transfer commands. The set of transfer commands comprises fname:vkCmdCopyBuffer, fname:vkCmdCopyImage, fname:vkCmdBlitImage, fname:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage, fname:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer, fname:vkCmdUpdateBuffer, fname:vkCmdFillBuffer, fname:vkCmdClearColorImage, fname:vkCmdClearDepthStencilImage, fname:vkCmdResolveImage, and fname:vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT: Execution of a compute shader. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT: Final stage in the pipeline where commands complete execution. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT: A pseudo-stage indicating execution on the host of reads/writes of device memory. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT: Execution of all graphics pipeline stages. * ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT: Execution of all stages supported on the queue. [NOTE] .Note ==== The ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT and ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT differ from ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT in that they correspond to all (or all graphics) stages, rather than to a specific stage at the end of the pipeline. An execution dependency with only ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT in pname:dstStageMask will not delay subsequent commands, while including either of the other two bits will. Similarly, when defining a memory dependency, if the stage mask(s) refer to all stages, then the indicated access types from all stages will be made available and/or visible, but using only ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT would not make any accesses available and/or visible because this stage does not access memory. The ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT is useful for accomplishing memory barriers and layout transitions when the next accesses will be done in a different queue or by a presentation engine; in these cases subsequent commands in the same queue do not need to wait, but the barrier or transition must: complete before semaphores associated with the batch signal. ==== // refEnd VkPipelineStageFlagBits [NOTE] .Note ==== If an implementation is unable to update the state of an event at any specific stage of the pipeline, it may: instead update the event at any logically later stage. For example, if an implementation is unable to signal an event immediately after vertex shader execution is complete, it may: instead signal the event after color attachment output has completed. In the limit, an event may: be signaled after all graphics stages complete. If an implementation is unable to wait on an event at any specific stage of the pipeline, it may: instead wait on it at any logically earlier stage. Similarly, if an implementation is unable to implement an execution dependency at specific stages of the pipeline, it may: implement the dependency in a way where additional source pipeline stages complete and/or where additional destination pipeline stages' execution is blocked to satisfy the dependency. If an implementation makes such a substitution, it mustnot: affect the semantics of execution or memory dependencies or image and buffer memory barriers. ==== Certain pipeline stages are only available on queues that support a particular set of operations. The following table lists, for each pipeline stage flag, which queue capability flag must: be supported by the queue. When multiple flags are enumerated in the second column of the table, it means that the pipeline stage is supported on the queue if it supports any of the listed capability flags. For further details on queue capabilities see <> and <>. .Supported pipeline stage flags [width="100%",cols="69%,31%",options="header",align="center"] |======================================== |Pipeline stage flag | Required queue capability flag |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT | None |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_DRAW_INDIRECT_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_INPUT_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_EARLY_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_LATE_FRAGMENT_TESTS_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT, ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_TRANSFER_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT | None |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT | None |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_GRAPHICS_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT | None |======================================== [[synchronization-memory-barriers]] === Memory Barriers _Memory barriers_ express the two halves of a memory dependency between an earlier set of memory accesses against a later set of memory accesses. Vulkan provides three types of memory barriers: global memory, buffer memory, and image memory. [[synchronization-global-memory-barrier]] === Global Memory Barriers The global memory barrier type is specified with an instance of the sname:VkMemoryBarrier structure. This type of barrier applies to memory accesses involving all memory objects that exist at the time of its execution. // refBegin VkMemoryBarrier - Structure specifying a memory barrier The sname:VkMemoryBarrier structure is defined as: include::../structs/VkMemoryBarrier.txt[] * pname:sType is the type of this structure. * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure. * pname:srcAccessMask is a bitmask of the classes of memory accesses performed by the first set of commands that will participate in the dependency. * pname:dstAccessMask is a bitmask of the classes of memory accesses performed by the second set of commands that will participate in the dependency. pname:srcAccessMask and pname:dstAccessMask, along with pname:srcStageMask and pname:dstStageMask from flink:vkCmdPipelineBarrier, define the two halves of a memory dependency and an execution dependency. Memory accesses using the set of access types in pname:srcAccessMask performed in pipeline stages in pname:srcStageMask by the first set of commands must: complete and be available to later commands. The side effects of the first set of commands will be visible to memory accesses using the set of access types in pname:dstAccessMask performed in pipeline stages in pname:dstStageMask by the second set of commands. If the barrier is by-region, these requirements only apply to invocations within the same framebuffer-space region, for pipeline stages that perform framebuffer-space work. The execution dependency guarantees that execution of work by the destination stages of the second set of commands will not begin until execution of work by the source stages of the first set of commands has completed. A common type of memory dependency is to avoid a read-after-write hazard. In this case, the source access mask and stages will include writes from a particular stage, and the destination access mask and stages will indicate how those writes will be read in subsequent commands. However, barriers can: also express write-after-read dependencies and write-after-write dependencies, and are even useful to express read-after-read dependencies across an image layout change. // refBegin VkAccessFlagBits - Bitmask specifying classes of memory access the will participate in a memory barrier dependency Bits which can: be set in slink:VkMemoryBarrier::pname:srcAccessMask and slink:VkMemoryBarrier::pname:dstAccessMask include: [[synchronization-access-flags]] include::../enums/VkAccessFlagBits.txt[] * ename:VK_ACCESS_INDIRECT_COMMAND_READ_BIT indicates that the access is an indirect command structure read as part of an indirect drawing command. * ename:VK_ACCESS_INDEX_READ_BIT indicates that the access is an index buffer read. * ename:VK_ACCESS_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read via the vertex input bindings. * ename:VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read via a uniform buffer or dynamic uniform buffer descriptor. * ename:VK_ACCESS_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read via an input attachment descriptor. * ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read from a shader via any other descriptor type. * ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT indicates that the access is a write or atomic from a shader via the same descriptor types as in ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT. * ename:VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read via a color attachment. * ename:VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT indicates that the access is a write via a color or resolve attachment. * ename:VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read via a depth/stencil attachment. * ename:VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT indicates that the access is a write via a depth/stencil attachment. * ename:VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read from a transfer (copy, blit, resolve, etc.) operation. For the complete set of transfer operations, see <>. * ename:VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT indicates that the access is a write from a transfer (copy, blit, resolve, etc.) operation. For the complete set of transfer operations, see <>. * ename:VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read via the host. * ename:VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT indicates that the access is a write via the host. * ename:VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT indicates that the access is a read via a non-specific unit attached to the memory. This unit may: be external to the Vulkan device or otherwise not part of the core Vulkan pipeline. When included in pname:dstAccessMask, all writes using access types in pname:srcAccessMask performed by pipeline stages in pname:srcStageMask must: be visible in memory. * ename:VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_WRITE_BIT indicates that the access is a write via a non-specific unit attached to the memory. This unit may: be external to the Vulkan device or otherwise not part of the core Vulkan pipeline. When included in pname:srcAccessMask, all access types in pname:dstAccessMask from pipeline stages in pname:dstStageMask will observe the side effects of commands that executed before the barrier. When included in pname:dstAccessMask all writes using access types in pname:srcAccessMask performed by pipeline stages in pname:srcStageMask must: be visible in memory. Color attachment reads and writes are automatically (without memory or execution dependencies) coherent and ordered against themselves and each other for a given sample within a subpass of a render pass instance, executing in <>. Similarly, depth/stencil attachment reads and writes are automatically coherent and ordered against themselves and each other in the same circumstances. Shader reads and/or writes through two variables (in the same or different shader invocations) decorated with code:Coherent and which use the same image view or buffer view are automatically coherent with each other, but require execution dependencies if a specific order is desired. Similarly, shader atomic operations are coherent with each other and with code:Coherent variables. Non-code:Coherent shader memory accesses require memory dependencies for writes to be available and reads to be visible. Certain memory access types are only supported on queues that support a particular set of operations. The following table lists, for each access flag, which queue capability flag must: be supported by the queue. When multiple flags are enumerated in the second column of the table it means that the access type is supported on the queue if it supports any of the listed capability flags. For further details on queue capabilities see <> and <>. .Supported access flags [width="100%",cols="67%,33%",options="header",align="center"] |======================================== |Access flag | Required queue capability flag |ename:VK_ACCESS_INDIRECT_COMMAND_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_INDEX_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_UNIFORM_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_SHADER_WRITE_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_READ_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT, ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_TRANSFER_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT | ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT, ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_TRANSFER_BIT |ename:VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT | None |ename:VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT | None |ename:VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_READ_BIT | None |ename:VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_WRITE_BIT | None |======================================== include::../validity/structs/VkMemoryBarrier.txt[] [[synchronization-buffer-memory-barrier]] === Buffer Memory Barriers The buffer memory barrier type is specified with an instance of the sname:VkBufferMemoryBarrier structure. This type of barrier only applies to memory accesses involving a specific range of the specified buffer object. That is, a memory dependency formed from a buffer memory barrier is <> to the specified range of the buffer. It is also used to transfer ownership of a buffer range from one queue family to another, as described in the <> section. // refBegin VkBufferMemoryBarrier Structure specifying the parameters of a buffer memory barrier. The sname:VkBufferMemoryBarrier structure is defined as: include::../structs/VkBufferMemoryBarrier.txt[] * pname:sType is the type of this structure. * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure. * pname:srcAccessMask is a bitmask of the classes of memory accesses performed by the first set of commands that will participate in the dependency. * pname:dstAccessMask is a bitmask of the classes of memory accesses performed by the second set of commands that will participate in the dependency. * pname:srcQueueFamilyIndex is the queue family that is relinquishing ownership of the range of pname:buffer to another queue, or ename:VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED if there is no transfer of ownership. * pname:dstQueueFamilyIndex is the queue family that is acquiring ownership of the range of pname:buffer from another queue, or ename:VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED if there is no transfer of ownership. * pname:buffer is a handle to the buffer whose backing memory is affected by the barrier. * pname:offset is an offset in bytes into the backing memory for pname:buffer; this is relative to the base offset as bound to the buffer (see flink:vkBindBufferMemory). * pname:size is a size in bytes of the affected area of backing memory for pname:buffer, or ename:VK_WHOLE_SIZE to use the range from pname:offset to the end of the buffer. include::../validity/structs/VkBufferMemoryBarrier.txt[] [[synchronization-image-memory-barrier]] === Image Memory Barriers The image memory barrier type is specified with an instance of the sname:VkImageMemoryBarrier structure. This type of barrier only applies to memory accesses involving a specific image subresource range of the specified image object. That is, a memory dependency formed from an image memory barrier is <> to the specified image subresources of the image. It is also used to perform a layout transition for an image subresource range, or to transfer ownership of an image subresource range from one queue family to another as described in the <> section. // refBegin VkImageMemoryBarrier Structure specifying the parameters of an image memory barrier. The sname:VkImageMemoryBarrier structure is defined as: include::../structs/VkImageMemoryBarrier.txt[] * pname:sType is the type of this structure. * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure. * pname:srcAccessMask is a bitmask of the classes of memory accesses performed by the first set of commands that will participate in the dependency. * pname:dstAccessMask is a bitmask of the classes of memory accesses performed by the second set of commands that will participate in the dependency. * pname:oldLayout describes the current layout of the image subresource(s). * pname:newLayout describes the new layout of the image subresource(s). * pname:srcQueueFamilyIndex is the queue family that is relinquishing ownership of the image subresource(s) to another queue, or ename:VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED if there is no transfer of ownership). * pname:dstQueueFamilyIndex is the queue family that is acquiring ownership of the image subresource(s) from another queue, or ename:VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED if there is no transfer of ownership). * pname:image is a handle to the image whose backing memory is affected by the barrier. * pname:subresourceRange describes an area of the backing memory for pname:image (see <> for the description of sname:VkImageSubresourceRange), as well as the set of image subresources whose image layouts are modified. If pname:oldLayout differs from pname:newLayout, a layout transition occurs as part of the image memory barrier, affecting the data contained in the region of the image defined by the pname:subresourceRange. If pname:oldLayout is ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, then the data is undefined after the layout transition. This may: allow a more efficient transition, since the data may: be discarded. The layout transition must: occur after all operations using the old layout are completed and before all operations using the new layout are started. This is achieved by ensuring that there is a memory dependency between previous accesses and the layout transition, as well as between the layout transition and subsequent accesses, where the layout transition occurs between the two halves of a memory dependency in an image memory barrier. Layout transitions that are performed via image memory barriers are automatically ordered against other layout transitions, including those that occur as part of a render pass instance. [NOTE] .Note ==== See <> for details on available image layouts and their usages. ==== include::../validity/structs/VkImageMemoryBarrier.txt[] [[synchronization-waitidle]] === Wait Idle Operations // refBegin vkQueueWaitIdle Wait for a queue to become idle. To wait on the host for the completion of outstanding queue operations for a given queue, call: include::../protos/vkQueueWaitIdle.txt[] * pname:queue is the queue on which to wait. fname:vkQueueWaitIdle is equivalent to submitting a fence to a queue and waiting with an infinite timeout for that fence to signal. include::../validity/protos/vkQueueWaitIdle.txt[] // refBegin vkDeviceWaitIdle Wait for a device to become idle. To wait on the host for the completion of outstanding queue operations for all queues on a given logical device, call: include::../protos/vkDeviceWaitIdle.txt[] * pname:device is the logical device to idle. fname:vkDeviceWaitIdle is equivalent to calling fname:vkQueueWaitIdle for all queues owned by pname:device. include::../validity/protos/vkDeviceWaitIdle.txt[] [[synchronization-implicit-ordering-hostwrites]] == Host Write Ordering Guarantees When submitting batches of command buffers to a queue via flink:vkQueueSubmit, it is guaranteed that: * Host writes to mappable device memory that occurred before the call to fname:vkQueueSubmit are visible to the queue operation resulting from that submission, if the device memory is coherent or if the memory range was flushed with flink:vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges.