// refBegin VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE - The earliest time each image should be presented When the +VK_GOOGLE_display_timing+ extension is enabled, additional fields can: be specified that allow an application to specify the earliest time that an image should be displayed. This allows an application to avoid stutter that is caused by an image being displayed earlier than planned. Such stuttering can occur with both fixed and variable-refresh-rate displays, because stuttering occurs when the geometry is not correctly positioned for when the image is displayed. An application can: instruct the presentation engine that an image should not be displayed earlier than a specified time by including the sname:VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE structure in the pname:pNext chain of the sname:VkPresentInfoKHR structure. The sname:VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE structure is defined as: include::../../api/structs/VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE.txt[] * pname:sType is the type of this structure. * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to an extension-specific structure. * pname:swapchainCount is the number of swapchains being presented to by this command. * pname:pTimes is `NULL` or a pointer to an array of sname:VkPresentTimeGOOGLE elements with pname:swapchainCount entries. If not `NULL`, each element of pname:pTimes contains the earliest time to present the image corresponding to the entry in the sname:VkPresentInfoKHR::pname:pImageIndices array. .Valid Usage **** * pname:swapchainCount must: be the same value as sname:VkPresentInfoKHR::pname:swapchainCount, where sname:VkPresentInfoKHR is in the pname:pNext chain of this sname:VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE structure. **** include::../../validity/structs/VkPresentTimesInfoGOOGLE.txt[] // refBegin VkPresentTimeGOOGLE - The earliest time image should be presented The sname:VkPresentTimeGOOGLE structure is defined as: include::../../api/structs/VkPresentTimeGOOGLE.txt[] * pname:presentID is an application-provided identification value, that can: be used with the results of flink:vkGetPastPresentationTimingGOOGLE, in order to uniquely identify this present. In order to be useful to the application, it should: be unique within some period of time that is meaningful to the application. * pname:desiredPresentTime indicates that the image given should: not be displayed to the user any earlier than this time. pname:desiredPresentTime is a time in nanoseconds, relative to a monotonically-increasing clock (e.g. `CLOCK_MONOTONIC` (see clock_gettime(2)) on Android and Linux). A value of zero indicates that the presentation engine may: display the image at any time. This is useful when the application desires to provide pname:presentID, but doesn't need a specific pname:desiredPresentTime. // refEnd VkPresentTimeGOOGLE