// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc. // Copyright notice at https://www.khronos.org/registry/speccopyright.html [[vertexpostproc]] = Fixed-Function Vertex Post-Processing After programmable vertex processing, the following fixed-function operations are applied to vertices of the resulting primitives: * Flatshading (see <>). * Primitive clipping, including client-defined half-spaces (see <>). * Shader output attribute clipping (see <>). * Perspective division on clip coordinates (see <>). * Viewport mapping, including depth range scaling (see <>). * Front face determination for polygon primitives (see <>). ifdef::editing-notes[] [NOTE] .editing-note ==== TODO:Odd that this one link to a different chapter is in this list. ==== endif::editing-notes[] Next, rasterization is performed on primitives as described in chapter <>. [[vertexpostproc-flatshading]] == Flatshading _Flatshading_ a vertex output attribute means to assign all vertices of the primitive the same value for that output. The output values assigned are those of the _provoking vertex_ of the primitive. The provoking vertex depends on the primitive topology, and is generally the ``first'' vertex of the primitive. For primitives not processed by tessellation or geometry shaders, the provoking vertex is selected from the input vertices according to the following table. <<< .Provoking vertex selection [align="center",cols="75%,25%"] |======================================== |Primitive type of primitive latexmath:[$i$] | Provoking vertex number |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINT_LIST | latexmath:[$i$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINE_LIST | latexmath:[$2 i$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINE_STRIP | latexmath:[$i$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST | latexmath:[$3 i$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_STRIP | latexmath:[$i$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_FAN | latexmath:[$i + 1$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINE_LIST_WITH_ADJACENCY | latexmath:[$4 i + 1$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_LINE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY | latexmath:[$i + 1$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_LIST_WITH_ADJACENCY | latexmath:[$6 i$] |ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_STRIP_WITH_ADJACENCY | latexmath:[$2 i$] |======================================== ifdef::editing-notes[] [NOTE] .editing-note ==== TODO: Add full caption: Provoking vertex selection. The output values used for flatshading the i^th^ primitive generated by drawing commands with the indicated primitive type are derived from the corresponding values of the vertex whose index is shown in the table. Primitives and vertices are numbered starting from zero. ==== endif::editing-notes[] Flatshading is applied to those vertex attributes that <> fragment input attributes which are decorated as code:Flat. If a geometry shader is active, the output primitive topology is either points, line strips, or triangle strips, and the selection of the provoking vertex behaves according to the corresponding row of the table. If a tessellation evaluation shader is active and a geometry shader is not active, the provoking vertex is undefined but must: be one of the vertices of the primitive. [[vertexpostproc-clipping]] == Primitive Clipping Primitives are culled against the _cull volume_ and then clipped to the _clip volume_. In clip coordinates, the _view volume_ is defined by: latexmath:[$ \begin{array}{c} -w_c \leq x_c \leq w_c \\ -w_c \leq y_c \leq w_c \\ 0 \leq z_c \leq w_c \\ \end{array} $] This view volume can: be further restricted by as many as sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:maxClipDistances client-defined half-spaces. The cull volume is the intersection of up to sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:maxCullDistances client-defined half-spaces (if no client-defined cull half-spaces are enabled, culling against the cull volume is skipped). A shader must: write a single cull distance for each enabled cull half-space to elements of the code:CullDistance array. If the cull distance for any enabled cull half-space is negative for all of the vertices of the primitive under consideration, the primitive is discarded. Otherwise the primitive is clipped against the clip volume as defined below. The clip volume is the intersection of up to sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:maxClipDistances client-defined half-spaces with the view volume (if no client-defined clip half-spaces are enabled, the clip volume is the view volume). A shader must: write a single clip distance for each enabled clip half-space to elements of the code:ClipDistance array. Clip half-space latexmath:[$i$] is then given by the set of points satisfying the inequality latexmath:[$c_i(P) \geq 0$] where latexmath:[$c_i(P)$] is the clip distance latexmath:[$i$] at point latexmath:[$P$]. For point primitives, latexmath:[$c_i(P)$] is simply the clip distance for the vertex in question. For line and triangle primitives, per-vertex clip distances are interpolated using a weighted mean, with weights derived according to the algorithms described in sections <> and <>, using the perspective interpolation equations. The number of client-defined clip and cull half-spaces that are enabled is determined by the explicit size of the built-in arrays code:ClipDistance and code:CullDistance, respectively, declared as an output in the interface of the entry point of the final shader stage before clipping. Depth clamping is enabled or disabled via the pname:depthClampEnable enable of the sname:VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo structure. If depth clamping is enabled, the plane equation latexmath:[$0 \leq z_c \leq w_c$] (see the clip volume definition above) is ignored by view volume clipping (effectively, there is no near or far plane clipping). If the primitive under consideration is a point, then clipping passes it unchanged if it lies within the clip volume; otherwise, it is discarded. If the primitive is a line segment, then clipping does nothing to it if it lies entirely within the clip volume, and discards it if it lies entirely outside the volume. If part of the line segment lies in the volume and part lies outside, then the line segment is clipped and new vertex coordinates are computed for one or both vertices. A clipped line segment endpoint lies on both the original line segment and the boundary of the clip volume. This clipping produces a value, latexmath:[$0 \leq t \leq 1$], for each clipped vertex. If the coordinates of a clipped vertex are latexmath:[${\textbf P}$] and the original vertices' coordinates are latexmath:[${\textbf P}_1$] and latexmath:[${\textbf P}_2$], then latexmath:[$t$] is given by latexmath:[${\textbf P} = t{\textbf P}_1 + (1-t){\textbf P}_2.$] latexmath:[$t$] is used to clip vertex output attributes as described in <>. If the primitive is a polygon, it passes unchanged if every one of its edges lie entirely inside the clip volume, and it is discarded if every one of its edges lie entirely outside the clip volume. If the edges of the polygon intersect the boundary of the clip volume, the intersecting edges are reconnected by new edges that lie along the boundary of the clip volume - in some cases requiring the introduction of new vertices into a polygon. If a polygon intersects an edge of the clip volume's boundary, the clipped polygon must: include a point on this boundary edge. Primitives rendered with user-defined half-spaces must: satisfy a complementarity criterion. Suppose a series of primitives is drawn where each vertex latexmath:[$i$] has a single specified clip distance latexmath:[$d_i$] (or a number of similarly specified clip distances, if multiple half-spaces are enabled). Next, suppose that the same series of primitives are drawn again with each such clip distance replaced by latexmath:[$-d_i$] (and the graphics pipeline is otherwise the same). In this case, primitives mustnot: be missing any pixels, and pixels mustnot: be drawn twice in regions where those primitives are cut by the clip planes. [[vertexpostproc-clipping-shader-outputs]] == Clipping Shader Outputs Next, vertex output attributes are clipped. The output values associated with a vertex that lies within the clip volume are unaffected by clipping. If a primitive is clipped, however, the output values assigned to vertices produced by clipping are clipped. Let the output values assigned to the two vertices latexmath:[${\textbf P}_1$] and latexmath:[${\textbf P}_2$] of an unclipped edge be latexmath:[${\textbf c}_1$] and latexmath:[${\textbf c}_2$]. The value of latexmath:[$t$] (see <>) for a clipped point latexmath:[${\textbf P}$] is used to obtain the output value associated with latexmath:[${\textbf P}$] as latexmath:[${\textbf c} = t {\textbf c}_1 + (1-t){\textbf c}_2. $] (Multiplying an output value by a scalar means multiplying each of _x_, _y_, _z_, and _w_ by the scalar.) Since this computation is performed in clip space before division by latexmath:[$w_c$], clipped output values are perspective-correct. Polygon clipping creates a clipped vertex along an edge of the clip volume's boundary. This situation is handled by noting that polygon clipping proceeds by clipping against one half-space at a time. Output value clipping is done in the same way, so that clipped points always occur at the intersection of polygon edges (possibly already clipped) with the clip volume's boundary. For vertex output attributes whose matching fragment input attributes are decorated with code:NoPerspective, the value of latexmath:[$t$] used to obtain the output value associated with latexmath:[${\textbf P}$] will be adjusted to produce results that vary linearly in framebuffer space. Output attributes of integer or unsigned integer type must: always be flatshaded. Flatshaded attributes are constant over the primitive being rasterized (see <> and <>), and no interpolation is performed. The output value latexmath:[${\textbf c}$] is taken from either latexmath:[${\textbf c}_1$] or latexmath:[${\textbf c}_2$], since flatshading has already occurred and the two values are identical. [[vertexpostproc-coord-transform]] == Coordinate Transformations _Clip coordinates_ for a vertex result from shader execution, which yields a vertex coordinate code:Position. Perspective division on clip coordinates yields _normalized device coordinates_, followed by a _viewport_ transformation (see <>) to convert these coordinates into _framebuffer coordinates_. If a vertex in clip coordinates has a position given by latexmath:[$\left(\begin{array}{c} x_c \\ y_c \\ z_c \\ w_c \end{array}\right)$] then the vertex's normalized device coordinates are latexmath:[$ \left(\begin{array}{c} x_d \\ y_d \\ z_d \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} \frac{x_c}{w_c} \\ \frac{y_c}{w_c} \\ \frac{z_c}{w_c} \end{array}\right) $] [[vertexpostproc-viewport]] == Controlling the Viewport The viewport transformation is determined by the selected viewport's width and height in pixels, latexmath:[$p_x$] and latexmath:[$p_y$], respectively, and its center latexmath:[$(o_x, o_y)$] (also in pixels), as well as its depth range min and max determining a depth range scale value latexmath:[$p_z$] and a depth range bias value latexmath:[$o_z$] (defined below). The vertex's framebuffer coordinates, latexmath:[$\left(\begin{array}{c} x_f \\ y_f \\ z_f \end{array}\right),$] are given by latexmath:[$ \left(\begin{array}{c} x_f \\ y_f \\ z_f \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} \frac{ p_x }{ 2 } x_d + o_x \\ \frac{ p_y }{ 2 } y_d + o_y \\ p_z \times z_d + o_z \end{array}\right). $] Multiple viewports are available, numbered zero up to sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:maxViewports minus one. The number of viewports used by a pipeline is controlled by the pname:viewportCount member of the sname:VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo structure used in pipeline creation. The sname:VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo structure is defined as: include::../structs/VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo.txt[] * pname:sType is the type of this structure. * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure. * pname:flags is reserved for future use. * pname:viewportCount is the number of viewports used by the pipeline. * pname:pViewports is a pointer to an array of slink:VkViewport structures, defining the viewport transforms. If the viewport state is dynamic, this member is ignored. * pname:scissorCount is the number of <> and must: match the number of viewports. * pname:pScissors is a pointer to an array of sname:VkRect2D structures which define the rectangular bounds of the scissor for the corresponding viewport. If the scissor state is dynamic, this member is ignored. include::../validity/structs/VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo.txt[] If a geometry shader is active and has an output variable decorated with code:ViewportIndex, the viewport transformation uses the viewport corresponding to the value assigned to code:ViewportIndex taken from an implementation-dependent vertex of each primitive. If code:ViewportIndex is outside the range zero to pname:viewportCount minus one for a primitive, or if the geometry shader did not assign a value to code:ViewportIndex for all vertices of a primitive due to flow control, the results of the viewport transformation of the vertices of such primitives are undefined. If no geometry shader is active, or if the geometry shader does not have an output decorated with code:ViewportIndex, the viewport numbered zero is used by the viewport transformation. A single vertex can: be used in more than one individual primitive, in primitives such as ename:VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLE_STRIP. In this case, the viewport transformation is applied separately for each primitive. If the bound pipeline state object was not created with the ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT dynamic state enabled, viewport transformation parameters are specified using the pname:pViewports member of sname:VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo in the pipeline state object. If the pipeline state object was created with the ename:VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT dynamic state enabled, the viewport transformation parameters are dynamically set and changed with the command: include::../protos/vkCmdSetViewport.txt[] * pname:commandBuffer is the command buffer into which the command will be recorded. * pname:firstViewport is the index of the first viewport whose parameters are updated by the command. * pname:viewportCount is the number of viewports whose parameters are updated by the command. * pname:pViewports is a pointer to an array of slink:VkViewport structures specifying viewport parameters. The viewport parameters taken from element latexmath:[$i$] of pname:pViewports replace the current state for the viewport index latexmath:[$\mathit{firstViewport}+i$], for latexmath:[$i$] in latexmath:[$[0, viewportCount)$]. include::../validity/protos/vkCmdSetViewport.txt[] Either of these methods of setting the viewport transformation parameters use the sname:VkViewport struct: include::../structs/VkViewport.txt[] * pname:x and pname:y are the viewport's upper left corner latexmath:[$(x,y)$]. * pname:width and pname:height are the viewport's width and height, respectively. * pname:minDepth and pname:maxDepth are the depth range for the viewport. It is valid for pname:minDepth to be greater than or equal to pname:maxDepth. include::../validity/structs/VkViewport.txt[] The framebuffer depth coordinate latexmath:[$z_f$] may: be represented using either a fixed-point or floating-point representation. However, a floating-point representation must: be used if the depth/stencil attachment has a floating-point depth component. If an latexmath:[$m$]-bit fixed-point representation is used, we assume that it represents each value latexmath:[$\frac{k}{2^m - 1}$], where latexmath:[$k \in \{ 0,1, \ldots, 2^m-1 \}$], as latexmath:[$k$] (e.g. 1.0 is represented in binary as a string of all ones). The viewport parameters shown in the above equations are found from these values as [latexmath] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \begin{align*} o_x & = x + \frac{width}{2} \\ o_y & = y + \frac{height}{2} \\ o_z & = minDepth \\ p_x & = width \\ p_y & = height \\ p_z & = maxDepth - minDepth. \end{align*} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The width and height of the <> must: be greater than or equal to the width and height of the largest image which can: be created and attached to a framebuffer. The floating-point viewport bounds are represented with an <>.