"""Defines ConsolePrinter, a BasePrinter subclass for appealing console output.""" # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Collabora, Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author(s): Ryan Pavlik from pathlib import Path from sys import exit, stdout from .base_printer import BasePrinter from .shared import (colored, getHighlightedRange, getInterestedRange, toNameAndLine) try: from tabulate import tabulate_impl HAVE_TABULATE = True except ImportError: HAVE_TABULATE = False def colWidth(collection, columnNum): """Compute the required width of a column in a collection of row-tuples.""" MIN_PADDING = 5 return MIN_PADDING + max([len(row[columnNum]) for row in collection]) def alternateTabulate(collection, headers=None): """Minimal re-implementation of the tabulate module.""" if headers is None: fullTable = collection else: underline = ['-' * len(header) for header in headers] fullTable = [headers, underline] + collection widths = [colWidth(collection, colNum) for colNum in range(len(fullTable[0]))] widths[-1] = None lines = [] for row in fullTable: fields = [] for data, width in zip(row, widths): if width: spaces = ' ' * (width - len(data)) fields.append(data + spaces) else: fields.append(data) lines.append(''.join(fields)) return '\n'.join(lines) def printTabulated(collection, headers=None): """Call either tabulate.tabulate(), or our internal alternateTabulate().""" if HAVE_TABULATE: print(tabulate_impl(collection, headers=headers)) else: print(alternateTabulate(collection, headers=headers)) def printLineSubsetWithHighlighting( line, start, end, highlightStart=None, highlightEnd=None, maxLen=120, replacement=None): """Print a (potential subset of a) line, with highlighting/underline and optional replacement. Will print at least the characters line[start:end], and potentially more if possible to do so without making the output too wide. Will highlight (underline) line[highlightStart:highlightEnd], where the default value for highlightStart is simply start, and the default value for highlightEnd is simply end. Replacment, if supplied, will be aligned with the highlighted range. Output is intended to look like part of a Clang compile error/warning message. """ # Fill in missing start/end with start/end of range. if highlightStart is None: highlightStart = start if highlightEnd is None: highlightEnd = end # Expand interested range start/end. start = min(start, highlightStart) end = max(end, highlightEnd) tildeLength = highlightEnd - highlightStart - 1 caretLoc = highlightStart continuation = '[...]' if len(line) > maxLen: # Too long # the max is to handle -1 from .find() (which indicates "not found") followingSpaceIndex = max(end, line.find(' ', min(len(line), end + 1))) # Maximum length has decreased by at least # the length of a single continuation we absolutely need. maxLen -= len(continuation) if followingSpaceIndex <= maxLen: # We can grab the whole beginning of the line, # and not adjust caretLoc line = line[:maxLen] + continuation elif (len(line) - followingSpaceIndex) < 5: # We need to truncate the beginning, # but we're close to the end of line. newBeginning = len(line) - maxLen caretLoc += len(continuation) caretLoc -= newBeginning line = continuation + line[newBeginning:] else: # Need to truncate the beginning of the string too. newEnd = followingSpaceIndex # Now we need two continuations # (and to adjust caret to the right accordingly) maxLen -= len(continuation) caretLoc += len(continuation) newBeginning = newEnd - maxLen caretLoc -= newBeginning line = continuation + line[newBeginning:newEnd] + continuation print(line) spaces = ' ' * caretLoc tildes = '~' * tildeLength print(spaces + colored('^' + tildes, 'green')) if replacement is not None: print(spaces + colored(replacement, 'green')) class ConsolePrinter(BasePrinter): """Implementation of BasePrinter for generating diagnostic reports in colored, helpful console output.""" ### # Output methods: these all print directly. def outputResults(self, checker, broken_links=True, missing_includes=False): """Output the full results of a checker run. Includes the diagnostics, broken links (if desired), and missing includes (if desired). """ self.output(checker) if broken_links: broken = checker.getBrokenLinks() if len(broken) > 0: self.outputBrokenLinks(checker, broken) if missing_includes: missing = checker.getMissingUnreferencedApiIncludes() if len(missing) > 0: self.outputMissingIncludes(checker, missing) def outputBrokenLinks(self, checker, broken): """Output a table of broken links. Called by self.outputResults(). """ print('Missing API includes that are referenced by a linking macro: these result in broken links in the spec!') def makeRowOfBroken(entity, uses): fn = checker.findEntity(entity).filename anchor = '[[{}]]'.format(entity) locations = ', '.join([toNameAndLine(context, root_path=checker.root_path) for context in uses]) return (fn, anchor, locations) printTabulated(sorted([makeRowOfBroken(entity, uses) for entity, uses in broken.items()]), headers=['Include File', 'Anchor in lieu of include', 'Links to this entity']) def outputMissingIncludes(self, checker, missing): """Output a table of missing includes. Called by self.outputResults(). """ print( 'Missing, but unreferenced, API includes/anchors - potentially not-documented entities:') def makeRowOfMissing(entity): fn = checker.findEntity(entity).filename anchor = '[[{}]]'.format(entity) return (fn, anchor) printTabulated(sorted([makeRowOfMissing(entity) for entity in missing]), headers=['Include File', 'Anchor in lieu of include']) def outputMessage(self, msg): """Output a Message, with highlighted range and replacement, if appropriate.""" highlightStart, highlightEnd = getHighlightedRange(msg.context) if '\n' in msg.context.filename: # This is a multi-line string "filename". # Extra blank line and delimiter line for readability: print() print('--------------------------------------------------------------------') fileAndLine = colored('{}:'.format( self.formatBrief(msg.context)), attrs=['bold']) headingSize = len('{context}: {mtype}: '.format( context=self.formatBrief(msg.context), mtype=self.formatBrief(msg.message_type, False))) indent = ' ' * headingSize printedHeading = False lines = msg.message[:] if msg.see_also is not None and len(msg.see_also) != 0: lines.append('See also:') for see in msg.see_also: lines.append(' {}'.format(self.formatBrief(see))) if msg.fix is not None: lines.append('Note: Auto-fix available') for line in msg.message: if not printedHeading: scriptloc = '' if msg.script_location: scriptloc = ', ' + msg.script_location print('{fileLine} {mtype} {msg} (-{arg}{loc})'.format( fileLine=fileAndLine, mtype=msg.message_type.formattedWithColon(), msg=colored(line, attrs=['bold']), arg=msg.message_id.enable_arg(), loc=scriptloc)) printedHeading = True else: print(colored(indent + line, attrs=['bold'])) if len(msg.message) > 1: # extra blank line after multiline message print('') start, end = getInterestedRange(msg.context) printLineSubsetWithHighlighting( msg.context.line, start, end, highlightStart, highlightEnd, replacement=msg.replacement) def outputFallback(self, obj): """Output by calling print.""" print(obj) ### # Format methods: these all return a string. def formatFilename(self, fn, with_color=True): """Format a local filename, as a relative path if possible.""" return self.getRelativeFilename(fn) def formatMessageTypeBrief(self, message_type, with_color=True): """Format a message type briefly, applying color if desired and possible. Delegates to the superclass if not formatting with color. """ if with_color: return message_type.formattedWithColon() else: return super(ConsolePrinter, self).formatMessageTypeBrief( message_type, with_color)