VkPhysicalDeviceLimits(3) ========================= Name ---- VkPhysicalDeviceLimits - Structure C Specification --------------- include::../structs/VkPhysicalDeviceLimits.txt[] Fields ------ maxImageDimension1D:: max 1D image dimension maxImageDimension2D:: max 2D image dimension maxImageDimension3D:: max 3D image dimension maxImageDimensionCube:: max cubemap image dimension maxImageArrayLayers:: max layers for image arrays maxTexelBufferSize:: max texel buffer size (bytes) maxUniformBufferRange:: max uniform buffer range (bytes) maxStorageBufferRange:: max storage buffer range (bytes) maxPushConstantsSize:: max size of the push constants pool (bytes) maxMemoryAllocationCount:: max number of device memory allocations supported maxSamplerAllocationCount:: max number of samplers that can be allocated on a device bufferImageGranularity:: Granularity (in bytes) at which buffers and linear images vs optimal images can be bound to adjacent memory locations without aliasing maxBoundDescriptorSets:: max number of descriptors sets that can be bound to a pipeline maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers:: max num of samplers allowed per-stage in a descriptor set maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers:: max num of uniform buffers allowed per-stage in a descriptor set maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers:: max num of storage buffers allowed per-stage in a descriptor set maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages:: max num of sampled images allowed per-stage in a descriptor set maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages:: max num of storage images allowed per-stage in a descriptor set maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments:: max num of input attachments allowed per-stage in a descriptor set maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers:: max num of uniform buffers allowed in all stages in a descriptor set maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers:: max num of storage buffers allowed in all stages in a descriptor set maxDescriptorSetSampledImages:: max num of sampled images allowed in all stages in a descriptor set maxDescriptorSetStorageImages:: max num of storage images allowed in all stages in a descriptor set maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments:: max num of input attachments allowed in all stages in a descriptor set maxVertexInputAttributes:: max num of vertex input attribute slots maxVertexInputBindings: max num of vertex input binding slots maxVertexInputAttributeOffset:: max vertex input attribute offset added to vertex buffer offset maxVertexInputBindingStride:: max vertex input binding stride maxVertexOutputComponents:: max num of output components written by vertex shader maxTessellationGenLevel:: max level supported by tessellation primitive generator maxTessellationPatchSize:: max patch size (vertices) maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents:: max num of input components per-vertex in TCS maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents:: max num of output components per-vertex in TCS maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents:: max num of output components per-patch in TCS maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents:: max total num of per-vertex and per-patch output components in TCS maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents:: max num of input components per vertex in TES maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents:: max num of output components per vertex in TES maxGeometryShaderInvocations:: max invocation count supported in geometry shader maxGeometryInputComponents:: max num of input components read in geometry stage maxGeometryOutputComponents:: max num of output components written in geometry stage maxGeometryOutputVertices:: max num of vertices that can be emitted in geometry stage maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents:: max total num of components (all vertices) written in geometry stage maxFragmentInputComponents:: max num of input compontents read in fragment stage maxFragmentOutputAttachments:: max num of output attachments written in fragment stage maxFragmentDualSourceAttachments:: max num of output attachments written when using dual source blending maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources:: total num of storage buffers, storage images and output buffers maxComputeSharedMemorySize:: max total storage size of work group local storage (bytes) maxComputeWorkGroupCount[3]:: max num of compute work groups that may be dispatched by a single command (x,y,z) maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations:: max total compute invocations in a single local work group maxComputeWorkGroupSize[3]:: max local size of a compute work group (x,y,z) subPixelPrecisionBits:: num bits of subpixel precision in screen x and y subTexelPrecisionBits:: num bits of subtexel precision mipmapPrecisionBits:: num bits of mipmap precision maxDrawIndexedIndexValue:: max index value for indexed draw calls (for 32-bit indices) maxDrawIndirectCount:: max draw count for indirect draw calls maxSamplerLodBias:: max absolute sampler level of detail bias maxSamplerAnisotropy:: max degree of sampler anisotropy maxViewports:: max number of active viewports maxViewportDimensions[2]:: max viewport dimensions (x,y) viewportBoundsRange[2]:: viewport bounds range (min,max) viewportSubPixelBits:: num bits of subpixel precision for viewport minMemoryMapAlignment:: min required alignment of host-visible memory allocations within the host address space (bytes) minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment:: min required alignment for texel buffer offsets (bytes) minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment:: min required alignment for uniform buffer sizes and offsets (bytes) minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment:: min required alignment for storage buffer offsets (bytes) minTexelOffset:: min texel offset for OpTextureSampleOffset maxTexelOffset:: max texel offset for OpTextureSampleOffset minTexelGatherOffset:: min texel offset for OpTextureGatherOffset maxTexelGatherOffset:: max texel offset for OpTextureGatherOffset minInterpolationOffset:: furthest negative offset for interpolateAtOffset maxInterpolationOffset:: furthest positive offset for interpolateAtOffset subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits:: num of subpixel bits for interpolateAtOffset maxFramebufferWidth:: max width for a framebuffer maxFramebufferHeight:: max height for a framebuffer maxFramebufferLayers:: max layer count for a layered framebuffer framebufferColorSampleCounts:: supported color sample counts for a framebuffer framebufferDepthSampleCounts:: supported depth sample counts for a framebuffer framebufferStencilSampleCounts:: supported stencil sample counts for a framebuffer framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts:: supported sample counts for a framebuffer with no attachments maxColorAttachments:: max num of color attachments per subpass sampledImageColorSampleCounts:: supported sample counts for an image with a non-integer color format sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts:: supported sample counts for an image with an integer color format sampledImageDepthSampleCounts:: supported sample counts for an image with a depth format sampledImageStencilSampleCounts:: supported sample counts for an image with a stencil format storageImageSampleCounts:: supported sample counts for an image used for storage operations timestampFrequency:: 1/clock_tick_granularity for timestamp queries maxClipDistances:: max number of clip distances maxCullDistances:: max number of cull distances maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances:: max combined number of user clipping pointSizeRange[2]:: range (min,max) of supported point sizes lineWidthRange[2]:: range (min,max) of supported line widths pointSizeGranularity:: granularity of supported point sizes lineWidthGranularity:: granularity of supported line widths Description ----------- include::../validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceLimits.txt[] See Also -------- flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures include::footer.txt[]