#!/usr/bin/python3 -i # # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The Khronos Group Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os,re,sys from generator import * # ValidityOutputGenerator - subclass of OutputGenerator. # Generates AsciiDoc includes of valid usage information, for reference # pages and the Vulkan specification. Similar to DocOutputGenerator. # # ---- methods ---- # ValidityOutputGenerator(errFile, warnFile, diagFile) - args as for # OutputGenerator. Defines additional internal state. # ---- methods overriding base class ---- # beginFile(genOpts) # endFile() # beginFeature(interface, emit) # endFeature() # genCmd(cmdinfo) class ValidityOutputGenerator(OutputGenerator): """Generate specified API interfaces in a specific style, such as a C header""" def __init__(self, errFile = sys.stderr, warnFile = sys.stderr, diagFile = sys.stdout): OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile) def beginFile(self, genOpts): OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts) def endFile(self): OutputGenerator.endFile(self) def beginFeature(self, interface, emit): # Start processing in superclass OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit) def endFeature(self): # Finish processing in superclass OutputGenerator.endFeature(self) def makeParameterName(self, name): return 'pname:' + name def makeStructName(self, name): return 'sname:' + name def makeBaseTypeName(self, name): return 'basetype:' + name def makeEnumerationName(self, name): return 'elink:' + name def makeEnumerantName(self, name): return 'ename:' + name def makeFLink(self, name): return 'flink:' + name # Create a unique namespaced Valid Usage anchor name given a # blockname - command or structure # pname - parameter or member (may be None) # category - distinct implicit VU type def makeAnchor(self, blockname, pname, category): # For debugging # return '* ' if pname != None: return '* [[VUID-%s-%s-%s]] ' % (blockname, pname, category) else: return '* [[VUID-%s-%s]] ' % (blockname, category) # # Generate an include file # # directory - subdirectory to put file in # basename - base name of the file # contents - contents of the file (Asciidoc boilerplate aside) def writeInclude(self, directory, basename, validity, threadsafety, commandpropertiesentry, successcodes, errorcodes): # Create subdirectory, if needed directory = self.genOpts.directory + '/' + directory self.makeDir(directory) # Create validity file filename = directory + '/' + basename + '.txt' self.logMsg('diag', '# Generating include file:', filename) fp = open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') # Asciidoc anchor write('// WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY! This file is automatically generated from the vk.xml registry', file=fp) # Valid Usage if validity is not None: write('.Valid Usage (Implicit)', file=fp) write('****', file=fp) write(validity, file=fp, end='') write('****', file=fp) write('', file=fp) # Host Synchronization if threadsafety is not None: write('.Host Synchronization', file=fp) write('****', file=fp) write(threadsafety, file=fp, end='') write('****', file=fp) write('', file=fp) # Command Properties - contained within a block, to avoid table numbering if commandpropertiesentry is not None: write('.Command Properties', file=fp) write('****', file=fp) write('[options="header", width="100%"]', file=fp) write('|====', file=fp) write('|<>|<>|<>|<>', file=fp) write(commandpropertiesentry, file=fp) write('|====', file=fp) write('****', file=fp) write('', file=fp) # Success Codes - contained within a block, to avoid table numbering if successcodes is not None or errorcodes is not None: write('.Return Codes', file=fp) write('****', file=fp) if successcodes is not None: write('ifndef::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write('<>::', file=fp) write('endif::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write('ifdef::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write('On success, this command returns::', file=fp) write('endif::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write(successcodes, file=fp) if errorcodes is not None: write('ifndef::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write('<>::', file=fp) write('endif::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write('ifdef::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write('On failure, this command returns::', file=fp) write('endif::doctype-manpage[]', file=fp) write(errorcodes, file=fp) write('****', file=fp) write('', file=fp) fp.close() # # Check if the parameter passed in is a pointer def paramIsPointer(self, param): ispointer = False paramtype = param.find('type') if paramtype.tail is not None and '*' in paramtype.tail: ispointer = True return ispointer # # Check if the parameter passed in is a static array def paramIsStaticArray(self, param): if param.find('name').tail is not None: if param.find('name').tail[0] == '[': return True # # Get the length of a parameter that's been identified as a static array def staticArrayLength(self, param): paramname = param.find('name') paramenumsize = param.find('enum') if paramenumsize is not None: return paramenumsize.text else: return paramname.tail[1:-1] # # Check if the parameter passed in is a pointer to an array def paramIsArray(self, param): return param.attrib.get('len') is not None # # Get the parent of a handle object def getHandleParent(self, typename): types = self.registry.tree.findall("types/type") for elem in types: if (elem.find("name") is not None and elem.find('name').text == typename) or elem.attrib.get('name') == typename: return elem.attrib.get('parent') return None # # Get the ancestors of a handle object def getHandleAncestors(self, typename): ancestors = [] current = typename while True: current = self.getHandleParent(current) if current is None: return ancestors ancestors.append(current) # # Get the ancestors of a handle object def getHandleDispatchableAncestors(self, typename): ancestors = [] current = typename while True: current = self.getHandleParent(current) if current is None: return ancestors if self.isHandleTypeDispatchable(current): ancestors.append(current) # # Check if a parent object is dispatchable or not def isHandleTypeDispatchable(self, handlename): handle = self.registry.tree.find("types/type/[name='" + handlename + "'][@category='handle']") if handle is not None and handle.find('type').text == 'VK_DEFINE_HANDLE': return True else: return False def isHandleOptional(self, param, params): # See if the handle is optional isOptional = False # Simple, if it's optional, return true if param.attrib.get('optional') is not None: return True # If no validity is being generated, it usually means that validity is complex and not absolute, so let's say yes. if param.attrib.get('noautovalidity') is not None: return True # If the parameter is an array and we haven't already returned, find out if any of the len parameters are optional if self.paramIsArray(param): lengths = param.attrib.get('len').split(',') for length in lengths: if (length) != 'null-terminated' and (length) != '1': for otherparam in params: if otherparam.find('name').text == length: if otherparam.attrib.get('optional') is not None: return True return False # # Get the category of a type def getTypeCategory(self, typename): types = self.registry.tree.findall("types/type") for elem in types: if (elem.find("name") is not None and elem.find('name').text == typename) or elem.attrib.get('name') == typename: return elem.attrib.get('category') # # Make a chunk of text for the end of a parameter if it is an array def makeAsciiDocPreChunk(self, blockname, param, params): paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') # General pre-amble. Check optionality and add stuff. asciidoc = self.makeAnchor(blockname, paramname.text, 'parameter') if self.paramIsStaticArray(param): asciidoc += 'Any given element of ' elif self.paramIsArray(param): lengths = param.attrib.get('len').split(',') # Find all the parameters that are called out as optional, so we can document that they might be zero, and the array may be ignored optionallengths = [] for length in lengths: if (length) != 'null-terminated' and (length) != '1': for otherparam in params: if otherparam.find('name').text == length: if otherparam.attrib.get('optional') is not None: if self.paramIsPointer(otherparam): optionallengths.append('the value referenced by ' + self.makeParameterName(length)) else: optionallengths.append(self.makeParameterName(length)) # Document that these arrays may be ignored if any of the length values are 0 if len(optionallengths) != 0 or param.attrib.get('optional') is not None: asciidoc += 'If ' if len(optionallengths) != 0: if len(optionallengths) == 1: asciidoc += optionallengths[0] asciidoc += ' is ' else: asciidoc += ', or '.join(optionallengths) asciidoc += ' are ' asciidoc += 'not `0`, ' if len(optionallengths) != 0 and param.attrib.get('optional') is not None: asciidoc += 'and ' if param.attrib.get('optional') is not None: asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' is not `NULL`, ' elif param.attrib.get('optional') is not None: # Don't generate this stub for bitflags if self.getTypeCategory(paramtype.text) != 'bitmask': if param.attrib.get('optional').split(',')[0] == 'true': asciidoc += 'If ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' is not ' if self.paramIsArray(param) or self.paramIsPointer(param) or self.isHandleTypeDispatchable(paramtype.text): asciidoc += '`NULL`' elif self.getTypeCategory(paramtype.text) == 'handle': asciidoc += 'dlink:VK_NULL_HANDLE' else: asciidoc += '`0`' asciidoc += ', ' return asciidoc # # Make the generic asciidoc line chunk portion used for all parameters. # May return an empty string if nothing to validate. def createValidationLineForParameterIntroChunk(self, blockname, param, params, typetext): asciidoc = '' paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocPreChunk(blockname, param, params) asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' must: be ' if self.paramIsArray(param): # Arrays. These are hard to get right, apparently lengths = param.attrib.get('len').split(',') if (lengths[0]) == 'null-terminated': asciidoc += 'a null-terminated ' elif (lengths[0]) == '1': asciidoc += 'a pointer to ' else: asciidoc += 'a pointer to an array of ' # Handle equations, which are currently denoted with latex if 'latexmath:' in lengths[0]: asciidoc += lengths[0] else: asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(lengths[0]) asciidoc += ' ' for length in lengths[1:]: if (length) == 'null-terminated': # This should always be the last thing. If it ever isn't for some bizarre reason, then this will need some massaging. asciidoc += 'null-terminated ' elif (length) == '1': asciidoc += 'pointers to ' else: asciidoc += 'pointers to arrays of ' # Handle equations, which are currently denoted with latex if 'latexmath:' in length: asciidoc += length else: asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(length) asciidoc += ' ' # Void pointers don't actually point at anything - remove the word "to" if paramtype.text == 'void': if lengths[-1] == '1': if len(lengths) > 1: asciidoc = asciidoc[:-5] # Take care of the extra s added by the post array chunk function. #HACK# else: asciidoc = asciidoc[:-4] else: # An array of void values is a byte array. asciidoc += 'byte' elif paramtype.text == 'char': # A null terminated array of chars is a string if lengths[-1] == 'null-terminated': asciidoc += 'UTF-8 string' else: # Else it's just a bunch of chars asciidoc += 'char value' elif param.text is not None: # If a value is "const" that means it won't get modified, so it must be valid going into the function. if 'const' in param.text: typecategory = self.getTypeCategory(paramtype.text) if (typecategory != 'struct' and typecategory != 'union' and typecategory != 'basetype' and typecategory is not None) or not self.isStructAlwaysValid(blockname, paramtype.text): asciidoc += 'valid ' asciidoc += typetext # pluralize if len(lengths) > 1 or (lengths[0] != '1' and lengths[0] != 'null-terminated'): asciidoc += 's' elif self.paramIsPointer(param): # Handle pointers - which are really special case arrays (i.e. they don't have a length) pointercount = paramtype.tail.count('*') # Could be multi-level pointers (e.g. ppData - pointer to a pointer). Handle that. for i in range(0, pointercount): asciidoc += 'a pointer to ' if paramtype.text == 'void': # If there's only one pointer, it's optional, and it doesn't point at anything in particular - we don't need any language. if pointercount == 1 and param.attrib.get('optional') is not None: return '' # early return else: # Pointer to nothing in particular - delete the " to " portion asciidoc = asciidoc[:-4] else: # Add an article for English semantic win asciidoc += 'a ' # If a value is "const" that means it won't get modified, so it must be valid going into the function. if param.text is not None and paramtype.text != 'void': if 'const' in param.text: asciidoc += 'valid ' asciidoc += typetext else: # Non-pointer, non-optional things must be valid asciidoc += 'a valid ' asciidoc += typetext if asciidoc != '': asciidoc += '\n' # Add additional line for non-optional bitmasks if self.getTypeCategory(paramtype.text) == 'bitmask': if param.attrib.get('optional') is None: asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, paramname.text, 'requiredbitmask') if self.paramIsArray(param): asciidoc += 'Each element of ' asciidoc += 'pname:' asciidoc += paramname.text asciidoc += ' must: not be `0`' asciidoc += '\n' return asciidoc def makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(self, blockname, param, params, typetext): if param.attrib.get('noautovalidity') is not None: return '' asciidoc = self.createValidationLineForParameterIntroChunk(blockname, param, params, typetext) return asciidoc # Try to do check if a structure is always considered valid (i.e. there's no rules to its acceptance) def isStructAlwaysValid(self, blockname, structname): struct = self.registry.tree.find("types/type[@name='" + structname + "']") params = struct.findall('member') for param in params: paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') typecategory = self.getTypeCategory(paramtype.text) if paramname.text == 'pNext': return False if paramname.text == 'sType': return False if paramtype.text == 'void' or paramtype.text == 'char' or self.paramIsArray(param) or self.paramIsPointer(param): if self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, '') != '': return False elif typecategory == 'handle' or typecategory == 'enum' or typecategory == 'bitmask': return False elif typecategory == 'struct' or typecategory == 'union': if self.isStructAlwaysValid(blockname, paramtype.text) is False: return False return True # # Make an entire asciidoc line for a given parameter def createValidationLineForParameter(self, blockname, param, params, typecategory): asciidoc = '' paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') if paramtype.text == 'void' or paramtype.text == 'char': # Chars and void are special cases - needs care inside the generator functions # A null-terminated char array is a string, else it's chars. # An array of void values is a byte array, a void pointer is just a pointer to nothing in particular asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, '') elif typecategory == 'bitmask': bitsname = paramtype.text.replace('Flags', 'FlagBits') if self.registry.tree.find("enums[@name='" + bitsname + "']") is None: asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, paramname.text, 'zerobitmask') asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' must: be `0`' asciidoc += '\n' else: if self.paramIsArray(param): asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, 'combinations of ' + self.makeEnumerationName(bitsname) + ' value') else: asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, 'combination of ' + self.makeEnumerationName(bitsname) + ' values') elif typecategory == 'handle': asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, self.makeStructName(paramtype.text) + ' handle') elif typecategory == 'enum': asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, self.makeEnumerationName(paramtype.text) + ' value') elif typecategory == 'struct': if (self.paramIsArray(param) or self.paramIsPointer(param)) or not self.isStructAlwaysValid(blockname, paramtype.text): asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, self.makeStructName(paramtype.text) + ' structure') elif typecategory == 'union': if (self.paramIsArray(param) or self.paramIsPointer(param)) or not self.isStructAlwaysValid(blockname, paramtype.text): asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, self.makeStructName(paramtype.text) + ' union') elif self.paramIsArray(param) or self.paramIsPointer(param): asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, self.makeBaseTypeName(paramtype.text) + ' value') return asciidoc # # Make an asciidoc validity entry for a handle's parent object def makeAsciiDocHandleParent(self, blockname, param, params): asciidoc = '' paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') # Deal with handle parents handleparent = self.getHandleParent(paramtype.text) if handleparent is not None: parentreference = None for otherparam in params: if otherparam.find('type').text == handleparent: parentreference = otherparam.find('name').text if parentreference is not None: asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, paramname.text, 'parent') if self.isHandleOptional(param, params): if self.paramIsArray(param): asciidoc += 'Each element of ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' that is a valid handle' else: asciidoc += 'If ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' is a valid handle, it' else: if self.paramIsArray(param): asciidoc += 'Each element of ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' must: have been created, allocated, or retrieved from ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(parentreference) asciidoc += '\n' return asciidoc # # Make an asciidoc validity entry for a common ancestors between handles def makeAsciiDocHandlesCommonAncestor(self, blockname, handles, params): asciidoc = '' if len(handles) > 1: ancestormap = {} anyoptional = False # Find all the ancestors for param in handles: paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') if not self.paramIsPointer(param) or (param.text is not None and 'const' in param.text): ancestors = self.getHandleDispatchableAncestors(paramtype.text) ancestormap[param] = ancestors anyoptional |= self.isHandleOptional(param, params) # Remove redundant ancestor lists for param in handles: paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') removals = [] for ancestors in ancestormap.items(): if paramtype.text in ancestors[1]: removals.append(ancestors[0]) if removals != []: for removal in removals: del(ancestormap[removal]) # Intersect if len(ancestormap.values()) > 1: current = list(ancestormap.values())[0] for ancestors in list(ancestormap.values())[1:]: current = [val for val in current if val in ancestors] if len(current) > 0: commonancestor = current[0] if len(ancestormap.keys()) > 1: asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, None, 'commonparent') parametertexts = [] for param in ancestormap.keys(): paramname = param.find('name') parametertext = self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) if self.paramIsArray(param): parametertext = 'the elements of ' + parametertext parametertexts.append(parametertext) parametertexts.sort() if len(parametertexts) > 2: asciidoc += 'Each of ' else: asciidoc += 'Both of ' asciidoc += ", ".join(parametertexts[:-1]) asciidoc += ', and ' asciidoc += parametertexts[-1] if anyoptional is True: asciidoc += ' that are valid handles' asciidoc += ' must: have been created, allocated, or retrieved from the same ' asciidoc += self.makeStructName(commonancestor) asciidoc += '\n' return asciidoc # # Generate an asciidoc validity line for the sType value of a struct def makeStructureType(self, blockname, param): paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') asciidoc = self.makeAnchor(blockname, paramname.text, 'sType') asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' must: be ' values = param.attrib.get('values') if values: # Extract each enumerant value. They could be validated in the # same fashion as validextensionstructs in # makeStructureExtensionPointer, although that's not relevant in # the current extension struct model. valuelist = [ self.makeEnumerantName(v) for v in values.split(',') ] else: structuretype = '' for elem in re.findall(r'(([A-Z][a-z]+)|([A-Z][A-Z]+))', blockname): if elem[0] == 'Vk': structuretype += 'VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_' else: structuretype += elem[0].upper() structuretype += '_' valuelist = [ self.makeEnumerantName(structuretype[:-1]) ] if len(valuelist) > 0: if len(valuelist) == 1: asciidoc += valuelist[0] else: asciidoc += (', ').join(valuelist[:-1]) + ', or ' + valuelist[-1] asciidoc += '\n' return asciidoc # # Generate an asciidoc validity line for the pNext value of a struct def makeStructureExtensionPointer(self, blockname, param): paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') asciidoc = self.makeAnchor(blockname, paramname.text, 'pNext') validextensionstructs = self.registry.validextensionstructs.get(blockname) extensionstructs = [] if validextensionstructs is not None: # Check each structure name and skip it if not required by the # generator. This allows tagging extension structs in the XML # that are only included in validity when needed for the spec # being targeted. for struct in validextensionstructs: # Unpleasantly breaks encapsulation. Should be a method in the registry class type = self.registry.lookupElementInfo(struct, self.registry.typedict) if (type == None): self.logMsg('warn', 'makeStructureExtensionPointer: struct', struct, 'is in a validextensionstructs= attribute but is not in the registry') elif (type.required): extensionstructs.append('slink:' + struct) else: self.logMsg('diag', 'makeStructureExtensionPointer: struct', struct, 'IS NOT required') if len(extensionstructs) == 0: asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' must: be `NULL`' elif len(extensionstructs) == 1: asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' must: be `NULL` or a pointer to a valid instance of ' asciidoc += extensionstructs[0] else: asciidoc += 'Each ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) asciidoc += ' member of any structure (including this one) in the pname:pNext chain must: be either `NULL` or a pointer to a valid instance of ' if len(extensionstructs) == 2: asciidoc += extensionstructs[0] + ' or ' + extensionstructs[1] else: asciidoc += (', ').join(extensionstructs[:-1]) + ', or ' + extensionstructs[-1] asciidoc += '\n' asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, 'sType', 'unique') asciidoc += 'Each pname:sType member in the pname:pNext chain must: be unique' asciidoc += '\n' return asciidoc # # Generate all the valid usage information for a given struct that's only ever filled out by the implementation other than sType and pNext def makeValidUsageStatementsReturnedOnly(self, cmd, blockname, params): # Start the asciidoc block for this asciidoc = '' for param in params: paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') # Valid usage ID tags (VUID) are generated for various # conditions based on the name of the block (structure or # command), name of the element (member or parameter), and type # of VU statement. # Get the type's category typecategory = self.getTypeCategory(paramtype.text) if param.attrib.get('noautovalidity') is None: # Generate language to independently validate a parameter if paramtype.text == 'VkStructureType' and paramname.text == 'sType': asciidoc += self.makeStructureType(blockname, param) elif paramtype.text == 'void' and paramname.text == 'pNext': asciidoc += self.makeStructureExtensionPointer(blockname, param) # In case there's nothing to report, return None if asciidoc == '': return None return asciidoc # # Generate all the valid usage information for a given struct or command def makeValidUsageStatements(self, cmd, blockname, params): # Start the asciidoc block for this asciidoc = '' handles = [] anyparentedhandlesoptional = False parentdictionary = {} arraylengths = set() for param in params: paramname = param.find('name') paramtype = param.find('type') # Valid usage ID tags (VUID) are generated for various # conditions based on the name of the block (structure or # command), name of the element (member or parameter), and type # of VU statement. # Get the type's category typecategory = self.getTypeCategory(paramtype.text) if param.attrib.get('noautovalidity') is None: # Generate language to independently validate a parameter if paramtype.text == 'VkStructureType' and paramname.text == 'sType': asciidoc += self.makeStructureType(blockname, param) elif paramtype.text == 'void' and paramname.text == 'pNext': asciidoc += self.makeStructureExtensionPointer(blockname, param) else: asciidoc += self.createValidationLineForParameter(blockname, param, params, typecategory) # Ensure that any parenting is properly validated, and list that a handle was found if typecategory == 'handle': handles.append(param) # Get the array length for this parameter arraylength = param.attrib.get('len') if arraylength is not None: for onelength in arraylength.split(','): arraylengths.add(onelength) # For any vkQueue* functions, there might be queue type data if 'vkQueue' in blockname: # The queue type must be valid queuetypes = cmd.attrib.get('queues') if queuetypes is not None: queuebits = [] for queuetype in re.findall(r'([^,]+)', queuetypes): queuebits.append(queuetype.replace('_',' ')) asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, None, 'queuetype') asciidoc += 'The pname:queue must: support ' if len(queuebits) == 1: asciidoc += queuebits[0] else: asciidoc += (', ').join(queuebits[:-1]) asciidoc += ', or ' asciidoc += queuebits[-1] asciidoc += ' operations' asciidoc += '\n' if 'vkCmd' in blockname: # The commandBuffer parameter must be being recorded asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, 'commandBuffer', 'recording') asciidoc += 'pname:commandBuffer must: be in the <>' asciidoc += '\n' # # Start of valid queue type validation - command pool must have been # allocated against a queue with at least one of the valid queue types asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, 'commandBuffer', 'cmdpool') # # This test for vkCmdFillBuffer is a hack, since we have no path # to conditionally have queues enabled or disabled by an extension. # As the VU stuff is all moving out (hopefully soon), this hack solves the issue for now if blockname == 'vkCmdFillBuffer': if 'VK_KHR_maintenance1' in self.registry.requiredextensions: asciidoc += 'The sname:VkCommandPool that pname:commandBuffer was allocated from must: support transfer, graphics or compute operations\n' else: asciidoc += 'The sname:VkCommandPool that pname:commandBuffer was allocated from must: support graphics or compute operations\n' else: # The queue type must be valid queuetypes = cmd.attrib.get('queues') queuebits = [] for queuetype in re.findall(r'([^,]+)', queuetypes): queuebits.append(queuetype.replace('_',' ')) asciidoc += 'The sname:VkCommandPool that pname:commandBuffer was allocated from must: support ' if len(queuebits) == 1: asciidoc += queuebits[0] else: asciidoc += (', ').join(queuebits[:-1]) asciidoc += ', or ' asciidoc += queuebits[-1] asciidoc += ' operations' asciidoc += '\n' # Must be called inside/outside a renderpass appropriately renderpass = cmd.attrib.get('renderpass') if renderpass != 'both': asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, None, 'renderpass') asciidoc += 'This command must: only be called ' asciidoc += renderpass asciidoc += ' of a render pass instance' asciidoc += '\n' # Must be in the right level command buffer cmdbufferlevel = cmd.attrib.get('cmdbufferlevel') if cmdbufferlevel != 'primary,secondary': asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, None, 'bufferlevel') asciidoc += 'pname:commandBuffer must: be a ' asciidoc += cmdbufferlevel asciidoc += ' sname:VkCommandBuffer' asciidoc += '\n' # Any non-optional arraylengths should specify they must be greater than 0 for param in params: paramname = param.find('name') for arraylength in arraylengths: if paramname.text == arraylength and param.attrib.get('optional') is None: # Get all the array dependencies arrays = cmd.findall("param/[@len='" + arraylength + "'][@optional='true']") # Get all the optional array dependencies, including those not generating validity for some reason optionalarrays = cmd.findall("param/[@len='" + arraylength + "'][@optional='true']") optionalarrays.extend(cmd.findall("param/[@len='" + arraylength + "'][@noautovalidity='true']")) # If arraylength can ever be not a legal part of an # asciidoc anchor name, this will need to be altered. asciidoc += self.makeAnchor(blockname, arraylength, 'arraylength') # Allow lengths to be arbitrary if all their dependents are optional if len(optionalarrays) == len(arrays) and len(optionalarrays) != 0: asciidoc += 'If ' if len(optionalarrays) > 1: asciidoc += 'any of ' for array in optionalarrays[:-1]: asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(optionalarrays.find('name').text) asciidoc += ', ' if len(optionalarrays) > 1: asciidoc += 'and ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(optionalarrays[-1].find('name').text) asciidoc += ' are ' else: asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(optionalarrays[-1].find('name').text) asciidoc += ' is ' asciidoc += 'not `NULL`, ' if self.paramIsPointer(param): asciidoc += 'the value referenced by ' elif self.paramIsPointer(param): asciidoc += 'The value referenced by ' asciidoc += self.makeParameterName(arraylength) asciidoc += ' must: be greater than `0`' asciidoc += '\n' # Find the parents of all objects referenced in this command for param in handles: paramtype = param.find('type') # Don't detect a parent for return values! if not self.paramIsPointer(param) or (param.text is not None and 'const' in param.text): parent = self.getHandleParent(paramtype.text) if parent is not None: asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocHandleParent(blockname, param, params) # Find the common ancestor of all objects referenced in this command asciidoc += self.makeAsciiDocHandlesCommonAncestor(blockname, handles, params) # In case there's nothing to report, return None if asciidoc == '': return None # Delimit the asciidoc block return asciidoc def makeThreadSafetyBlock(self, cmd, paramtext): """Generate C function pointer typedef for Element""" paramdecl = '' # Find and add any parameters that are thread unsafe explicitexternsyncparams = cmd.findall(paramtext + "[@externsync]") if (explicitexternsyncparams is not None): for param in explicitexternsyncparams: externsyncattribs = param.attrib.get('externsync') paramname = param.find('name') for externsyncattrib in externsyncattribs.split(','): paramdecl += '* ' paramdecl += 'Host access to ' if externsyncattrib == 'true': if self.paramIsArray(param): paramdecl += 'each member of ' + self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) elif self.paramIsPointer(param): paramdecl += 'the object referenced by ' + self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) else: paramdecl += self.makeParameterName(paramname.text) else: paramdecl += 'pname:' paramdecl += externsyncattrib paramdecl += ' must: be externally synchronized\n' # For any vkCmd* functions, the command pool is externally synchronized if cmd.find('proto/name') is not None and 'vkCmd' in cmd.find('proto/name').text: paramdecl += '* ' paramdecl += 'Host access to the sname:VkCommandPool that pname:commandBuffer was allocated from must: be externally synchronized' paramdecl += '\n' # Find and add any "implicit" parameters that are thread unsafe implicitexternsyncparams = cmd.find('implicitexternsyncparams') if (implicitexternsyncparams is not None): for elem in implicitexternsyncparams: paramdecl += '* ' paramdecl += 'Host access to ' paramdecl += elem.text paramdecl += ' must: be externally synchronized\n' if (paramdecl == ''): return None else: return paramdecl def makeCommandPropertiesTableEntry(self, cmd, name): if 'vkCmd' in name: # Must be called inside/outside a renderpass appropriately cmdbufferlevel = cmd.attrib.get('cmdbufferlevel') cmdbufferlevel = (' + \n').join(cmdbufferlevel.title().split(',')) renderpass = cmd.attrib.get('renderpass') renderpass = renderpass.capitalize() # # This test for vkCmdFillBuffer is a hack, since we have no path # to conditionally have queues enabled or disabled by an extension. # As the VU stuff is all moving out (hopefully soon), this hack solves the issue for now if name == 'vkCmdFillBuffer': if 'VK_KHR_maintenance1' in self.registry.requiredextensions: queues = 'Transfer + \nGraphics + \nCompute' else: queues = 'Graphics + \nCompute' else: queues = cmd.attrib.get('queues') queues = (' + \n').join(queues.capitalize().split(',')) pipeline = cmd.attrib.get('pipeline') if pipeline: pipeline = pipeline.capitalize() else: pipeline = '' return '|' + cmdbufferlevel + '|' + renderpass + '|' + queues + '|' + pipeline elif 'vkQueue' in name: # Must be called inside/outside a renderpass appropriately queues = cmd.attrib.get('queues') if queues is None: queues = 'Any' else: queues = (' + \n').join(queues.upper().split(',')) return '|-|-|' + queues + '|-' return None # Check each enumerant name in the enums list and remove it if not # required by the generator. This allows specifying success and error # codes for extensions that are only included in validity when needed # for the spec being targeted. def findRequiredEnums(self, enums): out = [] for enum in enums: # Unpleasantly breaks encapsulation. Should be a method in the registry class ei = self.registry.lookupElementInfo(enum, self.registry.enumdict) if (ei == None): self.logMsg('warn', 'findRequiredEnums: enum', enum, 'is in an attribute list but is not in the registry') elif (ei.required): out.append(enum) else: self.logMsg('diag', 'findRequiredEnums: enum', enum, 'IS NOT required, skipping') return out def makeSuccessCodes(self, cmd, name): successcodes = cmd.attrib.get('successcodes') if successcodes is not None: successcodes = self.findRequiredEnums(successcodes.split(',')) if len(successcodes) > 0: return '* ename:' + '\n* ename:'.join(successcodes) return None def makeErrorCodes(self, cmd, name): errorcodes = cmd.attrib.get('errorcodes') if errorcodes is not None: errorcodes = self.findRequiredEnums(errorcodes.split(',')) if len(errorcodes) > 0: return '* ename:' + '\n* ename:'.join(errorcodes) return None # # Command generation def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name): OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name) # # Get all the parameters params = cmdinfo.elem.findall('param') validity = self.makeValidUsageStatements(cmdinfo.elem, name, params) threadsafety = self.makeThreadSafetyBlock(cmdinfo.elem, 'param') commandpropertiesentry = self.makeCommandPropertiesTableEntry(cmdinfo.elem, name) successcodes = self.makeSuccessCodes(cmdinfo.elem, name) errorcodes = self.makeErrorCodes(cmdinfo.elem, name) self.writeInclude('protos', name, validity, threadsafety, commandpropertiesentry, successcodes, errorcodes) # # Struct Generation def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typename): OutputGenerator.genStruct(self, typeinfo, typename) # Anything that's only ever returned can't be set by the user, so shouldn't have any validity information. if typeinfo.elem.attrib.get('returnedonly') is None: params = typeinfo.elem.findall('member') validity = self.makeValidUsageStatements(typeinfo.elem, typename, params) threadsafety = self.makeThreadSafetyBlock(typeinfo.elem, 'member') self.writeInclude('structs', typename, validity, threadsafety, None, None, None) else: # Need to generate sType and pNext validation params = typeinfo.elem.findall('member') validity = self.makeValidUsageStatementsReturnedOnly(typeinfo.elem, typename, params) self.writeInclude('structs', typename, validity, None, None, None, None) # # Group (e.g. C "enum" type) generation. # For the validity generator, this just tags individual enumerants # as required or not. def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName): OutputGenerator.genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName) groupElem = groupinfo.elem # Loop over the nested 'enum' tags. Keep track of the minimum and # maximum numeric values, if they can be determined; but only for # core API enumerants, not extension enumerants. This is inferred # by looking for 'extends' attributes. for elem in groupElem.findall('enum'): name = elem.get('name') ei = self.registry.lookupElementInfo(name, self.registry.enumdict) # Tag enumerant as required or not ei.required = self.isEnumRequired(elem) # # Type Generation def genType(self, typeinfo, typename): OutputGenerator.genType(self, typeinfo, typename) category = typeinfo.elem.get('category') if (category == 'struct' or category == 'union'): self.genStruct(typeinfo, typename)