// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Khronos Group Inc. // Copyright notice at https://www.khronos.org/registry/speccopyright.html [appendix] = Compressed Image Formats The compressed texture formats used by Vulkan are described in the specifically identified sections of the <>, version 1.1. Unless otherwise described, the quantities encoded in these compressed formats are treated as normalized, unsigned values. Those formats listed as sRGB-encoded have in-memory representations of _R_, _G_ and _B_ components which are nonlinearly-encoded as latexmath:[$R'$], latexmath:[$G'$], and latexmath:[$B'$]; any alpha component is unchanged. As part of filtering, the nonlinear latexmath:[$R'$], latexmath:[$G'$], and latexmath:[$B'$] values are converted to linear _R_, _G_, and _B_ components; any alpha component is unchanged. The conversion between linear and nonlinear encoding is performed as described in the ``KHR_DF_TRANSFER_SRGB'' section of the Khronos Data Format Specification. <<< [[appendix-compressedtex-bc]] == Block-Compressed Image Formats .Mapping of Vulkan BC formats to descriptions [width="90%",options="header",cols="5,4"] |============================== | VkFormat | Data Format Specification description 2+^| Formats described in the ``S3TC Compressed Texture Image Formats'' chapter | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_UNORM_BLOCK |BC1 with no alpha | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGB_SRGB_BLOCK |BC1 with no alpha, sRGB-encoded | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGBA_UNORM_BLOCK|BC1 with alpha | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC1_RGBA_SRGB_BLOCK |BC1 with alpha, sRGB-encoded | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_BLOCK |BC2 | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC2_SRGB_BLOCK |BC2, sRGB-encoded | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_BLOCK |BC3 | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC3_SRGB_BLOCK |BC3, sRGB-encoded 2+^| Formats described in the ``RGTC Compressed Texture Image Formats'' chapter | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM_BLOCK |BC4 unsigned | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM_BLOCK |BC4 signed | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM_BLOCK |BC5 unsigned | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM_BLOCK |BC5 signed 2+^| Formats described in the ``BPTC Compressed Texture Image Formats'' chapter | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC6H_UFLOAT_BLOCK |BC6H (unsigned version) | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC6H_SFLOAT_BLOCK |BC6H (signed version) | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_BLOCK |BC7 | ename:VK_FORMAT_BC7_SRGB_BLOCK |BC7, sRGB-encoded |============================= <<< [[appendix-compressedtex-etc2]] == ETC Compressed Image Formats The following formats are described in the ``ETC2 Compressed Texture Image Formats'' chapter of the Khronos Data Format Specification. .Mapping of Vulkan ETC formats to descriptions [options="header",cols="1,1"] |============================== | VkFormat | Data Format Specification description | ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8_UNORM_BLOCK |RGB ETC2 | ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8_SRGB_BLOCK |RGB ETC2 with sRGB encoding | ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A1_UNORM_BLOCK |RGB ETC2 with punchthrough alpha | ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A1_SRGB_BLOCK |RGB ETC2 with punchthrough alpha and sRGB | ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_BLOCK |RGBA ETC2 | ename:VK_FORMAT_ETC2_R8G8B8A8_SRGB_BLOCK |RGBA ETC2 with sRGB encoding | ename:VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11_UNORM_BLOCK |Unsigned R11 EAC | ename:VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11_SNORM_BLOCK |Signed R11 EAC | ename:VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11G11_UNORM_BLOCK |Unsigned RG11 EAC | ename:VK_FORMAT_EAC_R11G11_SNORM_BLOCK |Signed RG11 EAC |============================= <<< [[appendix-compressedtex-astc]] == ASTC Compressed Image Formats ASTC formats are described in the ``ASTC Compressed Texture Image Formats'' chapter of the Khronos Data Format Specification. .Mapping of Vulkan ASTC formats to descriptions [width="75%",options="header",cols="63%,15%,22%"] |============================== | VkFormat ^| Compressed texel block dimensions ^| sRGB-encoded | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$4\times 4$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_4x4_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$4\times 4$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$5\times 4$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x4_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$5\times 4$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$5\times 5$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_5x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$5\times 5$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$6\times 5$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$6\times 5$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$6\times 6$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_6x6_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$6\times 6$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$8\times 5$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$8\times 5$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$8\times 6$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x6_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$8\times 6$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$8\times 8$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_8x8_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$8\times 8$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 5$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x5_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 5$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 6$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x6_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 6$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 8$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x8_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 8$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 10$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_10x10_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$10\times 10$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$12\times 10$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x10_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$12\times 10$] ^|Yes | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_UNORM_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$12\times 12$] ^|No | ename:VK_FORMAT_ASTC_12x12_SRGB_BLOCK ^|latexmath:[$12\times 12$] ^|Yes |==============================