# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Vulkan Specification makefile # # To build the specification and reference pages with optional # extensions included, set the $(EXTENSIONS) variable on the make # command line to a space-separated list of extension names. The # VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge extension which is a required part # of Vulkan 1.0, is always included. $(EXTENSIONS) is converted into # asciidoc and generator script arguments $(EXTATTRIBS) and # $(EXTOPTIONS). EXTS := $(sort VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge $(EXTENSIONS)) EXTATTRIBS := $(foreach ext,$(EXTS),-a $(ext)) EXTOPTIONS := $(foreach ext,$(EXTS),-extension $(ext)) # APITITLE can be set to extra text to append to the document title, # normally used when building with extensions included. APITITLE = # The default 'all' target builds the following sub-targets: # xhtml - XHTML single-page API specification # pdf - PDF single-page API specification # styleguide - HTML single-page "Documentation and Extensions" guide # manhtml - XHTML single-page reference guide # manpdf - PDF reference guide # manhtmlpages - XHTML separate per-feature reference pages # checkinc - validator script for asciidoc include files # checklinks - validator script for asciidoc xrefs # # The following targets are supported, but not invoked by default: # html - HTML5 single-page API specification # chunked - XHTML chunked (page per section) API specification # manpages - nroff Unix 'man' format separate per-feature reference pages all: alldocs allchecks alldocs: allspecs allman allspecs: xhtml pdf styleguide allman: manhtml manpdf manhtmlpages allchecks: checkinc checklinks # Note that the := assignments below are immediate, not deferred, and # are therefore order-dependent in the Makefile QUIET ?= @ PYTHON ?= python3 ASCIIDOC ?= asciidoc.py DBLATEX ?= dblatex XSLTPROC ?= xsltproc # DBLATEXPREFIX can be overriden by setting it as an environment variable, # if not installed in the standard location on your distribution DBLATEXPREFIX ?= /etc/asciidoc/dblatex RM = rm -f RMRF = rm -rf MKDIR = mkdir -p CP = cp ECHO = echo # Target directories for output files # HTMLDIR - 'html' target # XHTMLDIR - 'xhtml' target # CHUNKDIR - 'chunked' target # PDFDIR - 'pdf' target # CHECKDIR - 'allchecks' target # STYLEXHTMLDIR - 'styleguide' target OUTDIR := ../../../out/1.0 HTMLDIR := $(OUTDIR)/html XHTMLDIR := $(OUTDIR)/xhtml CHUNKDIR := $(OUTDIR)/chunked PDFDIR := $(OUTDIR)/pdf CHECKDIR := $(OUTDIR)/checks # Images used in the API spec IMAGEPATH :=images ICONPATH :=$(IMAGEPATH)/icons PDFXSL :=config/vkspec-dblatex.xsl PDFSTY :=config/vkspec-dblatex.sty # Set VERBOSE to -v to see what asciidoc is doing. # Set KEEP to -d to retain intermediate dblatex files VERBOSE = KEEP = # asciidoc attributes to set. # XMLLINT normally unset - to detect problems with intermediate files # NOTEOPTS sets options controlling which NOTEs are generated # ATTRIBOPTS sets the api revision and enables MathJax generation # EXTATTRIBS sets attributes for enabled extensions (set above based on # $(EXTENSIONS)) # CONFIG Vulkan-specific Asciidoc macros. File used depends on target. # ADOCOPTS options for asciidoc->HTML output # ADOCDBOPTS options for asciidoc->XHTML or PDF output via docbook XMLLINT = --no-xmllint NOTEOPTS = -a editing-notes -a implementation-guide ATTRIBOPTS = -a apirevision="$(SPECREVISION)" \ -a apititle="$(APITITLE)" \ -a mathjax $(EXTATTRIBS) CONFIG = config/vkspec.conf ADOCOPTS = $(ATTRIBOPTS) $(NOTEOPTS) -f config/mathjax-asciidoc.conf \ -f $(CONFIG) $(VERBOSE) ADOCDBOPTS = $(ATTRIBOPTS) $(NOTEOPTS) -f config/mathjax-docbook.conf \ -f $(CONFIG) $(VERBOSE) # All the options except the first are taken from a2x defaults XSLTOPTS = \ --param generate.consistent.ids 1 \ --stringparam callout.graphics 1 \ --stringparam navig.graphics 1 \ --stringparam admon.textlabel 0 \ --stringparam admon.graphics 1 # XSL customizing Asciibook XSL to pass through equations and add # MathJax. This varies depending on target type. XHTMLXSL = config/docbook-xsl/xhtml.xsl CHUNKXSL = config/docbook-xsl/chunked.xsl MANPAGEXSL = config/docbook-xsl/manpage.xsl # dblatex options, passed directly to dblatex DBLATEXOPTS := $(KEEP) -V -T db2latex -I. -I images -I images/icons -s $(DBLATEXPREFIX)/asciidoc-dblatex.sty # Misc. files to clean up (see 'checkinc' target below) DIRT = $(SPECVERSION) .PHONY: directories # Images and icons that are used in or referenced by targets. # For some targets they must be copied to output directories. ICONFILES := $(wildcard $(ICONPATH)/*.png) PNGFILES := $(ICONFILES) $(wildcard $(IMAGEPATH)/*.png) # Don't use vulkantexture0.svg as a source SVG file, PNG is available SVGFILES := $(filter-out $(IMAGEPATH)/vulkantexture0.svg,$(wildcard $(IMAGEPATH)/*.svg)) PDFFILES := $(SVGFILES:.svg=.pdf) # File suffix for image targets for HTML and PDF Builds - Asciidoc {svgtype} attribute SVGTYPEHTML := svg SVGTYPEPDF := pdf # Top-level spec source file TOPDOC := vkspec.txt # Files making up sections of the API spec. The wildcard expression # should work in extension branches to pull in those files as well. CHAPTERS = $(wildcard chapters/[A-Za-z]*.txt appendices/[A-Za-z]*.txt chapters/*/[A-Za-z]*.txt appendices/*/[A-Za-z]*.txt) GENINCLUDE = $(wildcard api/*/[A-Za-z]*.txt validity/*/[A-Za-z]*.txt hostsynctable/*.txt) GENDEPENDS = api/timeMarker validity/timeMarker hostsynctable/timeMarker # All non-format-specific dependencies COMMONDOCS = $(CHAPTERS) $(GENINCLUDE) $(GENDEPENDS) # A generated included file containing the spec version, date, and git commit SPECVERSION = specversion.txt SPECREVISION = 1.0.31 SPECREMARK = # Spec targets # There is some complexity to try and avoid short virtual targets like 'html' # causing specs to *always* be regenerated. html: $(HTMLDIR)/vkspec.html $(TOPDOC) $(COMMONDOCS) $(HTMLDIR)/vkspec.html: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) $(TOPDOC) $(COMMONDOCS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(HTMLDIR)/images/icons $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) -b html5 $(ADOCOPTS) \ -a themedir=$(CURDIR)/config -a theme=vkspec-html \ -o $(HTMLDIR)/vkspec.html -a svgpdf=$(SVGTYPEHTML) $(TOPDOC) # Copy resource files in explicitly $(QUIET)$(CP) $(SVGFILES) $(PNGFILES) $(HTMLDIR)/images $(QUIET)$(CP) $(ICONFILES) $(HTMLDIR)/images/icons xhtml: $(XHTMLDIR)/vkspec.html $(TOPDOC) $(COMMONDOCS) $(XHTMLDIR)/vkspec.html: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) $(TOPDOC) $(COMMONDOCS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(XHTMLDIR)/images/icons $(XHTMLDIR)/config $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) --backend docbook $(ADOCDBOPTS) \ -a a2x-format=xhtml -a svgpdf=$(SVGTYPEHTML) \ -o $(XHTMLDIR)/vkspec.xml $(TOPDOC) $(QUIET)$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTOPTS) -o $@ $(XHTMLXSL) \ $(XHTMLDIR)/vkspec.xml # Copy resource files in explicitly $(QUIET)$(CP) config/vkspec-xhtml.css $(XHTMLDIR)/config/ $(QUIET)$(CP) $(SVGFILES) $(PNGFILES) $(XHTMLDIR)/images $(QUIET)$(CP) $(ICONFILES) $(XHTMLDIR)/images/icons $(QUIET)$(RM) $(XHTMLDIR)/vkspec.xml chunked: $(CHUNKDIR)/index.html $(TOPDOC) $(COMMONDOCS) $(CHUNKDIR)/index.html: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) $(TOPDOC) $(COMMONDOCS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(CHUNKDIR)/images/icons $(CHUNKDIR)/config $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) --backend docbook $(ADOCDBOPTS) \ -a a2x-format=chunked -a svgpdf=$(SVGTYPEHTML) \ -o $(CHUNKDIR)/vkspec.xml $(TOPDOC) $(QUIET)$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTOPTS) \ --stringparam base.dir $(CHUNKDIR)/ \ -o $@ $(CHUNKXSL) $(CHUNKDIR)/vkspec.xml # Copy resource files in explicitly $(QUIET)$(CP) config/vkspec-xhtml.css $(CHUNKDIR)/config/ $(QUIET)$(CP) $(SVGFILES) $(PNGFILES) $(CHUNKDIR)/images $(QUIET)$(CP) $(ICONFILES) $(CHUNKDIR)/images/icons $(QUIET)$(RM) $(CHUNKDIR)/vkspec.xml pdf: $(PDFDIR)/vkspec.pdf $(PDFDIR)/vkspec.pdf: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) $(TOPDOC) $(COMMONDOCS) $(PDFFILES) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(PDFDIR) $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) --backend docbook $(ADOCDBOPTS) \ -a a2x-format=pdf -a svgpdf=pdf \ -o $(PDFDIR)/vkspec.xml $(TOPDOC) $(QUIET)$(DBLATEX) -b pdftex $(DBLATEXOPTS) \ -p "$(DBLATEXPREFIX)/asciidoc-dblatex.xsl" \ -p $(PDFXSL) -s $(PDFSTY) \ -o $@ $(PDFDIR)/vkspec.xml $(QUIET)$(RM) $(PDFDIR)/vkspec.xml # Generate Asciidoc attributes for spec version / date GITHEAD := ../../../.git/logs/HEAD # Spell out RFC2822 format as not all date commands support -R DATE := `date -u "+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z"` ifeq ($(wildcard $(GITHEAD)),) # If GITHEAD does not exist, don't include branch info. $(SPECVERSION): $(QUIET)echo ":revnumber: $(SPECREVISION)" > $@ $(QUIET)echo ":revdate: " $(DATE) >> $@ $(QUIET)echo ":revremark: $(SPECREMARK) Git branch information not available" >> $@ else # Could use `git log -1 --format="%cd"` to get branch commit date # This used to be a dependency in the spec html/chunked/pdf targets, # but that's likely to lead to merge conflicts. Just regenerate # when pushing a new spec for review to the sandbox. # The dependency on HEAD is per the suggestion in # http://neugierig.org/software/blog/2014/11/binary-revisions.html $(SPECVERSION): $(GITHEAD) $(QUIET)echo ":revnumber: $(SPECREVISION)" > $@ $(QUIET)echo ":revdate: " $(DATE) >> $@ $(QUIET)echo ":revremark: $(SPECREMARK) from git branch:" \ `git symbolic-ref --short HEAD` \ "commit:" `git log -1 --format="%H"` >> $@ endif # Vulkan Documentation and Extensions, a.k.a. "Style Guide" STYLESRC = styleguide.txt STYLEFILES = $(wildcard style/[A-Za-z]*.txt) styleguide: $(OUTDIR)/styleguide.html $(OUTDIR)/styleguide.html: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) $(STYLESRC) $(STYLEFILES) $(GENINCLUDE) $(GENDEPENDS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(OUTDIR) $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) -b html5 $(ADOCOPTS) \ -a themedir=$(CURDIR)/config -a theme=vkspec-html \ -o $@ -a svgpdf=$(SVGTYPEHTML) \ $(STYLESRC) # Reflow text in spec sources REFLOW = reflow.py REFLOWOPTS = -overwrite reflow: $(QUIET) echo "Warning: please verify the spec outputs build without changes!" $(PYTHON) $(REFLOW) $(REFLOWOPTS) $(TOPDOC) $(CHAPTERS) $(STYLESRC) $(STYLEFILES) # Clean generated and output files clean: clean_html clean_pdf clean_man clean_checks clean_generated clean_dirt clean_html: $(QUIET)$(RMRF) $(HTMLDIR) $(XHTMLDIR) $(CHUNKDIR) $(QUIET)$(RM) $(OUTDIR)/apispec.html $(OUTDIR)/styleguide.html clean_pdf: $(QUIET)$(RM) $(PDFDIR)/vkspec.pdf $(OUTDIR)/apispec.pdf clean_man: $(QUIET)$(RMRF) $(MANHTMLDIR) $(QUIET)$(RMRF) $(MANPAGEDIR) clean_checks: $(QUIET)$(RMRF) $(CHECKDIR) clean_generated: $(QUIET)$(RMRF) api/* hostsynctable/* validity/* vkapi.py $(QUIET)$(RM) man/apispec.txt man/[Vv][Kk]*.txt man/PFN*.txt clean_dirt: $(QUIET)$(RM) $(DIRT) # Ref page targets for individual pages MANDIR := man MANSECTION := 3 # These lists should be autogenerated # Ref page sources, split up by core API (CORE), KHR extensions (KHR), and # other extensions (VEN). This is a hacky approach to ref page generation # now that the single-branch model is in place, and there are outstanding # issues to resolve it. For the moment, we always just build the core # ref pages. KHRSOURCES = $(wildcard $(MANDIR)/*KHR.txt) MACROSOURCES = $(wildcard $(MANDIR)/VK_*[A-Z][A-Z].txt) VENSOURCES = $(filter-out $(KHRSOURCES) $(MACROSOURCES),$(wildcard $(MANDIR)/*[A-Z][A-Z].txt)) CORESOURCES = $(filter-out $(KHRSOURCES) $(VENSOURCES) $(MANDIR)/vkman.css,$(wildcard $(MANDIR)/[Vv][Kk]*.txt $(MANDIR)/PFN*.txt)) MANSOURCES = $(CORESOURCES) MANCOPYRIGHT = $(MANDIR)/copyright-ccby.txt $(MANDIR)/footer.txt # Automatic generation of ref pages. Needs to have a proper dependency # causing the man page sources to be generated by running genRef (once), # but adding $(MANSOURCES) to the targets causes genRef to run # once/target. # # @@ Needs to pass in $(EXTOPTIONS) and use that to determine which # pages to generate. As it stands, all the extension ref pages are # also generated, though they are not useable at present. man/apispec.txt: $(CHAPTERS) genRef.py reflib.py vkapi.py $(PYTHON) genRef.py $(CHAPTERS) # These dependencies don't take into account include directives # These targets are Unix 'man' nroff source, and are essentially useless # since the ref pages contain both LaTeX math equations and images. MANPAGEDIR := $(OUTDIR)/man/$(MANSECTION) MANPAGES = $(MANSOURCES:$(MANDIR)/%.txt=$(MANPAGEDIR)/%.$(MANSECTION)) manpages: man/apispec.txt $(MANPAGES) $(MANPAGEDIR)/%.$(MANSECTION): CONFIG=config/manpages.conf $(MANPAGEDIR)/%.$(MANSECTION): $(MANDIR)/%.txt $(MANCOPYRIGHT) config/manpages.conf $(GENINCLUDE) $(GENDEPENDS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(MANPAGEDIR) $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) --backend docbook $(ADOCDBOPTS) --doctype manpage \ -a a2x-format=manpage -a svgpdf=$(SVGTYPEHTML) \ -o $@.xml $< $(QUIET)$(XSLTPROC) $(XSLTOPTS) -o $@ $(MANPAGEXSL) $@.xml $(QUIET)$(RM) $@.xml # These targets are HTML ref pages MANHTMLDIR := $(OUTDIR)/man/html MANHTML = $(MANSOURCES:$(MANDIR)/%.txt=$(MANHTMLDIR)/%.html) manhtmlpages: man/apispec.txt $(MANHTML) $(MANHTMLDIR)/%.html: CONFIG=config/manpages.conf $(MANHTMLDIR)/%.html: $(MANDIR)/%.txt $(MANCOPYRIGHT) config/manpages.conf $(GENINCLUDE) $(GENDEPENDS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(MANHTMLDIR) $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) -b html5 -d manpage $(ADOCOPTS) \ -a themedir=$(CURDIR)/config -a theme=vkman \ -o $@ -a svgpdf=$(SVGTYPEHTML) $< # These targets are HTML and PDF single-file versions of the ref pages manpdf: $(OUTDIR)/apispec.pdf manhtml: $(OUTDIR)/apispec.html $(OUTDIR)/apispec.pdf: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) man/apispec.txt $(MANSOURCES) $(MANCOPYRIGHT) $(PDFXSL) $(PDFSTY) $(GENINCLUDE) $(GENDEPENDS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(OUTDIR) $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) --backend docbook $(ADOCDBOPTS) \ -a a2x-format=pdf -a svgpdf=pdf \ -o $(OUTDIR)/apispec.xml man/apispec.txt $(QUIET)$(DBLATEX) -b pdftex $(DBLATEXOPTS) \ -p "$(DBLATEXPREFIX)/asciidoc-dblatex.xsl" \ -p $(PDFXSL) -s $(PDFSTY) \ -o $(OUTDIR) $(OUTDIR)/apispec.xml $(QUIET)$(RM) $(OUTDIR)/apispec.xml $(OUTDIR)/apispec.html: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) man/apispec.txt $(MANSOURCES) $(MANCOPYRIGHT) $(SVGFILES) $(GENINCLUDE) $(GENDEPENDS) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) $(OUTDIR) $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) -b html5 -d book $(ADOCOPTS) \ -a themedir=$(CURDIR)/config -a theme=vkspec-xhtml \ -o $@ -a svgpdf=$(SVGTYPEHTML) man/apispec.txt # Automated (though heuristic) checks of consistency in the spec and # ref page sources # Validate includes in spec source vs. includes actually in the tree # Generates file in $(CHECKDIR) # $(NOTINSPEC) notInSpec.txt - include files only found in XML, not in spec # Intermediate files removed after the run # $(ACTUAL) - include files generated from vk.xml # $(INSPEC) - include files referenced from the spec (not ref page) source # Other files which could be generated but are basically useless # include files only found in the spec source - comm -13 $(ACTUAL) $(INSPEC) # include files both existing and referenced by the spec - comm -12 $(ACTUAL) $(INSPEC) INCFILES = $(CHECKDIR)/incfiles ACTUAL = $(CHECKDIR)/actual INSPEC = $(CHECKDIR)/inspec NOTINSPEC = $(CHECKDIR)/notInSpec.txt checkinc: $(QUIET)if test ! -d $(CHECKDIR) ; then $(MKDIR) $(CHECKDIR) ; fi $(QUIET)ls $(GENINCLUDE) | sort > $(ACTUAL) $(QUIET)cat $(CHAPTERS) | \ egrep '^include::\.\./' | tr -d '[]' | \ sed -e 's#^include::\.\./##g' | sort > $(INCFILES) $(QUIET)echo "List of API include files repeatedly included in the API specification" > $(NOTINSPEC) $(QUIET)echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $(NOTINSPEC) $(QUIET)uniq -d $(INCFILES) >> $(NOTINSPEC) $(QUIET)(echo ; echo "List of API include files not referenced in the API specification") >> $(NOTINSPEC) $(QUIET)echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" >> $(NOTINSPEC) $(QUIET)comm -23 $(ACTUAL) $(INCFILES) >> $(NOTINSPEC) $(QUIET)echo "Include files not found in the spec source are in $(CHECKDIR)/notInSpec.txt" $(QUIET)$(RM) $(INCFILES) $(ACTUAL) $(INSPEC) # Validate link tags in spec and ref page sources against vk.xml # (represented in vkapi.py, which is autogenerated along with the # headers and ref page includes). # Generates files in $(CHECKDIR): # specErrs.txt - errors & warnings in API spec # manErrs.txt - errors & warnings in man pages checklinks: vkapi.py $(QUIET)if test ! -d $(CHECKDIR) ; then $(MKDIR) $(CHECKDIR) ; fi $(QUIET)echo "Generating link checks for spec (specErrs.txt) and man pages (manErrs.txt)" $(QUIET)$(PYTHON) checkLinks.py -follow man/[Vv][Kk]*.txt > $(CHECKDIR)/manErrs.txt $(QUIET)$(PYTHON) checkLinks.py -follow $(CHAPTERS) > $(CHECKDIR)/specErrs.txt # Targets generated from the XML and registry processing scripts # vkapi.py - Python encoding of the registry # api/timeMarker - proxy for 'apiincludes' - API include files under api/*/*.txt # hostsynctable/timeMarker - proxy for host sync table include files under hostsynctable/*.txt # validity/timeMarker - proxy for API validity include files under validity/*/*.txt # # $(EXTOPTIONS) specifies the extensions which are included in these # targets, and is set above based on $(EXTENSIONS). REGISTRY = ../../../src/spec VKXML = $(REGISTRY)/vk.xml GENVK = $(REGISTRY)/genvk.py GENVKOPTS= $(EXTOPTIONS) -registry $(VKXML) vkapi.py: $(VKXML) $(GENVK) $(PYTHON) $(GENVK) $(GENVKOPTS) -o . vkapi.py apiinc: api/timeMarker api/timeMarker: $(VKXML) $(GENVK) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) api $(QUIET)$(PYTHON) $(GENVK) $(GENVKOPTS) -o api apiinc hostsyncinc: hostsynctable/timeMarker hostsynctable/timeMarker: $(VKXML) $(GENVK) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) hostsynctable $(QUIET)$(PYTHON) $(GENVK) $(GENVKOPTS) -o hostsynctable hostsyncinc validinc: validity/timeMarker validity/timeMarker: $(VKXML) $(GENVK) $(QUIET)$(MKDIR) validity $(QUIET)$(PYTHON) $(GENVK) $(GENVKOPTS) -o validity validinc # Debugging aid - generate all files from registry XML generated: vkapi.py api/timeMarker hostsynctable/timeMarker validity/timeMarker # README file with build instructions README.html: $(CONFIG) $(SPECVERSION) README.adoc $(QUIET)$(ASCIIDOC) -b html5 $(ADOCOPTS) \ -o $@ README.adoc