// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Khronos Group. This work is licensed under a // Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; see // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ vkWaitForFences(3) ================== Name ---- vkWaitForFences - Wait for one or more fences to become signaled. C Specification --------------- // refBegin vkWaitForFences Wait for one or more fences to become signaled. To cause the host to wait until any one or all of a group of fences is signaled, use the command: include::../api/protos/vkWaitForFences.txt[] Parameters ---------- * pname:device is the logical device that owns the fences. * pname:fenceCount is the number of fences to wait on. * pname:pFences is a pointer to an array of pname:fenceCount fence handles. * pname:waitAll is the condition that must: be satisfied to successfully unblock the wait. If pname:waitAll is ename:VK_TRUE, then the condition is that all fences in pname:pFences are signaled. Otherwise, the condition is that at least one fence in pname:pFences is signaled. * pname:timeout is the timeout period in units of nanoseconds. pname:timeout is adjusted to the closest value allowed by the implementation-dependent timeout accuracy, which may: be substantially longer than one nanosecond, and may: be longer than the requested period. Description ----------- If the condition is satisfied when fname:vkWaitForFences is called, then fname:vkWaitForFences returns immediately. If the condition is not satisfied at the time fname:vkWaitForFences is called, then fname:vkWaitForFences will block and wait up to pname:timeout nanoseconds for the condition to become satisfied. If pname:timeout is zero, then fname:vkWaitForFences does not wait, but simply returns the current state of the fences. ename:VK_TIMEOUT will be returned in this case if the condition is not satisfied, even though no actual wait was performed. If the specified timeout period expires before the condition is satisfied, fname:vkWaitForFences returns ename:VK_TIMEOUT. If the condition is satisfied before pname:timeout nanoseconds has expired, fname:vkWaitForFences returns ename:VK_SUCCESS. [[synchronization-fences-devicewrites]] fname:vkWaitForFences defines the second half of a memory dependency with the host, for each fence being waited on. The memory dependency defined by signaling a fence and waiting on the host does not guarantee that the results of memory accesses will be visible to the host, or that the memory is available. To provide that guarantee, the application must: insert a memory barrier between the device writes and the end of the submission that will signal the fence, with pname:dstAccessMask having the ename:VK_ACCESS_HOST_READ_BIT bit set, with pname:dstStageMask having the ename:VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT bit set, and with the appropriate pname:srcStageMask and pname:srcAccessMask members set to guarantee completion of the writes. If the memory was allocated without the ename:VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT set, then fname:vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges must: be called after the fence is signaled in order to ensure the writes are visible to the host, as described in <>. include::../validity/protos/vkWaitForFences.txt[] See Also -------- basetype:VkBool32, slink:VkDevice, slink:VkFence Document Notes -------------- For more information, see the Vulkan Specification at URL https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/xhtml/vkspec.html#vkWaitForFences This page is extracted from the Vulkan Specification. Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification,not directly. include::footer.txt[]